英语人>词典>汉英 : 修道生活 的英文翻译,例句
修道生活 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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In the Middle Ages there were many utopian groups influenced by monasticism, but their apocalypticism frequently drove them to dissent, which tended to mark the end of the road in a closed society.


This was particularly true of the Hutterites, whose communitarian structures in Moravia exhibited a family - oriented Protestant monasticism, and have continued to do so to this day on the American plains and the Canadian prairies.


At the beginning, monarchism represented extreme asceticism. When in combined with Christianity, it gradually became a kind of life style with the purpose of purifying the soul.


The object of monasticism is to love God in the highest degree possible in this life.


Forms of monasticism existed long before the birth of Jesus Christ.


The first monks of whom we have a good record represent an extreme phase in the evolution of monasticism.


The cenobitic form of monasticism was first introduced into the West at Rome and in Northern Italy by St. Athanasius, in central North Africa by St. Augustine, and in Gaul by St. Martin of Tours.


This article and its two accompanying articles, EASTERN MONASTICISM and WESTERN MONASTICISM, deal with the monastic order strictly so called as distinct from the "religious orders" such as the friars, canons regular, clerks regular, and the more recent congregations.

此文章及其两个陪同的文章,东区修道和西方修道生活,处理与寺院秩序,严格所谓有别于&宗教命令&,例如作为friars ,炮,定期,文员,定期,和较近期的毕业典礼。

The Preachers adopted from the monastic life the three traditional vows of obedience, chastity, and poverty; to them they added the ascetic element known as monastic observances; perpetual abstinence, fasting from 14 Sept. until Easter and on all the Fridays throughout the year the exclusive use of wool for clothing and for the bed a hard bed, and a common dormitory, silence almost perpetual in their houses, public acknowledgment of faults in the chapter, a graded list of penitential practices, etc. The Preachers, however, did not take these observances directly from the monastic orders but from the regular canons, especially the reformed canons, who had already adopted monastic rules The Preachers received from the regular canons the choral Office for morning and evening, but chanted quickly.


The book gives a description of the Christian monasticism from the third century anchorites of the Egyptian deserts.


更多网络解释与修道生活相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

attributive classification:品质[属性]分类

be in religion 过修道者生活 | attributive classification 品质[属性]分类 | rank and filer 普通成员, 普遍士兵, 平民

Evangelistic Writings:佈道性文字

242 Devotional Literature靈修文學作品(包括每日靈修文章) | 243 Evangelistic Writings佈道性文字 | 248 Christian Experience, Practice, Life信仰生活


Mona Lisa 蒙娜丽莎 | monachal 出家的 | monachism 修道生活


monachal 出家的 | monachism 修道生活 | Monaco 摩纳哥


monarchyCaesarism 君主政治 | monasterial 修道生活的 | monasteryfriarymonkery 修道院


monk 僧侣 | monkery 修道生活 | monkey around 闲混

monkey around:闲混

monkery 修道生活 | monkey around 闲混 | monkey bread 猴面包树

religious education:宗教教育

世上没有一个心灵丰盛却对人间疾苦冷血无情的修道者. 缺乏心灵素养,人会倾向割离,找不到人生目标,生活感到孤单. 事实上,心灵教育(spiritual education)比宗教教育(religious education)更广阔,因不规限於某一宗教;亦更深,因触碰到人性核心的部份.


十月十五日生日花:香矢车菊(Sweet Sultan) 花 语:朴素(Simplicity) 香矢车菊是被选来献给托钵修道会的改革者-圣泰勒沙,所谓的托钵修道会是一个里面所属的修士或修女们,都一定要将鞋子舍去,过着赤足生活的修道会.


大三那年我去了法国,找到了一家特拉普派**(Trappist)修道院,在那里度过了将近一年,过着修道士一样的生活. 尽管我喜欢在那里的经历,但我很快认识到,我还没有斩断尘缘,不适合过修道生活. 于是我离开了修道院,开始环游世界,漂洋过海,