- 更多网络例句与侵犯皮肤的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
The wide variety of clinical symptoms of AIDS, the general in the early symptoms as the beginning of the cold, flu, fatigue can not afford full-body, loss of appetite, fever, weight loss, with the increase of the condition, growing number of symptoms such as skin, the skin appears white stick read coccus Infections, herpes simplex, herpes zoster, purpura, hematoma, blood blister, Xueban lag, skin vulnerable to injury, after injury, such as bleeding more than; after violations of internal organs gradually and continuously Unexplained persistent fever, it could take more than 3 -- 4 months; can cough, shortness of breath, persistent diarrhea, bloody stool, hepatosplenomegaly, complicated by malignant tumors, respiratory difficulties and so on.
The great majority (80%) had moderate or severe skin lesions characterized by scarlet to dusky red or brownish lesions with a collodion membrane-like surface, and showed a preferential involvement of the flexural and genital areas, especially the groin and axilla where the lesions often manifested centrifugal rings.
Amyloidosis cutis dyschromica is a rare distinct type of primary cutaneous amyloidosis characterized by the presence of widespread hypopigmented as well as hyperpigmented macules. We herein report a 25-year-old male showing diffuse hyperpigmentation as with hypopigmented spots over his whole body but sparing his lace, hands and feet from the age of 8 years.
Cutaneous Manifestations of Proteus Syndrome Reflect General Severity - In a prospective cohort study, numbers of cutaneous and extracutaneous findings were correlated, consistent with the postulated mosaic basis for this syndrome.
"The second type, systemic lupus erythematosus, may affect any organ or structure, especially the skin (with marks like those of the discoid type), kidneys, heart, nervous system, serous (moisture-forming) membrane s (e.g., in synovial joints or lining the abdomen), and lymph nodes, with acute episodes and remissions."
Background: Harada disease, or Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome, is a rare autoimmune disease characterized by autoantibodies that attack melanocyte-containing tissues or organs such as skin, hair, meninges, uvea, and the inner ear.
The clinical features included peripheral lymphadenopathy and skin lesions, recurrent fever was very common. the pathological features included partial lymphomatous involvement of lymph node, sheets of analplastic large cells infiltrated the sinuses and paracortices, immunohistochemical cd30 was strongly positive. the prognosis was comparative well.
The percentage of different organ involvements in these patients is 60% of nephropathy, 37% of arthritis, 48% of mucocutaneous lesions, 11% of CNS involvements, and 38% of fever.
Erythema multiforme is an acute mucocutaneous hypersensitivity reaction caused by a variety of etiologies.
- 更多网络解释与侵犯皮肤的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
曲霉病(aspergillosis)是由曲霉所引起的一种慢性霉菌病,可侵犯皮肤、粘膜、眼、外耳道、鼻、鼻窦、支气管、肺、胃肠道、神经系统或骨骼,严重者导致败血症. 本病的病理特征为肉芽肿性损害,亦可为坏死性或化脓性,其临床表现常随发病部位而异.
cutacrossthroat 刎 | cutandpolish 雕琢 | cutaneous 侵犯皮肤的
cutis laxa:皮肤松弛症
皮肤松弛症(cutis laxa)又称皮肤松垂症,或全身性弹力纤维松解症,系皮肤弹力纤维先天发育缺陷而引起的一种皮肤松垂疾病,并可侵犯全身结缔组织,涉及心血管、呼吸、泌尿等器官的正常结构与功能.
临床上通过将红斑狼疮分为两种类型病变仅限于皮肤的称"盘状红斑狼疮"(dle).有内脏多器官,多系统受累的称为"系统性红斑狼疮"(sle). 是由多种因素引起,累及多系统的自身免疫性疾病. 多侵犯育龄女性. 其特点是生成自身抗体对抗多种自身抗原.
leishmaniasis cutis:皮肤黑热病
皮肤黑热病(leishmaniasis cutis)是由Donovan利什曼原虫(LD小体或黑热病小体)侵犯皮肤或粘膜产生红斑和结节性损害的慢性皮肤病. 该病又称为黑热病后皮肤利什曼病(Post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis). Donovan利什曼原虫主要寄生于内脏,
[概述] 麻风(leprosy)是由麻风分支杆菌引起的一种慢性传染病,主要侵犯皮肤和周围神经,在抵抗力低的病例中,到了中、晚期可累及深部组织和内脏器官. 麻风很少引起死亡,但可导致肢体残废和畸形,使患者丧失劳动力.
另外,A型链球菌会产生毒素(toxin),这正是决定当被感染时会不会侵犯皮肤而产生症状与否的因素. 当人类没有抗毒素(antitoxin)存在身体内时,就会产生皮肤的疹子,如果体内已经产生抗毒素,被A型链球菌感染时,就不会有皮肤症状.
blastomyces dermatitidis:皮炎芽生菌
肺芽生菌病又称吉尔克斯(Gilchrist)病或北美芽生菌病,是由皮炎芽生菌(Blastomyces Dermatitidis)或称北美芽生菌(blastomycosis North American)感染引起的一种慢性肉芽肿性及化脓性疾病,可侵犯身体的任何部位,主要累及皮肤、肺和骨骼肺芽生菌也是一种双相型真菌存在于土壤中.
皮肤松垂(dermatolysis)又称皮肤松弛症(cutis laxa),或全身性弹力纤维松解症(generalized elastolysis),系皮肤弹力纤维先天发育缺陷而引起的一种皮肤松垂疾病,并可侵犯全身结缔组织,涉及心血管,呼吸、泌尿等器官的正常结构与功能.
阿米巴(Amebae)是一种属于原生动物门亚门的单细胞原虫,它具有以伪足产生致命性及二分法繁殖的特点. 溶组织内阿米巴(Entamoeba histolytica)可引起肠阿米巴病,偶可侵犯皮肤引起皮肤阿米巴病(Amebiasis Cutis).