英语人>词典>汉英 : 修订本 的英文翻译,例句
修订本 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
revision  ·  revisions

revised edition · as amended
更多网络例句与修订本相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Here is a copy of the amended contract.


Building on Locke's theory of the association of ideas, which he had outlined in Some Thoughts, philosopher David Hartley had developed an associationist psychology that greatly influenced writers such as Barbauld (who had read Joseph Priestley's redaction of it).


The current law regulating copyrights is the Copyright Act of 1976, as amended.


F a reference to a document includes an amendment or supplement to, or replacement or novation of, that document

f 提到一份文件时就包含该文件的修订本、补遗本、或其取代者或新旧接替者

Prefer A to B I prefer the original book to the revised edition.


The revised edition of this book will soon appear in print.


The revised edition of the book is now out of print.


This revised edition is incomparable with the earlier ones.


Methods The intellectual and deduction characteristics of 82 mild obese children and adolescents were compared to those of 82 normal-weight children and adolescents, utilizing Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Chinese revision, four subtests (digital span, block design, calculating and picture completion) of Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale and Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices.


Methods The intellectual and deduction characteristics of 82 obese adolescents and adolescents, aged 12 to 18 years, were compared to those of 82 normal-weight adolescents and adolescents of the same age group, utilizing Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices and four subtests of Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Adolescents-Chinese revision.

使用韦氏儿童智力量表中国修订本(Chinese Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children,C-WISC)(小于16岁)或韦氏成人智力量表中国修订本(Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Chinese Version,WAIS-CR)(17岁以上)中的数字广度测验、木块图测验、算术测验、填图测验以及瑞文标准推理测验。

更多网络解释与修订本相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



district court:地区法院

根据目前>最新修订本的规定,对违反此法要求的制造商或个人,美国地区法院(district court)最高可以处以1500万美元罚款的民事处罚,对造成人员死亡或严重身体伤害的机动车或装备安全缺陷隐瞒不报,

fee tail:指定继承人继承的不动产(权)

fee simple;无条件继承的不动产(权);; | fee tail;指定继承人继承的不动产(权);; | Fee-charging Employment Agencies Convention (Revised), 1949;1949年收费职业介绍所公约(修订本);;


修正本在页边注释作和蔼的,(gracious). 摩法特本译他为优良的素质(high- toned),标准修订本译作和蔼的(gracious);威廉氏本(C.Kingsley Williams)译作:凡有好名声的(whatever has a good name). 我们真的很难把这个字(eophema)翻译出来;

prefer A to B:四

prefers swimming above all others. 这位中年人最喜欢游泳. | 四. prefer A to B | I prefer the original book to the revised edition. 我觉得原书比修订本好.


Revision 修订,修改,修正,修订本 | Previse 预见,预知 | Prevision 遇见,预测,预知

Revised Version:修订本

在钦定本(Authorized Version)和修订本(Revised Version)里面,启示录的名称是圣约翰神明者的启示录. 但是在标准修订本(R.S.V.),摩法特本(Moffatt Version)和腓力本(J. B. Phillip)中,神明者(the divine)一辞便删掉了,

RV Revised Version:<修订本>

RQ Reserved Quota 保留份额 | RV Revised Version 修订本 | RY Railway 火车

revisional:校订的; 修正的 (形)

revision 校订, 修订本, 修正 (名) | revisional 校订的; 修正的 (形) | revisionary 校订的; 修正的 (形)


papers)指莎士比亚的创作时的草稿;当剧本完成后,由作者或抄写员准备草稿的"抄本"(transcript)或"修订本"(fair. Q1表示单个剧本的第一四开本,Q2表示第二四开本,以此类推. )又译:捕风捉影--排版来自于四开本,注释很少.