英语人>词典>汉英 : 假蝇 的英文翻译,例句
假蝇 的英文翻译、例句


hackle fly · wet fly
更多网络例句与假蝇相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Do you want to learn how to fly-fish for tarpon in the 1Gulf of Mexico?


Voiceover of Norman Maclean: In the afternoon, we would walk with him while he unwound between services .


The plant Quarantine Lab had intercepted more than 200 quarantine pests such as : Tilletia indica , Tilletia controversa , Bursaphelenchus xylophilus , sorghum halepense , Acanthoscelides obtectus , Sternochetes mangiferae , Bactrocera dorsalis , Coptoermes curvignathus for nearly 5000 batches ; The Animal Quanantine Lab had intercepted about 20 cow which had some pathogens evidence of infectious disease such as : bovine infectiouse rhinotracheitis , leukaemia bovum , paratuberculosis and so on ; The food microorganism lab had detected over 300 unqualified products such as Salm-Sury , Listeria monocytogenes , Mycobacterium paratuberculosis etc .

多年来,分中心各实验室切实履行严格把关的职责,植物检疫共截获大豆疫霉病菌、小麦印度腥黑穗病菌、小麦矮腥黑穗病菌、松材线虫、假高梁、菜豆象、芒果果核象甲、桔小实蝇、大家白蚁等国家禁止进境的危险性有害生物220 多种近10000 批次;动物检疫发现感染牛传染性鼻气管炎、牛白血病、副结核等传染病的疫牛20 多头;食品微生物检测共检测沙门、单增、副结核的不合格商品300 多批;分子生物学实验室为国内企业出具非转基因证书和不含有牛羊源成分证书50 余份,使相关的产品能够顺利出口到欧盟、韩国和日本等国。

I love to go to the Bahamas to catch bone fish or tarpon but mainly bone fishing on the fly.


To further experiment with how learning and development of memories affected sleep, Ganguly-Fitzgerald and her colleagues trained male fruit flies to not court females, by tricking them with unreceptive "females," who were really males generating an aphrodisiac female scent.


With over 150 illustrations and proven advice, Fly Fishing For Dummies is a great primer on fly fishing's essential elements.


Fox River Fly Fishing, Fox River, Michigan, 1996


更多网络解释与假蝇相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


buckskin 鹿皮裤 | bucktail 鹿尾假蝇 | buckthorn 鼠李


buckstick | 吹牛的人 | bucktail | 鹿尾假蝇(访鱼饵) | buckthorn | 鼠李科, 人心果科属树

royal coachman:假蝇饵

假牙床/dental plate | 假蝇饵/royal coachman | 假支票/duck check

Flies:假飞虫, 假蝇

Jigs: 铅头鱼钩. 鐵板(香港)(台灣) | Flies: 假飞虫, 假蝇, | senko: 无尾塑料蚯蚓, 麵包虫(台灣)

Fly Rod:假蝇钓鱼竿

fly press 螺旋压力机 | fly rod 假蝇钓鱼竿 | fly spray 喷蝇油


fly-by-night 不可信任的 | fly-fish 用假蝇钓鱼 | fly-fisher 虫饵钓鱼人


fly-fisher 虫饵钓鱼人 | fly-fishing 用假蝇钓鱼 | flyaway 轻浮的


heritress 女继承者 | herl 假蝇 | herma 方形石柱

false stable fly:厩腐蝇,厩腐蝇

false sorts 假类 | false stable fly 厩腐蝇,厩腐蝇 | false start 不正确开动


双翅目(Diptera)食蚜蝇科(Syrphidae)昆虫,约4,000种. 常在花中悬飞. 有黄色斑纹,形似黄蜂或蜜蜂,但不螫人. 与其他蝇的区别在於翅上有与第4纵脉平行的一条假脉. 食蚜蝇本身无螫刺或叮咬能力,但常有各种拟态,在体型、色泽上常摹仿黄蜂或蜜蜂,