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倍性 的英文翻译、例句


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In the self-bred progenies of autopolyploid,we found that a very few chimaeraexist in the cells of root tips,but most of them had no change in ploidy. We also found13 diploid plants in the experimental plot (ratio is 0.46%) and can be divided into 4categories.


The results indicated that chromosome counting was the most reliable and precise method, however, it was cumbersome and required skilled cytological techniques; The chromocenter size, heterochromatin number, chroloplast number of guard cell and certain plant morphological characteristics are simple and practical methods for ploidydetermination but with some shortages.


F〓 of transgenic allotetraploid fish containing"all-fish"transgene——pCAgcGHc was obtained respectively by inbreeding and gynogenesis. Positive rate of pCAgcGHc detected by PCR was 90% in F〓 of transgenic allotetraploid fish produced by inbreeding, while most F〓 of transgenic allotetraploid fish produced by gynogenesis showed diploidy measured by flow cytometer. The results above imply that developing the pure line of transgenic allotetraploid fish through inbreeding is feasible, but the operation should be modified if gynogenesis is introduced.


Since curly leaf hybrid could be recognized at early stage,and displayedobvious dwarfness,choosing"Zha′ai 76"as paternal parent not only raised thehybrid-selecting efficiency from the pollinated progenies,but also raised thebreeding efficiency of apomctc dwarf roostock of apple.


Euploidy The normal state in which an organism ' s chromosome number is an exact multiple of the haploid number characteristic of the species.


The number of chloroplast in stomata guard cell, density, length and width of stomata were observed.


The results showed that the number of chromosome, which was from the cultured seedlings of meristem tip and the rank seedlings of meristem tip, was not altered, both the number were 2n=16,the hereditary stability of callus and regeneration plant was poor; and the variation percentage of chromosome in callus was 43.4%, among which haploid accounted for 6.7%, triploid accounted for 2.5%,tetraploid accounted for 10%,pentaploid accounted for 4.2%,hexaploid accounted for 3.3%,septuploid accounted for 4.2%,octoploid accounted for 3.3%,dysploid accounted for 9.2%;the chromosome variation percentage of differentiation seedlings derived from callus was11.7%,among which haploid was 6.7%,triploid accounted for 1.7%,tetraploid was 3.3%.


The phenomenon of polyploidy and aneuploidy exists in the Genus, in which there are polyploid complex.


Using nuclear DNA C-values for 539 angiosperms in China, we examined the variation of these values among growth forms and taxonomic groups and the relationship of these values with invasiveness. Mean DNA C-value of the 539 angiosperm species was 4.06 pg. Mean DNA C-value was(1) significantly lower for woody species (1.84 pg) than for herbaceous species(5.02 pg);(2) significantly lower for 360 dicots (2.20 pg) than for 179 monocots (7.80 pg);(3) significantly lower for annuals (2.78 pg) than for perennials(6.65 pg);(4) significantly lower for 134 weed species (1.93 pg) than for herbaceous non-weeds (6.75 pg) and for several families that have an unusually high proportion of weed species;(5) significantly lower for 47 exotic weed species (1.76 pg) than for 134 native weeds (1.93 pg), but significantly lower than that of "non-weedy" herbaceous species (6.75 pg);(6) lower for weeds than for "non-weedy" species in same genus or family; and (7) in herbaceous species, generally lower for weedy compared to "non-weedy" species, with some exceptions such as Avena fatua, whose DNA C-value is as high as 14.15 pg, contrarily, and some "non-weedy" herbaceous species in Cruciferae and Cucurbitaceae with very low values.

统计了中国境内有分布的539种被子植物的DNA C-值,分析了它们在不同分类群、生活型、倍性、生活史类型以及在杂草和非杂草类群中的分布情况,主要结果如下:(1)539种被子植物DNA C-值平均为4.06 pg,其中木本植物的DNA C-值平均为1.84 pg,低于草本植物的平均值(5.02 pg);(2)双子叶植物(360种)的DNA C-值平均为2.20 pg,极明显地小于单子叶植物(179种)的平均值(7.80 pg);(3)1年生植物的DNA C-值平均为2.78 pg,明显小于多年植物的平均DNA C-值(6.65 pg);(4)134种杂草的DNA C-值平均为1.93 pg,明显小于非杂草草本植物的平均值(6.75 pg),含杂草较多的科,平均DNA C-值相对较小;(5)统计的47种入侵杂草的DNA C-值平均为1.76 pg,略小于134种杂草的平均DNA C-值(1.93 pg),极显著地小于非杂草性草本植物(6.75 pg);(6)以科为单位,不同科的DNA C-值存在着极大的差异;(7)DNA C-值与染色体倍性的关系并不明显,但是,随着倍性的增加,基因组变小;(8)在同一科、属中,与非杂草相比,典型杂草的DNA C-值往往偏小;(9)总体上杂草或杂草性强的植物,它们的DNA C-值比非杂草性植物的要小。

Most primers amplified same bands in diploids, tetraploids and hexaploids. It suggest that D and AB genomes have high homology and D genomes be successfully transferred from diploid to hexaploid.


更多网络解释与倍性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


aneuhaploidy非整倍单倍性 | aneuploid非整倍性 | aneuploid cell line非整倍体细胞系


autopolyhaploid 同源多倍单倍体的 | autopolyploid 同源多倍性的;同源多倍体 | autopolyploidy 同源多倍性

diploid parthenogenesis:多倍性单性生殖

diploidizotion 二倍体化 | diploid parthenogenesis 多倍性单性生殖 | diploid phase 二倍期


二倍體組織 diploid tissue | 二倍性 diploidy | 二倍性孢子體 diploid sporophyte


倍性生物(diplont)是指包括人类在内的所有多细胞动物以及某些藻类. 在它的生活史中(图1-2),二倍体时期占主导地位. 成熟个体的全部体细胞都是二倍体的,是合子有丝分裂的产物. 它们的营养体生殖(vegetative reproduction)或单性生殖(parthenogenesis)的后代均为二倍体.

diplont plant:二倍性植物

diplont 二倍性植物,二倍体 | diplont plant 二倍性植物 | diplophase 二倍期


1.多倍体和多倍性 体细胞染色体倍数超过2倍,即是3n=69,4n=92等时,这些细胞称为多倍体细胞,而这种状态称为多倍性(polyploidy). 在人类,全身三倍性是致死的,因而极为罕见,但三倍性在流产胎儿中较常见,是流产的重要原因之一.

diploid sporophyte:二倍性孢子體

倍性 diploidy | 二倍性孢子體 diploid sporophyte | 二倍性核 diplokaryon


alloploid异源倍体 | alloploidy异源倍性 | allopolyhaploid异源多倍单倍体


倍性孢子體 diploid sporophyte | 二倍性核 diplokaryon | 二倍性菌絲體 diplomycelium