英语人>词典>汉英 : 促进分泌的 的英文翻译,例句
促进分泌的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
secretory  ·  secy

更多网络例句与促进分泌的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It has necesary aminophenol which can accelerate the exudation of insulin.


The machine could tremble your body from flesh and fell, accelerate blood cycle, consequently increase the hormone in blood.


Picrotoxin (3×10-7mol/L) did not affect basal gastric acid secretion and the promotive effect of GABA on GAS.

印防已毒素(Pic, 3×10-7mol/L)不影响基础胃酸分泌和GABA促进GAS的效应,而番氯芬(Phac, 0.6×10-7mol/L)能完全阻断GABA的促进效应。

Pulsed arc discharge in non-uniform electric field is a kind of effective method for the production of NO.


The International Wildfowl Research Bureau watches over endangered species of birds thoughout the world.

国际野禽研究所关注着全世界的濒危鸟类。16.secretive a。秘密的,偷偷摸摸的,分泌的,促进分泌的

He thyrotropin-releasing hormone is a bioactive peptides Synthesized and excreted from hypoghaiamus. It is the mainphysiological action that stimulates the Synthesis of antehypophysis, release of thyroid-stimulating hormone and excretion of prolactin.


As we know that human placentalsyncytiotrophoblast cell derlves from the fused cytotrophoblast cell and fetal calfserum can be able to induce the term placental cytotrophoblast cell fusion in vitro.


Increase in [Ca(superscript 2+)] i released from sarcoplasmic reticulum negatively modulate atrial ANP secretion.

阻断SR或L-型Ca(上标 2+)通道使细胞内Ca(上标 2+)浓度降低可促进ANP的分泌,而激活二者则抑制ANP分泌。

That because dyoxygen induced trophocyte proliferation and hCG secretion, at that moment, hPL level is not high, which is consistent with hPL level in placenta dysfunction, What this study show that hCG increase being not promote hPL secretion significantly may explain the phenomenon.


In the exudates from wounds, IL-1 was detected. IL-1 is capable of promoting proliferation of fibroblasts and excretion of collagenase, which induces inflammation and fever and promote wound healing. Inflammation is a defense reaction of the body.


更多网络解释与促进分泌的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

gastrointestinal hormone:胃肠激素

2 胃肠激素 由胃肠内分泌细胞分泌的激素称为胃肠激素(gastrointestinal hormone). 胃肠道有40多种内分泌细胞,是体内最大的内分泌腺,能分泌数十种胃肠激素. 其生理作用有:(1)调节消化腺的分泌和消化道的运动,如胃泌素能促进胃粘膜的分泌和胃的运动,


secern /区别/分开/ | secernent /能分泌的/分泌器官/分泌促进剂/ | secession /脱离/


secretion分泌(作用);分泌物 | secretive(促进)分泌的 | secretogogue促分泌素


secretory 分泌腺 | secretory 促进分泌的 | secretservicespecialservice 特工

female sex hormone:雌性激素

雌性激素 雌性激素(female sex hormone) 即雌性脊椎动物的性激素. 由卵巢分泌的发情激素具有促进第二性征的出现和发情等的作用,在哺乳动物还可使排卵后的滤胞变为黄体,并能分泌称为第二雌激素的 黄体激素,具有控制妊娠、哺乳的功能. 又称女性激素.


excretion /排泄/排泄物/ | excretive /排泄的/分泌的/促进排泄的/ | excretories /排泄器官/


seceder /脱离者/分离者/ | secern /区别/分开/ | secernent /能分泌的/分泌器官/分泌促进剂/

vitamin A acid:维他命A酸 具有去角质、促进代谢、调理油脂分泌的功能,可以改善、治疗青春痘、粉刺

Vaseline 凡士林 润滑剂 | Vitamin A Acid 维他命A酸 具有去角质、促进代谢、调理油脂分泌的功能,可以改善、治疗青春痘、粉刺 | Vitamin A Palmitate 棕榈酸维生素A 具有滋润功效,减少细少纹路及修护肌肤作用

vitamin A acid:维他命A酸 具有去角质、促进代谢、调理油脂分泌的功能,可以改善、治

Tetrasodium EDTA 乙二氨四醋酸四钠 化妆品溶液中的隔离剂,可做为... | Vitamin A Acid 维他命A酸 具有去角质、促进代谢、调理油脂分泌的功能,可以改善、治 | Vitamin A Palmitate 棕榈酸维生素A 具有滋润功效,减少细少纹...

vitamin A acid:维他命A酸 具有去角质,促进代谢,调理油脂分泌的功能,可以改善,治疗青春痘,粉刺

Vaseline 凡士林 润滑剂 | Vitamin A Acid 维他命A酸 具有去角质,促进代谢,调理油脂分泌的功能,可以改善,治疗青春痘,粉刺 | Vitamin A Palmitate 棕榈酸维生素A 具有滋润功效,减少细少纹路及修护肌肤作用