英语人>词典>汉英 : 保险责任范围 的英文翻译,例句
保险责任范围 的英文翻译、例句


insurance coverage
更多网络例句与保险责任范围相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

An insurance accident refers to an accident that is within the limits of insurance liability as contracted.


If it is within the insurance responsibility, insurance companies are bounden to pay.


The underwriters are responsible for the claim as far as it is within the scope of cove r.


If only within the range of the responsibility of the insurance ,the insurer should make compensation .


If it's in the range of insurance liabilities, the insurance company should pay the compensation.


Underwriter is responsible for the claim as far as it's within the scope of cover.


Salvage charges:救助费用 When the insured cargo suffers a natural calamity or a fortuitous accident within the scope of insurance cover, the third party who has no contracted relations with the insured and the insurer salvages the cargo successfully.


Article 252 Where the loss of or damage to the subject matter insured within the insurance converage is caused by a third person, the right of the insured to demand compensation from the third person shall be subrogated to the insurer from the time the indemnity is paid.


Article 252 Where the loss of or damage to the subject matter insured within the insurance converage is caused by a third person, the right of the insured to demand compensation from the third person shall be subrogated to the insurer from the time the indemnity is paid.


Article 252 Where the loss of or damage to the su, bject matter insured within the insurance converage is caused by a third person, the right of the insured to demand compensation from the third person shall be subrogated to the insurer from the time the indemnity is paid.


更多网络解释与保险责任范围相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

amount insured:金额

被保险货物的自然损耗、本质缺陷、特性以及市价跌落、运输延迟所造成的损失或费用;战争险和罢工险的责任范围和除外责任. 保险金额(Amount Insured)是指保险公司可能赔偿的最高金额,习惯上按发票金额加一成(10%)预期利润和业务费用;

insurance claim:保险索赔

保险索赔(Insurance Claim)指当被保险人的货物遭受承保责任范围内的风险损失时,被保险人向保险人提出的索赔要求. 在国际贸易中,如由卖方办理投保,卖方在交货后即将保险单背书转让给买方或其收货代理人,当货物抵达目的港(地),发现残损时,买方或其收

fire insurance:火灾保险

火灾保险(Fire Insurance) 又称"火险",继海上保险后另一种古老的险种. 保险人对承保的财产因遇火灾而遭受的损失,或由此进行施救所造成的财产的损失以及所支付的合理费用负赔偿责任. 为了迎合客户的需要,火灾保险在火险的基础上不断扩大其承保责任的范围,

PAP Part A: Liability Coverage:责任保险范围

The Personal Automobile Policy (PAP)个人汽车保险 | PAP Part A: Liability Coverage责任保险范围 | PAP Part B: Medical Expense Coverage医疗费用保险范围

Section II: Personal liability coverage:保险范围II: 个人责任保险

Section I: Property coverage保险范围I:财产保险 | Section II: Personal liability coverage保险范围II: 个人责任保险 | Section I: Property Coverage第一部份:财产保险范围

If assets exceed liability coverage, purchase more:假使资产远大於保单负担的责任保险,应考虑额外的保险

Coverage D: Loss of use范围D:使用的... | If assets exceed liability coverage, purchase more.假使资产远大於保单负担的责任保险,应考虑额外的保险 | Keeping Your Homeowner's Insurance Costs Down使你的房屋保...

magnum opus:特長、最重要的貢獻

in utero 在子宫内 | magnum opus 特长、最重要的贡献 | insurance coverage 保险责任范围

responsible department:责任部门

责任保险 liability insurance | 责任部门 responsible department | 责任范围 liable scope

subject-matter insured:保险标的

保险标的(Subject Matter Insured)是指保险人与被保险人在海上保险合同中约定给予保险的财产、责任或利益. 保险标的的范围很广,主要有船舶、货物以及其它与航海有关的财产和利益. 保险价值(Insured Value)是指保险责任开始时保险标的实际价值和保险费的总和.

Unvalued Insurance:不定值保险

⑤所谓不定值保险(Unvalued Insurance),是指保险人与被保险人对保险标的事先不约定保险价值,而是由被保险人自行确定保险金额并载于保险合同. 保险费依照保险金额计算. 如保险标的遭遇保险责任范围规定的事故损失时,保险人应另行确定保险价值作为理赔的依据.