英语人>词典>汉英 : 侥幸成功 的英文翻译,例句
侥幸成功 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
fluke  ·  luck  ·  squeak  ·  lucked  ·  lucking  ·  lucks  ·  squeaked  ·  squeaks

get away with
更多网络例句与侥幸成功相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

What's more the easy money would bring sequela to you: you are unwilling to work and had a bad habit of wasting money. Your experience of speculation makes you have aleatory thought.


What's more the easy money would bring sequela to you: you are unwilling to work and had a bad habit of wasting money. Your experience of speculation makes you have aleatory thought. The intention of waiting for windfall would simply starve you at end of the day.


Because we know that success should not doped luck, we do not not call a win-win business.


It's a fluke.


Ever the sociopathic gangster with cruel charm oozing from every pore, Cagney gets points for umpteen classic roles where he fights society time and time again… and almost gets away with it.


Pulling the Lion's tail, and getting away with it, proved wildly popular.


Many Nigerians, fed up with the venality of politics, fear that the political establishment will now feel it can be as crooked as it has been in the past—and get away with it as usual.


He only just squeaked through to re-election last year, and, faced with a strengthened opposition, his spine has stiffened.


He says for decades Greek administrations have usurped people's money and have gotten away with it.


The Election Commission has shown itself vigilant enough to suggest that Thailand's endemic vote-buying will become harder to get away with.


更多网络解释与侥幸成功相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

above all things:尤其是, 最重要的是, 首要的是

a near thing 差点发生的意外事件; 千钧一发, 极其危险 差点失败的事情, 侥幸成功的事情 | above all things 尤其是, 最重要的是, 首要的是 | all things considered 从各方面看来, 总的看来

All : General Idea:爱迪尔将军!敬礼

Robin : that's the general idea.说道点子上啦. | All : General Idea! 爱迪尔将军!敬礼 | A fluke不是一只血吸虫,而是非意料之中的成功,侥幸成功

get away with it:侥幸成功; 逃脱处罚

get away with 逃避惩罚[责备, 追究];拿[抢、带]走 | get away with it 侥幸成功 逃脱处罚 | Get away with you! [口]滚开! 去你的!

a Job's comforter:指帮倒忙

Job's wife 喻目光短浅,冥顽不灵的妇女 | A Job's comforter 指帮倒忙 | By the skin to one's teeth 只剩牙皮逃脱 意为 侥幸逃脱 侥幸成功


fluke 侥幸成功 | fluky 侥幸的 | flume 水槽


fluke 侥幸成功 | fluky 幸中的 | fluky 侥幸的


fluke /侥幸成功/锚爪/比目鱼/侥幸/倒霉/蛭/ | fluky /侥幸的/幸中的/不可靠的/ | flume /水槽/水道/顺流搬运/用槽引水/造水槽/

luck up:交好运; 获得成功

luck in a bag [废]罕有的好运, 意外的好运 | luck out 运气特好; 侥幸成功; 逢凶化吉 倒透了霉, 遭到不幸 | luck up 交好运; 获得成功

a near thing:差点发生的意外事件; 千钧一发, 极其危险 差点失败的事情, 侥幸成功的事情

a close thing 差点发生的意外事件; 千钧一发, 极其危险 差点失败的事情, 侥幸... | a near thing 差点发生的意外事件; 千钧一发, 极其危险 差点失败的事情, 侥幸成功的事情 | above all things 尤其是, 最重要的是, 首...

a near miss:靠近弹 近失弹 接近成功的失败, 功败垂成

a near go || 侥幸的逃脱 | a near miss || 靠近弹 近失弹 接近成功的失败, 功败垂成 | a near thing || 极危险的事