英语人>词典>汉英 : 修补处 的英文翻译,例句
修补处 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
mend  ·  mends  ·  mended

更多网络例句与修补处相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I must touch up the chipped paint on my car .


The fluorine atoms can passivate the Si/SiO2 interface states and grain boundary trap states in the poly-Si.


This mortar condensing time is short with high strength,non-contract,wearproof,and without chloride.


The follow-up periods were various from 6m to 21m. The apical MTA barrier technique was used to manage pulpless permanent teeth with incomplete root formation. The postoperative radiographs showed complete repair of periradicular tissue in 5 of 7 teeth and improvement obviously in other 2 teeth. Only one case (1 tooth) had a 3mm periodontal pocket in four perforation repair cases. The lesion at the perforation sites was improved obviously.


By Jonathan Dorn, BACKPACKER Executive Editor Dan NelsonMost cobblers can repair separated seams in a boot's upper or tongue, give the leather a thorough cleaning and waterproofing, reglue peeled toe guards and rands, and replace or restitch busted eyelets and hooks.


There were, 20 cases treated with non-surgical therapy; 20 cases treated with simple splenorrhaphy, 48 cases with ligation of splenic artery, splenorrhaphy and/or partial splenectomy, 20 treated with splenectomy and autologous spleen transplantation, and 100 cases with simple splenectomy.


Into sheet of the travel after the bosom lung aerates, discovery is flat, examination anaesthesia machine and whorl canal all are not had unusual, hind art person discovery is tracheal inside grand dash forward initiative point comes next right total bronchus the gap that tracheal film ministry has one to grow 4~6cm below pectoral top, remove vessel to grand dash forward outside insert to left bronchus afresh, repair burst mouth, travel is right go up alobe of the lung...


Following upon the success of its predecessor, GO FOR BROKE 2 revamps its winning formula.


The salient difference was that his tribesmen stayed within their limits, simply putting the materials they had together in new ways, like handymen or bricoleurs.


And to the lumbermen and stone cutters, and for the purchase of the wood and hewn stone used in repairing the breaches, and for any other expenses that were necessary to repair the temple.


更多网络解释与修补处相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



glia cell:神经胶细胞

再修补假性关节处.同时矫正弯曲变形.若合并肢体短少,则须视短小的多寡再决定以鞋垫或鞋跟增高,或者进行骨延长手术.可分成直接由包在视神经外围的神经胶细胞(glia cell),长出的神经胶瘤(glioma)或是大大小小散在眼窝内的各种与神经纤维有关的肿瘤,


练习方法:首先向NPC学修补(tinkering)技能,越高越好;然后身上要有一件工具(tinker tools),然后找一处僻静的森林开始砍柴砍到你超重为止, 隐藏(hiding)直到成功,然后开始设你的macro程式: 在你砍下的柴(log)上使用工具(tinker tools),


38.The Soundest Investment of All最成功的投资 | C.JARED INGERSOLL C?贾里德?英格索尔 | 39.Fixing Up the Run-Down Places修补破损之处

The Soundest Investment of All:最成功的投资

37. Learning to Get Out of the Way学会摆脱自负 | 38. The Soundest Investment of All最成功的投资 | 39. Fixing Up the Run-Down Places修补破损之处