英语人>词典>汉英 : 傲慢无礼的 的英文翻译,例句
傲慢无礼的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
arch  ·  arches

更多网络例句与傲慢无礼的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"You're an impertinent minx, miss," answered the baronet.


In past lives, your previous personalities may have been egotistical, arrogant, and somewhat selfish.


Eg:I can't do with his insolence.


I can't do with his insolence.


I could not __3__ the insolence of his behaviour.


I could not endure the insolence of his behaviour.


There was something almost insolent in his words.


She is the most insolent creature I ever put my eyes on.


After the first two captains insolently ordered him, on the authority of the king, to come down from the hill, Elijah called down the fire.


When I do, my computer puts a snippy note on the screen informing me that it is scanning its disks for errors, because it was shut down improperly


更多网络解释与傲慢无礼的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

arrogantly self-importantly, betraying a belief in one's own superiority:(骄傲自大的, 傲慢无礼的)

malicious solely to harm others (怀恶意的, 恶毒的) | arrogantly self-importantly, betraying a belief in one's own superiority (骄傲自大的, 傲慢无礼的) | menacing threatening (威胁的, 险恶的)

assumingly:傲慢地, 无礼地

assuming | 傲慢的, 不逊的, 僭越的 | assumingly | 傲慢地, 无礼地 | assumpsit | 损害赔偿之诉, 约定, 允诺

stump walk heavily and clumsily:走动;以沉重的脚步行走

33. stumble walk unsteadily or clumsily; trip over one's own fee... | 34. stump walk heavily and clumsily走动;以沉重的脚步行走 | 35. swagger walk with an arrogant strut昂首阔步,以傲慢无礼或自大的态度行...


contumelious /傲慢的/侮辱性的/ | contumely /无礼/傲慢/侮辱/ | contuse /打伤/撞伤/挫伤/

contumely:无礼, 傲慢, 侮辱 (名)

contumelious 傲慢的; 侮辱性的 (形) | contumely 无礼, 傲慢, 侮辱 (名) | contuse 打伤, 挫伤, 撞伤 (动)

contumely - arrogant and contemptuous behavior:无礼, 傲慢, 侮辱

460) contumacious - scornfully insubordinate; rebellious不听令的, 顽... | 461) contumely - arrogant and contemptuous behavior无礼, 傲慢, 侮辱 | 462) convalescence - the recovering or recuperating from ...

impertinency:鲁莽; 不适宜; 无礼; 不对题 (名)

impertinence 不切题; 傲慢; 不恰当; 无礼 (名) | impertinency 鲁莽; 不适宜; 无礼; 不对题 (名) | impertinent 鲁莽的, 粗鲁的, 无礼的 (形)

insulting:侮辱的; 无礼的; 污蔑的 (形)

insult 傲慢无礼, 刺激, 侮辱 (动) | insulting 侮辱的; 无礼的; 污蔑的 (形) | insultingly 侮辱地; 无礼地 (副)

Sinead O'Connor:辛妮.欧康娜

辛妮.欧康娜(Sinead O'Connor)辛妮.欧康娜,1966年12月12日出生于爱尔兰的都柏林. 自1987年出道以来,她一直以一种傲慢无礼的叛逆形象展现于公众面前. 在音乐上,她大胆地尝试摇滚乐的各种风格,跨越了民谣、朋克、舞曲以及艺术摇滚的界限,

sauciness:鲁莽, 厚颜无耻, 无礼 (名)

saucily 傲慢地; 莽撞地 (副) | sauciness 鲁莽, 厚颜无耻, 无礼 (名) | saucy 傲慢的, 活泼的, 莽撞的 (形)