英语人>词典>汉英 : 借喻的 的英文翻译,例句
借喻的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与借喻的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Their performance is often the use of figures, animals, plants, utensils auspicious image and text to Min Yan, ancient slang, legends theme, through direct, metaphor, euphony, exaggerated, Lenovo and other means to express their own offer a prayer.


Chapter 5, from a cognitive point of view and integrating the analytical points covered in the previous chapters, examines the metaphoric nature of intentional humor which serves in a sub-discourse as ideational and/or interpersonal means of rhetoric under the global discourse of public speaking, with case analyses of such humorous metaphors, standard or non-standard, at the word, sentence, and discourse levels as well as at the meta-level, and with the idea of resemblance proximity to classify humorous metaphors into synecdochic, metonymic and metaphorical types.


He has helicoptered from promotion to promotion, becoming the youngest provincial party leader (in Guizhou, at the age of 42), the only nonmilitary man to be party secretary of Tibet, the youngest member of the key seven-member Politburo standing committee in 1992, and so on.


He has helicoptered from promotion to promotion, becoming the youngest provincial party leader (in Guizhou, at the age of 42), the only nonmilitary man to be party secretary of Tibet, the youngest member of the key seven-member Politburo standing committee in 1992, and so on.


It was basically thought of as a matter of language, especially literary or figurative language.


更多网络解释与借喻的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

candle power:烛光

电力照明的发光强度单位称"烛光"( candle power) ,则借喻于"蜡烛". 三、结束语 隐喻是一种普遍现象,不是词的单纯替代或转换,而是以已知喻未知,以熟悉喻不熟悉,以简单喻复杂,以具体喻抽象,以通俗喻科学,从而形成抽象思维的手段.


[目录]一.比喻(Comparison) 二.借代(转喻 Metonymy) 三.拟人(Personification) 四.矛盾修饰法(Oxymoron) 五.双关(Pun) 六.夸张(Hyperbole) [原文] 修辞学是语言研究的重要组成部分,语言学家把修辞学解释为"有效地说话和写作的艺术".

The Golden Age:(黄金年代)

这本书里面自然涉及很多童话篇目,书本身的走势也充满了借喻,比如这个名字,这幅晦蓝的装帧,会让人想到格林兄弟;占篇幅最巨的"黄金年代"(The Golden Age)似乎呼应着儿童气质强烈的肯尼思.格雷厄姆(Kenneth Grahame)及其同名作品.


它们在这里都是借喻,表示"中心地带"、"心脏地带"(heartland). 交叉使用"腹地"和"下腹"可能会造成一些概念混乱. 腹地指内地,而软下腹(soft underbelly)则指暴露在外界威胁之中薄弱的边缘地带,如俄国的高加索地区. ,俄国需要在那里打仗.

horse power:马力

都分别由"水流"(current ) 、 "水力"(water power) 等类推而来. 动力功率单位称"马力"( horse power) ,显然借喻于"马". 电力照明的发光强度单位称"烛光"( candle power) ,则借喻于"蜡烛".


借用各种修辞格表达委婉 1.运用"换喻"(Metonymy)手法可将不便直接说明的词汇隐去,以达到避讳. 如: A.借原材料代替成品 英语中poppy原指提制鸦片的"罂粟",用来代指"鸦片",bamboo(竹)则指竹制的"鸦片烟杆".汉语"居丧"为"披麻戴孝",

the synecdoche:借代

二、借代(the synecdoche) 比喻一定要用一种事物比方另一种事物,无论明喻、隐喻和转喻都是如此. 转喻虽然表面上只剩下喻体事物,省去了本体事物,但仍然是两种事物相比. 然而借代只有一种事物,不过没说出该事物原来的名称,另外借用一个名称来代替它.

a. trope:對文字效果的修辭,比喻、轉義、借義

a. trope:對文字效果的修辭,比喻、轉義、借義 | b. scheme文構:對文章章法的修飾 | c. metaphor:隱喻法"A is B"

a white elephant:白象

他说,在英语中的"白象"(a white elephant)另有一种含义:借喻为"一种难得而又甩不掉的沉重负担",其中的典故来源于暹罗(今泰国)或缅甸. 据说当地发现白象后,由于它的珍奇,必须进贡给国王,当国王看哪个大臣不爽的时候,就会让他把白象带回家去饲养,