英语人>词典>汉英 : 借据 的英文翻译,例句
借据 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

credit instrument · due bill · paper credit · receipt for a loan · certificate of indebtedness · debt on bond · evidence of debt · I owe you
更多网络例句与借据相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Freight must be paid the carrier in cash on issuance of this bill of lading, failing which the forwarder or other person presenting this bill of lading for signature shall be deemed authorized by the herein named shipper to sign a due bill for the freight on shipper's behalf which shall bind the shipper to pay the freight to the Carrier.


Freight must be paid the carrier in cash on issuance of this bill of lading, failing which the forwarder or other person presenting this bill of lading for signature shall be deemed authorized by the herein named shipper to sign a due bill for the freight on shipper's behalf which shall bind the shipper


Today, collectors treasure remnants of those desperate times: a green-and-gold 'sauerkraut note' from Minneapolis; a warrant, beautifully printed with an engraving of a clipper ship, from Cape May County, N.J.

今天,收藏家把代币这一见证恐慌时代的东西珍藏起来,比如明尼阿波利斯市发行的金绿色相间的"酸菜券",还有新泽西州Cape May郡发行的印刷精美、带防伪标志、还有帆船浮雕图案的借据

She grew distrustful: she feared some treachery on Mignon's part, for he was quite capable of preaching to his wife, and so she gave Fauchery his CONGE as he now only paid her in fame.


I can't find my iou .


Among its problems are that it creates potential IOU's for future negotiations.


When you borrowed the money to buy your home, you signed a promissory note – an IOU.


This IOU will be paid at sight.


When you borrowed money to buy your home, you signed a promissory note – an IOU.


IoU that is accepted in payment for services rendered can be regarded as money.


更多网络解释与借据相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

accommodation kite:空头支票

accommodation bill担保借据 | accommodation kite空头支票 | accommodator和解人; 贷款人

Accommodation paper:融通票据;担保借据

Acceptor 承兑人;受票人; 接受人 | Accommodation paper 融通票据;担保借据 | Accounts payable 应付帐款

due bill:借据

due到期的,应付的;正当的,合法的 | due bill借据 | due course正当行为

due bill:借据,借票,(指以服务偿债务的)借约

143. ducted-fan jet engine 导管风扇式喷气发动机 | 145. due bill 借据借票(指以服务偿债务的)借约 | 146. dull plate 无光镀锡薄钢板


不仅美国人借的钱比实际能偿还的多得多,而且那些借据(IOU)被买来卖去,完全不顾实际的债务偿还能力. 风险逐步扩散开去,在此过程中,衡量基本面风险的机制受到了侵蚀. 第一商业电视(FirstBusinessTV)主编


2182involuntary bankruptcy 强制性破产 | 2183IOU 欠条,借据 | 2184IRR 内部收益率,内含收益率


介绍信 WESTBANK letter of introduction | 借据 WESTBANK IOU | 藉内庭发出传票 WESTBANK by summons in chambers

promissory note:本票,借据,期票

prohibitive price 惊人的高价 | promissory note 本票,借据,期票 | promotion expenses 推广费,推销费


post-horse 驿马 | post-obit 死后偿还借据 | post-office 邮局的


post-horse 快马 | post-obit 死后偿还盖章借据 | post-obit 死后发生效力的