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值分布理论 的英文翻译、例句


value distribution theory
更多网络例句与值分布理论相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There are mainly four innovations made in this thesis: By introducing the notion"collectively compact operator sequence"into the study of composition operators, we give a sufficient and necessary condition on generalized Nevanlinna counting functions of the inducing maps for {C〓} to be collectively compact, extend some previous results and enrich the content of the study of composition operators.


In the dissertation, we do a further study in value distribution theorem and normal families theorem of meromorphic function and get some results by using the Nevanlinna's value distribution and the Ahlfors value distribution.


Using the value distribution theory, the author studied the uniqueness of meromorphic function concerning multiple value .

应用值分布理论,在涉及重值情况下进一步研究了亚纯函数唯一性理论中Gross 。F提出的一个问题,获得如下结果:设集合S ={ω∈C|P =aω7- 42ω2 +70bω- 30b2 =0 },其中a ,b为不等于零的常数,ab5≠ 2。

Concerning value distribution theory, Q.C.Zhang got the following result:Let f be a non-constant meromorphic function in C, b is a finite non-zero complex number, if f and f" CM share 0 and IM share b, then: f ≡ f", or f =(2b)/(1-ce-2z) here c is any non-zero constant.

值分布理论中,张庆彩得到了这样的结果:设f是复平面上的非常数亚纯函数,b是非零的有限复数,若f和f′CM分担o且IM分担b,则: f≡f′,或者 f=2b/1-ce-2z ,其中c是任意非零常数。

Using Nevanlinna value distribution theory, the research we studies the uniqueness of meromorphic functions concerning the multipliable value, and proves one theorem, which generalizes and improves previous results.


This thesis mainly investigates the application of Nevanlinna theory in systems of higher-order complex differential equations.


He wrote on modular forms and modular units , the idea of a 'distribution' on a profinite group , and value distribution theory .


It gives a decent example for the angular value distribution theory and value distribution theory on p-adic field, n-dimensional complex Euclidian space, and even on general manifold.


Several decades, the further and new development of the value distribution of meromorphic functions would always be based on Nevanlinna's theory.


In this thesis, by using the theory and method of value distribution, we mainlyinvestigate the definitions and relationships among the except values and except valuessets of the meromorphic functions.


更多网络解释与值分布理论相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

importance sampling:重要性抽样

给出了计算排队延迟的保证概率的分析与仿真方法.由于排队延迟超过阈值是小概率事件,理论计算中应用了大偏离原理(Large Deviation Principle),仿真中采用重要性抽样(Importance Sampling)技术.重要性抽样的关键是对原始分布进行合理地"扭曲",

random variable:随机变量

1.随机变量 随机变量(random variable) 指取值不能事先确定的观察结果,通常简称为变量. 随机变量有一个共同的特点就是不能用一个常数来表示,而且理论上讲,每个变量的取值服从特定的概率分布. 随机变量可分为两种类型:离散型变量和连续型变量.

significance level:显著水平

以此为基础,若某一假设机率分布会使22时,则表示此一假设之理论分布,在显著水平(significance level) 下,为不可否定的假设,其中为自由度. 若假设分布之参数未知,需由观测值推定时,本法仍能使,但要将自由度的数目减去未知参数之数目. 6.2 K-S 检定(Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test)

value distribution theory:值分布理论

value distribution 值分布 | value distribution theory 值分布理论 | value group 值群

value distribution theory:值分布理论 本文来自:博研联盟论坛

value distribution 值分布 本文来自:博研联盟论坛 | value distribution theory 值分布理论 本文来自:博研联盟论坛 | value group 值群 本文来自:博研联盟论坛

value distribution theory:值分布理论;值分配理论

12876,"value assignment","给予值" | 12877,"value distribution theory","值分布理论;值分配理论" | 12878,"value part","数值部分"

value distribution:值分布

value 值 | value distribution 值分布 | value distribution theory 值分布理论

value distribution:值分布 本文来自:博研联盟论坛

value 值 本文来自:博研联盟论坛 | value distribution 值分布 本文来自:博研联盟论坛 | value distribution theory 值分布理论 本文来自:博研联盟论坛

value group:值群

value distribution theory 值分布理论 | value group 值群 | value of game 对策的值

value group:值群 本文来自:博研联盟论坛

value distribution theory 值分布理论 本文来自:博研联盟论坛 | value group 值群 本文来自:博研联盟论坛 | value of game 对策的值 本文来自:博研联盟论坛