英语人>词典>汉英 : 偏态分布 的英文翻译,例句
偏态分布 的英文翻译、例句


skew distribution · skewness of distribution
更多网络例句与偏态分布相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Grain-size distribution may be characterized in part by skewness of the distribution.


The distributed pattern shows different between the probability distribution of water depth of rain gauge and that of soil moisture in horizontal section of different depth.


In the Mu Us desert, either vertical distributions of soil moisture isogram before irrigation or vertical distributions of soil moisture isogram after irrigation shows obviously vertical-layered character. When the irrigation is finished 24 hours later, there is little correlation between vertical distributions of soil moisture isogram before irrigation and vertical distributions of soil moisture isogram after irrigation. All of probability distribution of soil water content before irrigation are left-skewed distribution, but some of probability distribution of soil water content after irrigation is left-skewed distribution, some is right-skewed distribution or normal distribution. The distributed pattern shows different between the probability distribution of water depth of rain gauge and that of soil moisture in horizontal section of different depth. There is close correlation between the distribution of water depth of rain gauge and that of soil moisture in horizontal section, but the correlation debases as the horizontal section turns deeper. Also after irrigation close correlation occurs between the distribution of soil moisture of layers bordering upon each other, but which reduces with space of different layers being larger.


The results showed that spatial distribution of salinity in each layer of soil presented highly skew distribution.


A1, A2 and IA were fitted to skew distribution in CR-N group, which were significantly different from those in UI or FS group.


It is found that generally the hydrologic noises exhibit skew characteristics, so that it is reasonably to use skew probability distribution to describing the noise components, and the wavelet coefficient threshold obtained by optimal entropy criterion based on information entropy theory in the global optimum.


The results above showed:(1) The cultivars of large-flowered chrysanthemum are widely distributed in Beijing area with plentiful floral types and floral colors;(2) The cultivars with the rare types and colors are urgent for protection;(3) Most of the quantitative characters obeys to the normal distribution,some important traits agreed with skewed distribution.The probability grading can assist quantitative character in establishing new grading standards;(4) Most of qualitative characters is asymmetrical in cultivars,which might be caused by unbalanced differentiation of characters or linkages coming from emphasis characters selection;(5) The floral characters are relatively stable and have comparably large influence on classification,the characters of stipule also have a certain degree of stability and can act as an reasonable supplement for cultivars classification,but the foliar characters have worse stability and can only be recognized as lower level criterion.(6) The genetic relationship among the Flat-petaled group,the Quilled-petal group and the Spoon-petaled group are closest,which followed by the Filiform-petal group because of long-term selection pressure for the specialization of the petal tip loved by most people.The Anemone-petal group has further genetic relationship with these four groups.(7) ISSR molecular marker detection indicates that the proportion of polymorphic loci of lardge-flowered chrysanthemum is higher,in which the Flat-petaled group has the highest genetic diversity level.


In frequency distribution of formaldehyde emission in samples, tope value of the model of enhancing wood-floor, blockboard and particleboard was near left, and that of semi-hardboard was near right, and that of plywood and laminated veneer was near even.


A new data management algorithm for anycast based random sampling in sensor networks;2. Composite random sampling algorithm for scheduling concurrent projects;3. In the existing methods of random summing of total resource,the shape of the total resource curve sometimes distributes skewly,in view of which,the new method was put forward to improve random sampling .


The curve of diameter distribution was showed J shape in Swietenia macrophylla pure stand and Dimocarpus longan pure stand. We used maximum likelihood method and percentile estimator method to analysis stand structure.


更多网络解释与偏态分布相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cumulative frequency:累计频数

用频数表计算中位数时先据频数表计算累计频数(cumulative frequency)和累计频率,百分之五十分位数即为中位数. 中位数用于描述偏态分布资料的集中位置,它不受两端特大、特小值的影响,当分布末端无确切数据时也可计算.

Lognormal distribution:对数正态分布

Oakes(1998)指出,如果我们使用对数正态分布(lognormal distribution)的办法来描述语料分布,偏态就不会出现. 值得注意的是Alien & Seidenberg(1999)的研究,他们认为,在整个生成语法历史中一直没有弄清楚语言能力和语言运用的关系,其实两者不能截然分开,

mean square deviation:方差

表示有95%正常个体的测量值在此范围.中位数Md与四分位半间距QD一起使用,描述偏态分布资料的特征方差 (variance)也称均方差(mean square deviation),样本观察值的离均差平方和的均值.表示一组数据的平均离散情况.标准差 (standard deviation)即方差的正平方根;

skew curve:偏态曲线

skew correlation 弧线相关 | skew curve 偏态曲线 | skewed distribution 偏态分布

skew distribution:偏态分布

偏倚 bias | 偏态分布 skew distribution | 平均偏差avarge deviation

negative skew distribution:负偏态分布,负偏斜分布

negative signed rank 负符号等级 | negative skew distribution 负偏态分布; 负偏斜分布 | negative skewness 负偏态; 负偏斜度; 负向偏态; 负向偏斜度


数据显示了利润指数序列往正方向偏斜\,偏斜(skewness)为5.377532. 序列不遵循正态分布(normal distribution)\,经过测试\,峰度(Kurtosis)为137.7139\,严重超过了正态分布的峰度3. 跟正态分布比较\,此分布具有很强的"肥尾"性. 同时\,

Weighting method:加权法

即所有观察值的累积和除以观察值个数, 相同观察值较多或分组资料常用加权法(weighting method). (2)均数的应用 适用于对称分布,特别是正态分布的资料,不适用于偏态分布的资料. 如有数据3、4、5、6、17,可见数据多在3-6之间,但均数为7,

skewed distribution:偏态分布

偏态分布(Skewed distribution) 频数分布 正态分布 正态分布 正态分布 中央位置,两端的 频数分布 大致对称.


观测值的偏态性或高峰度都会影响标准 误及卡方值的准确性而导致较差的估计结果 .对此 , 可以通过转换偏态分布的变量为近似多元正态分布 , 减小峰度 , 删除数据中的极端值 ( outliers) , 利用自助再 抽样对参数估计的方差进行显著性检验等方法予以弥补 ,