英语人>词典>汉英 : 偷盗 的英文翻译,例句
偷盗 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pilferage  ·  steal  ·  skyugle  ·  steals  ·  thefts

更多网络例句与偷盗相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

37 When a man becomes steadfast in his abstention form theft,all wealth comes to him.

2.37 当一个人不再偷盗时,一切财富就接近他了。

Two cast members have been forced to flee for their lives after a series of robberies at the Grand Bahama island location, producers of the Disney film said.Knightley is starring with Orlando Bloom and Johnny Depp in two sequels to the ?


But the bandits had a very different lifestyle, stealing roughly 65 percent of the time.


This article deals with the development of the marine insurance laws and the theoretical and practical problems associated with marine insuran ce, such as the risks (perils of the sea, jettison and barratry), additional risks (theft, pilferage and non-delivery, T. P. N. D., rain fresh water damager, risk of shortage, risk of odour), special additional risks (war risk, strikes, riots and civil commotions risks, S. R. C. C.) and excluded perils, as well as losses and charges insured, i. e. total los...


Post-tax prices should be set at a level that would strike a balance between damping down use on the one hand, and discouraging a black market and the desperate acts of theft and prostitution to which addicts now resort to feed their habits.


Be forewarned, for this trade show shall not escape unplundered.

& &先警告你,我是偷盗高手,我入室偷盗的本领闻名遐迩。

Be forewarned, fo r this trade show shall not escape unplundered.

& &先警告你,我是偷盗高手,我入室偷盗的本领闻名遐迩。

I am a great thief, renowned for my feats of shoplifting. Be forewarned, for


I am a great thief renowned for my feats of shoplifting. Be forewarned


I am a great thief, renowned for my feats of shoplifting. Be forewarned


更多网络解释与偷盗相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Never lie, cheat or steal,always strike a fair deal:决不撒谎,欺瞒或偷盗,坚守公平交易

Make it happen .让理想变成现实. | Never lie, cheat or steal,always strike a fair deal.决不撒谎,欺瞒或偷盗,坚守公平交易. | Open your eyes and see things as they really are.睁大眼睛,看清事物本质.

Never lie, cheat or steal,always strike a fair deal:(决不撒谎、欺瞒或偷盗,坚守公平交易. )

Make it happen . (让理想变成现实... | Never lie , cheat or steal . Always strike a fair deal . (决不撒谎、欺瞒或偷盗,坚守公平交易. ) | Open your eyes and see things as they really are . (打开心灵之窗,看清...

theft and pilferage:偷盗

theft and pilferage clause 盗窃险条款 | theft and pilferage 偷盗 | theft and pilferage 小量偷盗

theft and pilferage:小量偷盗

theft and pilferage 偷盗 | theft and pilferage 小量偷盗 | theft of the entire package 整件货物被偷

He is put in prison for theft:因为偷盗他被关进了监狱

11. The food is so bad that I don't feel like eating. 这食物那么差... | 12. He is put in prison for theft. 因为偷盗他被关进了监狱. | 13. God will take care of you if you are helpful. 如果你乐于助人,神...

right action:正业(住于清净之身业,不做杀生、偷盗、邪淫、麻醉等恶业)

right speech :正语(以智慧收摄口业,不忘语、恶口、两舌) | right action:正业(住于清净之身业,不做杀生、偷盗、邪淫、麻醉等恶业) | right livelihood: 正命(符合佛教戒律之正当合法的生活)

Rustling for Cupid:偷盗的丘比特

1926 约翰斯顿水灾 The Johnstown Flood | 1926 偷盗的丘比特 Rustling for Cupid | 1926 无花果叶 Fig Leaves

merely a smokescreen to hide his lying, cheating and stealing:只是他撒谎 欺骗 偷盗的烟雾弹

His cooperation with the government...|他与政府的... | ...merely a smokescreen to hide his lying, cheating and stealing.|只是他撒谎 欺骗 偷盗的烟雾弹 | We have additional information...|我们还想和雷诺总...

have sticky fingers:有偷盗习惯

buck 钱 | have sticky fingers 有偷盗习惯 | cash in 兑现 乘机获利

stole stolen:偷, 窃取, 偷窃, 偷盗

站, 立, 站起, (使)竖立, (使)位于, 维持不变, 持久, 经受 stood stood | steal偷, 窃取, 偷窃, 偷盗 stole stolen | sweep扫, 打扫, 清扫, , 扫过, 掠过 swept swept