英语人>词典>汉英 : 倾向于...的 的英文翻译,例句
倾向于...的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
inclinable  ·  inclined

更多网络例句与倾向于...的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The post-war period with its combination anti-Communism, the expansion of the consumer culture, and the emphasis on achieving a middle class lifestyle tended to erode the sense of working class identity.


Be wont to : be likely to; be in the habit of formal and old-fashioned


Relating to , or inclined to carnality sensual .


Our preference is for the investor that most credibly guarantees the four German plants and the most number of jobs.


Tend to 倾向于 Their style of clothing tends to go out of fashion quickly.


I incline to the view that...


But the usual causes of natural variability do not seem to explain the current trend, so scientists incline to倾向于 the view that it is man-made.


There are any number of further questions concerning the precise formulation of such a view, its compatibility with physical theory more generally (e.g., relativity and quantum field theory), and its philosophical tenability (e.g., does this view yield the sort of causal role that we are inclined to think consciousness must have).


Waffle iron---烘烤比利时格子饼的铁模范 a kitchen appliance used to bake and create a pattern on both sides of a thick, light pancake


Will the Conservatives again be seen as the party of business they were once axiomatically taken to be?


更多网络解释与倾向于...的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be apt to:表示"倾向于"意思的词语

11.表示"合不合理 "的词语:logical, reasonable, sensible, rational, /... | 12.表示"倾向于"意思的词语:be likely to, be liable to, be inclined to, be apt to, tend to | 14.表示"简短"意思的词语:brief, concis...

apt a.1:恰当的,合适的2.倾向于,易于

tax credit 税额扣除(可从征税额中扣除的部分) | apt a.1.恰当的,合适的2.倾向于,易于 | stipend n. 薪水(薪金,定期生活津贴)


Genetically:基因地;遗传地 | Disposed:倾向于;有意于 | Alcohol:酒;含酒精的饮料

Tending to dictate; domineering:专政的倾向于下命令的;盛气凌人的

dictate v.口述, 口授, 使听写, 指令, 指示, 命令, 规定n.指示(指理智,变心) | Tending to dictate; domineering.专政的倾向于下命令的;盛气凌人的 | overriding adj.最重要的;高于一切的

Forget about formal education:正式的教育不重要,学院派教育出来的人倾向于表现僵化. 扩大你的待选招聘范围

Years of irrelevance: 工作年限不重要,重要的是... | Forget about formal education: 正式的教育不重要,学院派教育出来的人倾向于表现僵化. 扩大你的待选招聘范围. | Everybody works:不要招聘喜欢发号施令、自己不...

have a tendency for/to do sth:有(做)...的倾向,倾向于做某事

7.be keen on 热衷于,喜爱...,渴望(做某事)的 | 8.have a tendency for/to do sth. 有(做)...的倾向,倾向于做某事 | 9.give sb. a thrill 使某人感到激动


inclemency 险恶 | inclinable 倾向于...的 | inclinator 倾倒器

prone to:倾向于,有......的倾向

1. Maine: 缅因州, 位于美国东北部的新英格兰地区. | 2. prone to: 倾向于,有......的倾向. | 3. estranged: 不友好的,敌视的.

I tend to:我愿意/倾向于(. . . 的观点)

6.不恰当inappropriate ; improper ; unsuitable ; | 7.我愿意/倾向于(. . . 的观点)I incline to; I am inclined to; I am willing to; I tend to | 9.于事无补of no help; of no avail; no use

contradictive:倾向于矛盾的, 抵触的

contradictious | 爱反对的, 吹毛求疵的, 异议多的 | contradictive | 倾向于矛盾的, 抵触的 | contradictor | 反驳者; 相矛盾的人; 抵触者