英语人>词典>汉英 : 侵入线 的英文翻译,例句
侵入线 的英文翻译、例句


infection thread
更多网络例句与侵入线相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So, the blowhole defective belongs to a technology difficult in the session of casting, and has a lot of values for research.


According to the research of the paper, the "migmatite" of the Sizishan Formation, Xingdong Group distributed in northern Xiao Hinggan Mountains should be a suit of gneissic quartz monzonitegranite intrusions. Their whole rockmineral Rb-Sr isochronic dating is (482±19) Ma, indicating that an Caledonian magmatic events existed in the giant granitic belt of the Xiao Hinggan Mountains.

研究表明,分布于小兴安岭北部金林林场的兴东群四子山组"混合岩"为一套片麻状石英二长岩-花岗岩侵入体,岩石全岩-矿物Rb-Sr等时线年龄为(482±19) Ma,这表明小兴安岭巨型花岗岩带中存在早古生代岩浆事件。

The supersession of the new and old root was related with the peak of the second stage juvenile (J2). The temporal and spatial dynamics of invasion for the SCN had closely related with the soybean root development.


The yield of mulberry leaves were influenced by the total branch length per tree and the number of Meloidogyne arenaria in root system.


According to the research of the paper, the "migmatite" of the Sizishan Formation, Xingdong Group distributed in northern Xiao Hinggan Mountains should be a suit of gneissic quartz monzonitegranite intrusions. Their whole rockmineral Rb-Sr isochronic dating is (482±19) Ma, indicating that an Caledonian magmatic events existed in the giant granitic belt of the Xiao Hinggan Mountains.

研究表明,分布于小兴安岭北部金林林场的兴东群四子山组&混合岩&为一套片麻状石英二长岩-花岗岩侵入体,岩石全岩-矿物Rb-Sr等时线年龄为(482±19) Ma,这表明小兴安岭巨型花岗岩带中存在早古生代岩浆事件。

Results show that the heavy rainfall event occurred under the favorable environmental conditions, resulted from the interaction of mid-and low-latitude systems. The mesoscale convergence and the mesoscale low triggered the occurrence of the heavy rainfall. Rain clusters bringing the heavy rainfall were related to meso-β systems. The meso-β mesoscale rain clusters appeared to the north of the cyclone center on 1000 hPa after filtering and to the south of the meso-α convergence line on 850 hPa.

分析表明:暴雨发生在高低空流场及中低纬系统配置非常有利的天气背景下,是多种尺度天气系统相互作用的结果;在对流性不稳定层结中,冷空气沿等熵面侵入到中尺度辐合系统中,激发了中尺度低涡的迅速发展,在孟加拉湾和南海源源不断输送的水汽配合下,导致了暴雨的发生;中β尺度对流雨团发生在滤波后1000 hPa 等压面的低涡中心北侧和850 hPa 中α尺度辐合线南侧,呈现暖式切变的降雨特征。

This paper researches on 4100QB Cylinder-block of the KW moulding line , particularly introduces the forming mechanism of blowholes on 4100QB Cylinder-block.

本论文以在KW 造型线上生产的4100QB机体作为研究对象,详细介绍了4100QB机体产生的侵入性气孔的形成机理。

They often had more matrix regions more than one which were different in electron dense, infection thread wall thickness and bacterial number.


Formation of infection thread and nodules at early symbiotic stage between 2-33 and A. sinicus were monitored in situ by using laser confocal scanning microscope and fluorescent microscope.


Infection of legume roots begins with attachment of rhizobia to the root surface Biochemical signals are exchanged between the partners and then rhizobia invade the root hairs through an infection thread.


更多网络解释与侵入线相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


当此档进攻完成后,进攻方可选择接受判罚,前进五码并重复此档进攻;或不接受判罚,维持现有结果. 如果防守队员在启球前越过启球线并接触到攻方队员,则不是越位,而会被判罚为越线侵入(Encroachment). 越线侵入将被立即吹罚犯规.


irruptive rock 侵入岩 | isallobar 等变压线 | isanomal 等异常线


线虫则先利用口针(stylet)反复穿刺,最后穿透植物表皮细胞壁,头部或整个虫体进入植物细胞中. 植物表皮是植物体最外侧的细胞层. 植物体地上部分表皮的最外层是角质层,病原真菌直接侵入时用以突破这第一道屏障的酶就是角质酶.

irruptive rock:侵入岩

irrotational flow 无旋流 | irruptive rock 侵入岩 | isallobar 等变压线

isacoustic line:等声强线

侵入岩 irruptive rock | 等声强线 isacoustic line | 等变压线 isallobar

metallogeny of deep lineaments:深部构造线成矿说

砷锌矿 reinerite | 深部构造线成矿说 metallogeny of deep lineaments | 深成侵入体 pluton

invading water:侵入水

invading shore line 进侵滨线 | invading water 侵入水 | invading-imbibing wetting phase 驱替-自吸润湿相

infection thread:侵入线

类菌体 bacteroid | 侵入线 infection thread | 结瘤 nodulation

invading shore line:进侵滨线

invading sea 进侵的海 | invading shore line 进侵滨线 | invading water 侵入水

root nodule bacteria:根瘤菌

根瘤菌(root nodule bacteria)是与豆科植物共生.形成根瘤并固定空气中的氮气供植物营养的一类杆状细菌.这种共生体系具有很强的固氮能力.已知全世界豆科植物近两万种.根瘤菌是通过豆科植物根毛.侧根杈口(如花生)或其他部位侵入.形成侵入线.进到根的皮层.刺激宿主皮层细胞分裂.形成根瘤.根瘤菌从侵入线进到根瘤细胞.继续繁殖.