英语人>词典>汉英 : 促进食欲的 的英文翻译,例句
促进食欲的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
appetising  ·  appetitive  ·  appetizing

更多网络例句与促进食欲的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And alimental diversification absorbs ability to the appetitive, assimilation that enhances the child very helpful also.


Such as: chicken broth, shrimp, seeds, eggs, vegetables, carp, monosodium glutamate XieHuang egg, fine fine delicate, more than ten varieties of these varieties are distinctive, Different varieties of different flavor, taste delicious, easy to digest the food, the elderly and infirm, can appetitive, enhanced physique, both young and nutrition food.


Affected cows should be kept in cool, darkened pens where fresh water and appetizing feed are readily available.


Not necessarily since the color is perceived as the least appetizing (a good color for dieters!).


Areca Seed can promote patient's appetite, enhance body immunity, rehabilitate the normal metabolism.


Thus, hypothalamic AMPK plays a critical role in hormonal and nutrient-derived anorexigenic and orexigenic signals and in energy balance.


Clinical application proves modern medicine, honey can be promoted digest absorb, stomachic, sleep peacefully undisturbedly, increase airframe strength, to promoting the infant's growth development is having positive effect.


Soya Bean Polypeptide that relies on rapid activities of H+ ion exchange in the gastro intestine dispossesses the intestinal passage, shortening fat's duration of stay in the intestine, particularly blocking the major absorption of cholesterol before speedily excreted. Meanwhile, part of theSoya Polypeptide stimulates squeezing pressure on the bile to boost secretion that breaks down the fat in diminishing the formation of triglyceride in the liver, bringing along the decreased appetite.


Although the pellets look unappetising they are nonetheless nutritious and like our breakfast cereal .


Attention to cultivate children's interest in food and goodwill, to promote his appetite, to the children as far as possible when adding complementary color, flavor and taste is good, it is necessary to constantly changing food varieties and production methods, this will enhance a child's appetite.


更多网络解释与促进食欲的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

appetising:美味可口的, 促进食欲的

appetiser | 开胃食品, 开胃物 | appetising | 美味可口的, 促进食欲的 | appetite juice | 食欲(胃)液


appetitive stimulus 满欲刺激 | appetitive 欲求的 | appetizing 促进食欲的


appetitive 食欲的 | appetitive 有食欲的 | appetitiveappetizing 促进食欲的


appetitive 欲求的 | appetizing 促进食欲的 | appliance 适用


animated 活泼的,生动的 | appetizing 美味可口的,促进食欲的 | aseptic 洁净的,无菌的

get up one's appetite:开胃, 增进食欲; 做刺激胃口的事

He has a good appetite. 他的胃口好. | get up one's appetite 开胃, 增进食欲; 做刺激胃口的事 | give appetite 促进食欲


治疗精神障碍 2、有促进食欲的增加和抗贫血的作用 3、如果缺乏时,会出现体力衰竭,昏迷等症状 三、苯丙氨酸(Phe) 在机体内转变为酪氨酸,促进甲状腺素和肾和肾上腺素的合成 四、蛋氨酸(又名甲硫氨酸)(Met) 1、参与胆碱的合成,

relinquish vt.1:离开;放弃或抛弃2松开;放开

releasor n.让渡人(权利或财产),让与人 | relinquish vt.1离开;放弃或抛弃2松开;放开 | relish n.独特的滋味,使人感到愉快或风味的东西;滋味,食物的味道,特别是促进食欲的味道

appian way:亚壁古道(一古罗马大路)

appetizing || 美味可口的, 促进食欲的 | Appian Way || 亚壁古道(一古罗马大路) | applaud || 拍手喝彩, 称赞, 赞同

APPETISER:开胃食品, 开胃物

appetent || 热望的, 意欲的, 本能欲求的 | appetiser || 开胃食品, 开胃物 | appetising || 美味可口的, 促进食欲的