英语人>词典>汉英 : 侵蚀旋回 的英文翻译,例句
侵蚀旋回 的英文翻译、例句


cycle of denudation
更多网络例句与侵蚀旋回相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Using maximum flooding surface and local explosure erosion surface as the correlation framework surface in the 4-th hierarchical base-level cycles, sand-body in the 3-th hierarchical base-level cycles formed in the 4-th hierarchical base-level cycles may be correlated layer by layer. The law of the sand-body and the characters of reservoir heterogeneity formed in the 4-th hierarchical base-level cycles are discussed. The study shows:①During early period of the 4-th hierarchical base-level cycle rising, subaqueous distributary channel formed, continuously stacked vertically, and migrated in limit range laterally, and channel sand-body stretches farther longitudinally, and lacks interbeds of mud rock and siltsand in sand rock, reservoir heterogeneity is relatively weak.②During mid-period of the 4-th hierarchical base-level cycle rising, subsaqueous distributary channel migrated actively, channel divided and converged strongly to form netted sand-body and sand sheet mainly, but interbeds of mud rock and siltsand increases gradually in sand-body, reservoir heterogeneity increased.③During later period of the 4-th hierarchical base-level rising and early period of the 4-th hierarchical base-level falling, reservoir sand-body was poor, and only form thin sand-body of subsaqueous distributary channel, subsaqeuous creveas and distal mouth bar, sand-bodys are surrounded by mud and silt rock.


更多网络解释与侵蚀旋回相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

fluvial denudation:河流剥蚀作用

fluvial cycle of erosion 河流侵蚀旋回 | fluvial denudation 河流剥蚀作用 | fluvial deposit 河流沉积

fluvial denudation:河流冲刷作用

fluvial cycle of erosion 河流侵蚀循环,河蚀旋回,常态旋回 | fluvial denudation 河流冲刷作用 | fluvial deposit 河流沉积

normal fault scarp:正断层崖

normal erosion cycle 正常侵蚀旋回 | normal fault scarp 正断层崖 | normal fault 正断层

fluvial deposit:河流沉积

fluvial cycle of erosion 河流侵蚀循环,河蚀旋回,常态旋回 | fluvial deposit 河流沉积 | fluvial dynamics 河流动力学

erosion cycle:侵蚀旋回

erosion corrosion 冲蚀腐蚀 | erosion cycle 侵蚀旋回 | erosion device 冲蚀探测装置

normal erosion cycle:正常侵蚀旋回

normal equations 正规方程 | normal erosion cycle 正常侵蚀旋回 | normal fault scarp 正断层崖

cycle of erosion:侵蚀旋回

cycle length 周期时间 | cycle of erosion 侵蚀旋回 | cycle of fluctuation 波动周期

fluvial cycle of erosion:河流侵蚀旋回

fluvial cycle of denudation 流水剥蚀旋回 | fluvial cycle of erosion 河流侵蚀旋回 | fluvial denudation 河流剥蚀作用

fluvial cycle of erosion:河流侵蚀循环,河蚀旋回,常态旋回

fluvial bog ==> 河边低地 | fluvial cycle of erosion ==> 河流侵蚀循环,河蚀旋回,常态旋回 | fluvial deposit ==> 河流沉积