英语人>词典>汉英 : 俊秀 的英文翻译,例句
俊秀 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
lulu  ·  Lulu  ·  lulus

更多网络例句与俊秀相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Vast forests of palms, arecs, bamboo, teakwood, of the gigantic mimosa, and tree-like ferns covered the foreground, while behind, the graceful outlines of the mountains were traced against the sky; and along the coasts swarmed by thousands the precious swallows whose nests furnish a luxurious dish to the tables of the Celestial Empire.


Erichthonius begat Tros, king of the Trojans, and Tros had three noble sons, Ilus, Assaracus, and Ganymede who was comeliest of mortal men; wherefore the gods carried him off to be Jove's cupbearer, for his beauty's sake, that he might dwell among the immortals.


Describe Adonis, and the counterfeitIs poorly imitated after you;On Helen's cheek all art of beauty set,And you in Grecian tires are painted new:Speak of the spring and foison of the year;The one doth shadow of your beauty show,The other as your bounty doth appear;And you in every blessed shape we know.


Since every one, hath every one, one shade, And you but one, can every shadow lend: Describe Adonis and the counterfeit, Is poorly imitated after you, On Helen's cheek all art of beauty set, And you in Grecian tires are painted new: Speak of the spring, and foison of the year, The one doth shadow of your beauty show, The other as your bounty doth appear, And you in every blessed shape we know.


Describe Adonis, and the counterfeit Is poorly imitated after you; On Helen's cheek all art of beauty set, And you in Grecian tires are painted new: Speak of the spring and foison of the year; The one doth shadow of your beauty show, The other as your bounty doth appear; And you in every blessed shape we know.


In truth, fair Montague, I am too fond, and therefore thou mayst think my 'havior light: But trust me, gentleman, I'll prove more true than those that have more cunning to be strange.


Only see Hero wear sleeveless vest, he and Xiah all worn a hat, Max bind horsetail.


She said that he had a fair sweet death through God His goodness with masspriest to be shriven, holy housel and sick men's oil to his limbs.


Pieces, including: Children of the Night ESP Footprints Juju Mahjong Nefertiti Night Dreamer Speak No Evil Witch Hunt Yes and No.


Mayhap it was this, the love that might have been, that lent to her softlyfeatured face at whiles a look, tense with suppressed meaning, that imparted a strange yearning tendency to the beautiful eyes, a charm few could resist.


更多网络解释与俊秀相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


苏俄牧羊犬(Borzoi)最让人赞探的应该就是那脱俗的气质吧. 它那充满了速度感的拱型背脊与细长的脚,与身体大小相比显得较挟窄的身型,它们的被毛长而柔顺,优雅的嘴型与举止姿态,都散发出一股尊贵的气质. 苏俄牧羊犬的名称来自俄语「俊秀敏捷」的意思,




A:ability才能 五只的才能可是不能小觑的! | I:immaculate纯洁的五只都有纯洁的灵魂. | H:handsome清秀英俊 不然怎么叫俊秀!

Weijian Li:李伟筑

俊秀 Yingjun Zhao | 李伟筑 Weijian Li | 王西方 Dongfang Wang

Weijian Li:李伟修

俊秀 Yingjun Zhao | 李伟修 Weijian Li | 王西方 Dongfang Wang


4 Xiah JunSu 细亚俊秀 | 5 Maddox 被安吉丽娜收养的柬埔寨男孩 | 6 News: Yama Tomohisa 山下智久


其实,在法文里也会用"瘦"(Maigre)字来形容过于清瘦,使得口味失衡的葡萄酒,但是明显带着贬意. "干"字反而比较中性,可以有俊秀挺拔式的均衡.

And simple truth miscall'd simplicity:说了灼灼真知,人当你疯癫悖狂

And folly, doctor-like, controlling skill, 饱学莫如扮个穷酸... | And simple truth miscall'd simplicity, 说了灼灼真知,人当你疯癫悖狂! | And captive good attending captain ill: 淫恶匪首独独作,俊秀义士回瞻...

GyaO MIDTOWN TV Music Program:东方神起搞笑健身球对决

080307 Mnet Japan I love Show Music Tank Special Part1 上 下 | 080312 GyaO MIDTOWN TV Music Program-东方神起搞笑健身球对决 | 080314 Mnet JAPAN News-回到有天俊秀的小时候[大米最想遗忘的过去]

Shun Oguri:(不知道

02.Kim JunSu (金俊秀 ,哇~俊酱耶.) | 03.Shun Oguri (不知道.) | 04.Yunho (允浩 , yeah!~)