英语人>词典>汉英 : 侦察出 的英文翻译,例句
侦察出 的英文翻译、例句


spy out
更多网络例句与侦察出相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

U.S. Navy surveillance of first Soviet F-class submarine to surface near the quarantine line (conning tower number 945, Soviet fleet number B-130, commanded by Shumkov).


He has nosed the secrets of that "Club".


A grant from the World Bank will help train giant pouched rats, who have been trained to sniff out land mines in Africa, to detect tuberculosis bacteria in human saliva.


The system structure of the recon radar simulator is given out in the end.


In the process ofnavigation of INS/Scene Matching the aerocraft will save the land information of undersurface offly orbit in the memorizer which has been scouted in advance. While the aerocraft fly thescheduled position the sensor schlep will take the real time image like as RAR image. After thenthe real time image will match the reference image which has been stored beforehand and hasgeographic relation with real time image. Thus the position or horizontal and longitudinal distanceerror of the aerocraft can been fixed on. After that the navigation and control and guidance iscomplete.


In reconnoiter phase, go river policeman lands a video of this website to chat with member status, appear in video to be called the performance woman of network baby, not only disrobe child twist before camera lens will be twisted, still often scratch one's head does appearance to make a few tease sexual act.


Munching on a pretzel, he wondered how he'd sleuth out Jordan in this dimension.


At first,there are three kinds of satellite recon information flow models are built,they are focus,narrow bar scan and wide bar scan.And the examples of them are given according the parameters of "Starlite" recon satellite constellation of USA.Secondly,the information capacity of the recon-sat storage without satellite transmission network is simulated and computed,which illustrates satellite transmission network is necessary.Lastly,the transmission of satellite recon information through a satellite transmission network is simulated and some primary simulation conclusions are given.


Sometimes it comes alone, sometimes in a team of five. And whether one or five, this is the only end for that scout ant-to become a pulped mark on a bitumen surface. Actually I don't know how the scout ant that can put Columbus to shame would send out its final message, maybe by screaming with all the might left, in the last spasm of its cruel death, using all the segments of its antennae, from the first to the eighth, perhaps including even the ninth to the eleventh


They left at daylight in order to spy their way through the minefields.


更多网络解释与侦察出相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


nose 鼻, (飞机、船等的)前端 侦察出 | aquacade 水中歌舞表演 | polyester isocyanate 聚酯异氰酸酯

dainty morsel:好吃的东西

spied 侦察出,发现 | dainty morsel 好吃的东西 | thy 你的(古语)

This detective story is boring:这个侦察故事很没意思

This detective story is boring, ;这个侦察故事很没意思, | because you can speculate the ending in the beginning. ;因为刚开始看你就能推断出它的... | sponsor n.发起者,主办者,赞助者 vt.发起,主办;资助, 赞助;...


笔者征询了TED本人的意见,他的推荐是死亡骑士(DK) 巫妖(LICH) 黑暗游侠(DR)的组合,对方骑士多的话lich升一级的冰甲,DR的沉默使用是一个关键之处. 在自己MF之余别忘记了侦察对方的动态,万不可让对方开出第三片矿.

a goodly piece of:相当大一块

snatched 抢夺 | a goodly piece of 相当大一块 | spied 侦察出,发现


笔者征询了TED本人的意见,他的推荐是死亡骑士(DK) 巫妖(LICH) 黑暗游侠(DR)的组合,对方骑士多的话lich升一级的冰甲,DR的沉默使用是一个关键之处. 在自己MF之余别忘记了侦察对方的动态,万不可让对方开出第三片矿.

Class Mammalia:哺乳纲

犀牛(RHINO)坚固可靠的运输战车,可以帮助战术部队和侦察部队快速进入战斗位置.以它为基础更衍生出适合各种战斗需要的车辆~~...wanderer犀牛(Rhinoceros, Rhino)...哺乳纲 (Class Mammalia)


snatched 抢夺 | a goodly piece of 相当大一块 | spied 侦察出,发现


a goodly piece of 相当大一块 | spied 侦察出,发现 | dainty morsel 好吃的东西

gas engine:内燃机, 气体发动机

juction battery 结型电池 | gas engine 内燃机, 气体发动机 | nose 鼻, (飞机、船等的)前端 侦察出