- 更多网络例句与依存相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
There is a whole lot of theory when it comes to creating art, and it's up to each and every one of us how much of this we want to put into action when painting, rather than rely completely on our artistic sense.
Objective:To probe into the influence of coping style of adventive workers with bone fracture after adopting psychological intervention on anxious emotion and mesomerism effect of coping style in social support and anxiety.
We are interdependent personalities who need one anther's presence in order to fulfill our destiny.
The various colours significant of various degrees of vitality (white, yellow, crimson, vermilion, cinnabar): their degrees of brilliancy: their magnitudes revealed up to and including the 7th: their positions: the waggoner's star: Walsingham way: the chariot of David: the annular cinctures of Saturn: the condensation of spiral nebulae into suns: the interdependent gyrations of double suns: the independent synchronous discoveries of Galileo, Simon Marius, Piazzi, Le Verrier, Herschel, Galle: the systematisations attempted by Bode and Kepler of cubes of distances and squares of times of revolution: the almost infinite compressibility of hirsute comets and their vast elliptical egressive and reentrant orbits from perihelion to aphelion: the sidereal origin of meteoric stones: the Libyan floods on Mars about the period of the birth of the younger astroscopist: the annual recurrence of meteoric showers about the period of the feast of S.
In addition, we explore rich dependency label features and allow multiple relations for one arc during decoding.
In this paper, character trigram is used for analyzing the part of sentence and detecting local errors. Then dependency grammar is introduced into automatic proofreading. Dependency relationship analysis parses the whole sentence and denotes dominating and dominated relation among the words, so it is helpful to detect collocation errors with long distance, efficiently filling up the deficiency of n-gram.
There were no significant facilitating effects to the retention of signaled information in the overuse of text signals condition, but there were in the selective use of text signals condition. Experiment 3, in which 2 small experiments contained, studied the effects of reader-based factors. Experiment 3a examined the effects of the familarity to the text topics and the readers' reading levels. Experiment 3b explored the effects of cognitive style and the intention to use the text signals. The results were as the follows: There were no significant difference between the signaled and unsignaled conditions in the circumstance of high familarity to the text topics, but there were significant differences between them in the circumstances of lower familarity to the text topics. There were no significant differences between the signaled and unsignaled conditions for the field-independent participants, but there were for the field-dependent participants. All the participants with different reading levels were helped by the text signals.
实验3 对不同主体因素条件下文章标记效应进行了研究,分2个分实验,实验3a以高中二年级学生为被试,研究了文章主题熟悉程度与阅读水平对文章标记效应的影响,实验3b以初中二年级学生为被试,探索了读者不同的认知方式与标记利用的意向对文章标记效应的影响,实验3结果发现,读者的阅读水平、对文章主题的熟悉程度、认知方式和利用标记意向等因素影响着文章标记效应,在文章主题熟悉的条件下,有无文章标记无显著差异,但在主题不熟悉条件下,有文章标记的效果显著优于无标记的效果;对场独立被试而言,有无标记无显著差异,但对场依存被试来说,有标记条件显著优于无标记条件;文章标记对不同阅读水平被试都有显著促进效应;文章标记利用意向对场独立与场依存被试都有显著促进效应。
Selecting Shenzhen city as instance, positive study of such theories is made. In the positive study, the dependence relationship of economy and human resource development and the development rule human resources in Shenzhen city is taken apart, the gross and increment of human resources and the reasonable dependence index from 2002 to 2010 in Shenzhen city are prognosticated.
Experimental results indicate that dependency relations can obviously help us to disambiguate word translations and some kinds of dependency are more effective than others.
In Russia, there was a fundamental difference between the contradiction resolved by the February Revolution and the contradiction resolved by the October Revolution, as well as between the methods used to resolve them.
- 更多网络解释与依存相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
dependency tree:依存树
dependency / 依存 | dependency tree / 依存树 | dependent client / 依存客户
Dependency grammar:依存语法
代表词汇主义思想的语法理论有依存语法(Dependency Grammar)、范畴语法(Categorial Grammar)、词语法(Word Grammar)和链语法(Link Grammar)等. (2)在语言单位的描写上以复杂特征集取代早先的单一标记(即原子).
Dependency grammar:依存关系语法
dependency 依存关系 | Dependency Grammar 依存关系语法 | dependency relation 依存关系
device dependent:装置依存
device 装置 | device-dependent 装置依存の | device dot 装置ドット
M domain of dependence:依存域
M divergent wind compo 辐散风分量 | M domain of dependence 依存域 | M double sunspot cycle 太阳黑子双周期
multiple interdependency:相互间多重依存关系
multiple integration 重积分法 | multiple interdependency 相互间多重依存关系 | multiple interferometer 复式干涉仪
Interdependency: A model of multidimensional integrity:(二)相互依存:多位一体的组合模式
--关于彩陶和宗教/A retrospective view of col... | (二)相互依存:多位一体的组合模式/Interdependency: A model of multidimensional integrity | (三)走南闯北:聚散离合的空间流向/Spreading in all quarters: Gat...
intercourse of short duration 短期交往 | interdepend 相互依存 | interdependence 相互依存