英语人>词典>汉英 : 做演员 的英文翻译,例句
做演员 的英文翻译、例句


tread the stage · walk the boards · tread the boards
更多网络例句与做演员相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But it's part of been an actor. It's his job to do it.


Would you like to be an actress?


"We told him he would have to do what actors and actresses do," Butler said.


He also began a lasting friendship with costar Johnny Depp during production.


Just as important to Garvey is that actual Hmong people were cast, even though some had no acting experience.


I do it on a kind of instinct.


She doesn't want me to be an actor or a rapper.


I'd rather be a writter than an actor.


My father acquiesced in my choice to be an actress.


"We told him he would have to do what actors and actresses do," Butler said.


更多网络解释与做演员相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ahh Marshall:哦 马修 你太乐了 你应该去做喜剧演员 该死的

And half of them ain't even fun... | Ahh Marshall, you're so funny man, you should be a comedian, god damn 哦 马修 你太乐了 你应该去做喜剧演员 该死的 | Unfortunately I am, but I just hide behind the te...

Andrew Blake:安大师出现在演员表里,这是绝无仅有的一次

Aaron Colt Julia的前任男友,很长一段时间,Julia在影片中只和这个男人做爱. | Andrew Blake 安大师出现在演员表里,这是绝无仅有的一次. | Brad Armstrong 老演员了......

Enunciation is the mark of a good actor:发音是好演员的注册商标

That's what real actors do.|真正的演员都会那么做 | Enunciation is the mark of a good actor.|发音是好演员的注册商标 | And when you enunciate, you spit!|发音正确时就会喷口水!

do eye exercises:做眼睛保健操

do morning exercises做早操 | do eye exercises做眼睛保健操 | 4. I want to be a dancer.我想当一名舞蹈演员.

FaceGen Modeller:人头建模软件 能做出不同种族的人 挺实用的 可以做很多群众演员 呵呵

Digitalpeople 人物制作插件 | FaceGen Modeller 人头建模软件 能做出不同种族的人 挺实用的 可以做很多群众演员 呵呵~ | Head Designer 人头制造工具

FaceGen Modeller:人头建模软件 能做出不同种族的人 挺实用的 可以做很多群众演员

Digitalpeople 人物制作插件 | FaceGen Modeller 人头建模软件 能做出不同种族的人 挺实用的 可以做很多群众演员 | Head Designer人头制造工具

a rubber stamp:(橡皮制的图章,做决定草率的人或组织)

red light (交通红灯,危险信号) | a rubber stamp (橡皮制的图章,做决定草率的人或组织) | a beautiful dancer (长得美的舞蹈演员,舞姿优美的舞蹈演员)

tread the stage:做演员

take to the stage 做演员 | tread the stage 做演员 | up stage 舞台上的显要位置.傲慢,盛气凌人,自高自大

so you can't afford to play retarded,|being a smart actor:所以你不适应演弱智,|做个聪明的演员吧

or rather, didn't think he was retarded,|甚至是天... | so you can't afford to play retarded,|being a smart actor.|所以你不适应演弱智,|做个聪明的演员吧. | Playing a guy who ain't smart|but thinks he is,|...

all-star cast:全由名演员演出的戏; 列有许多演员的演员名单

a stone's throw 投石可及的距离, 一箭之遥 | all-star cast 全由名演员演出的戏; 列有许多演员的演员名单 | put in a cast 给...上石膏, 给...做石膏固定