英语人>词典>汉英 : 便秘药 的英文翻译,例句
便秘药 的英文翻译、例句


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For example, antispasmodic drugs that treat abdominal pain by relaxing the intestine tend to cause constipation.


Costive one tabloid of cascara sagrada.


Based on the functional classification of Traditional Chinese Medicine; Heat hind 42.55%, qi stagnation 23.40%, qi vacuity 10.63%, blood vacuity 6.38%, yin vacuity 8.5 1% and yang vacuity 14.8%. The changes in peristalsis was studied before and after treatment used to determine the significance of the results according to Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test in all patients. It showed that the treated group exhibited beneficial effects. However, patients treated with the Chinese herbal formula showed recurrence when medication was discontinued. The recurrence is similar whether receiving Western medication or not. However, after therapy with herbal formula, if patients receive BIOFEEDBACK of colon, the recurrence rate of chronic constipation was 15%. This significant in the treatment of chronic constipation is very important.

所有患者经防风通圣散治疗,并以Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test等进行统计分析其大肠蠕动改变情形,结果为有意义的改善,改善率为82.7%;但中药治疗后若停药则其症状又复发,停药两周后其便秘复发率为75%,这与目前大部份的中药或西药治疗便秘情形相同,但经防风通圣散治疗后,若再接受大肠生理回馈控制,其便秘复发率只有15%,故利用防风通圣散加上大肠生理回馈之训练对於性便秘之治疗是一有效之方法。

Methods The normal mice and constipation model mice were selected and fed with corn active polysaccharide. The propelling function of corn active polysaccharide to the gastrointestinal vermicular motion was monitored.


Moisturizing pathogenic dryness to loosen the Bowel, this drug has a special curative effect on astriction.


In order to screen a therapy treating both principal and secondary aspect of disease for neuroleptic-induced astriction, 174 inpatients given neuroleptics were randomly selected and divided into 4 groups. Groups A, B, and C orally given Vit B1, warm salt water, and sennamixture respectively were compared with control group one by one using χ2 test.

为了筛选出一种对抗精神病药所引起的药源性便秘进行标本兼治的方法,作者通过随机抽样,对住院的174例服用抗精神病药的病人随机分为A、B、C、D组(前3组为用药组,第4组为对照组),分别口服Vit B1、温盐水、蕃泻叶合剂与对照组逐个进行对比观察,进行χ2检验。

Our company is a research, development, production and sales of industrial enterprises, the latest development, production of side-hyok licensingíChinese varieties have "rhinitis Pillow,""sleep pillow","high blood pressure pillow,""Asthma Pillow ,"" Beauty Pillow,"" menopause pillow ping impatient "," Jiannao Yizhi Pillow,"" electric massageícervical spine "," body balance adjustment Pillow,"" bamboo carbon, anion±í"," Far-infrared magnetotherapyícompound,"" Vertigo occipital headache,"" fatigue syndrome Pillow,"" Insomnia umbilical cord "," umbilical cord blood,"" constipation, umbilical cord,"" dysmenorrhea umbilical cord,"" prostate umbilical cord "," Yangwei belt ""lumbar belt,""Mammary Hyperplasia drug hood" and other series products.


Objective:To evaluate the relationship between psychophysiologic disorders and slow- transit constipation and the efficacy of antidepressive agents in the treatment of STC.


Today, I was at home with slight constipation, so I took two laxatives.


更多网络解释与便秘药相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



emplastic:致便秘药 便秘药

emplacement 侵位 炮兵阵地 放列动作 安置 指定一定位置 | emplastic 致便秘药 便秘药 | emplectite 硫铜铋矿


emplane 装上飞机 | emplastic 致便秘药 | emplastic 便秘药


emplastic 致便秘药 | emplastic 便秘药 | emplectite 硫铜铋矿


膳食纤维包括纤维素、木素 (lignin) 等不可吸收纤维以及果胶,燕麦麸等可吸收纤维两类. 欧车前(psyllium)作为可吸收纤维制剂对便秘有一定疗效. 3. 促动力药:全胃肠的促动力药西沙必利 (cisapride) 和莫沙必利 (mosapride) 对便秘效果不肯定,


这些常见的祸首包括含铝 或钙的制酸剂、抗组织胺、抗帕金森药、钙质补充品、利尿剂、麻醉 剂、酚噻嗪(phenothiazine)、镇定剂、三环兴奋剂. 注意某些食品 某些食物可能使某些人便秘,但对其他人则毫无影响或恰好 相反. 例如,牛奶可能使某些人严重便秘,


emplane 使乘飞机 | emplane 装上飞机 | emplastic 致便秘药