英语人>词典>汉英 : 保皇党的 的英文翻译,例句
保皇党的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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During the civil war, he chose not to tone down his rhetoric favoring absolutist monarchy as did many other royalists.


Oh, I have often heard whispers of things that seem to me most strange--the father a Bonapartist, the son a Royalist; what can have been the reason of so singular a difference in parties and politics?


"However stupid the royalist police may be, they do know one terrible thing."


However stupid the royalist police may be, they do know one terrible thing.""


But the royalist successes of 1643 alarmed them.

保皇党的成功, 1643年震惊。

During the War itself, more than fifty thousand Loyalists fought on the British side. The others refused to join violent or treasonous acts, often at the risk of their property and their lives.


"Do you know, my dear Villefort," cried the Comte de Salvieux, that is exactly what I myself said the other day at the Tuileries, when questioned by his majesty's principal chamberlain touching the singularity of an alliance between the son of a Girondin and the daughter of an officer of the Duc de Condé; and I assure you he seemed fully to comprehend that this mode of reconciling political differences was based upon sound and excellent principles.

& &好啊,我亲爱的维尔福,&萨尔维欧伯爵大声说道&您的话简直就象那次我在伊勒里宫讲的一样,那次御前大臣问我,他说一个吉伦特党徒的儿子同一个保皇党的女儿的联姻是否有点奇特,他很理解这种政治上化敌为友的主张,而且这正是国王的主张。

Rival protesters, who describe themselves as royalists, clashed with police near a disputed temple on the Cambodian border.


The victory of Philiphaugh (13 Sept., 1645), removed the immediate danger to the Covenanters and likewise extinguished the last glimmer of hope for the Royalist cause, which had suffered irreparable defeat a few weeks earlier at Naseby.

胜利philiphaugh ( 1645年9月13日),去掉了即时的危险,向盟约,并同样熄灭的最后一线希望保皇党的事业,曾遭受了不可弥补的失败,几个星期前在

The final Cavalier defeat came at Naseby in 1645 and Cromwell had a major part to play in the negotiations that followed.


更多网络解释与保皇党的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

coup d'etat:政变

虽然在麦克马洪总统领导的保皇党突然发起的5月16日危機失败之后,只有极少数的保皇党员还期待王室复辟,但是由极右势力保皇党员挑起的持续骚动,以及对政变(coup d etat)的恐慌,导致了激进分子代表提出变卖王冠珠宝的计划.


Ormonde伯爵随后领导了爱尔兰所有的保皇党人,在他的军队中有一个军团装备了使用燧石发火装置(flintlock)的轻型燧发枪(fusil). 长矛(spear)是苏格兰人的传统武器,这适合他们土地贫穷,缺少财力或金属以及常主要依靠武装农民完成自卫的背景条件.


Ormonde伯爵随后领导了爱尔兰所有的保皇党人,在他的军队中有一个军团装备了使用燧石发火装置(flintlock)的轻型燧发枪(fusil). 长矛(spear)是苏格兰人的传统武器,这适合他们土地贫穷,缺少财力或金属以及常主要依靠武装农民完成自卫的背景条件.


他宣告不以任何一派--雅各宾派(Jacobin)、资产阶级或保皇党--的利益统治,而以全国的代表身份统治,他声称:以一党的利益统治,迟早必受控制于该党. 他们永远无法使我这么做. 我是属于国家的. 所以,除了妒忌的将军和坚定不移的激进的雅各宾党人外,


反对教宗无上权威,开启宗教改革的序幕;随著亨利八世(Herny VIII)因离婚争议与教廷决裂,牛津作为御前首席学府便上演一场又一场之血腥斗争;英国内战年代,查理一世(Charles I)与保皇党(Royalist)更定都牛津,负隅顽抗;


royalism 君主主义 | royalist 保皇党员 | royalistic 保皇党派的


rival竞争者,对手 | royalist保皇主义者,保皇党人 | sectarian宗派的,宗派主义者


royalist保皇主义者,保皇党人 | sectarian宗派的,宗派主义者 | separatist主张分治(分裂)的人


to want somebody dead or alive 无论是生是死,都要将其缉拿 | Tory 保守党党员,保皇党人;保守分子的 | toxin 毒素


royalistic 君主主义的 | royalists 保皇党 | royaltyonbooks 版税