英语人>词典>汉英 : 侄子 的英文翻译,例句
侄子 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
nephew  ·  nephews

brother's son
更多网络例句与侄子相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The seven heroes were: Adrastus, the king of Argos; Polynices himself; Amphiarnus, who was a brother of Adrastus; Tydeus, another son-in-law of Adrastus; Hippomedon, a nephew of Adrastus; Capaneus, son of Poseidon, the god of the sea; Parthenopaeus, son of Ares and Atalanta.


It was her nephew in Albany, NY, calling to tell her that her sister had passed away earlier that morning.


Pedro modifies his sexual behavior but quickly finds out that Bernardo is extremely comfortable and mature in his attitude towards life.


Pelias was quite scared to see such a stranger because he had been warned by a prophet to be careful of a man wearing only one shoe.he was not surprised when jason told him who he was and what his business was about.the artful pelias welcomed his nephew with false pride and joy ;he promised to give up the kingdom to one who had proved himself worthy of it.and he urged the youth to bring the golden fleece back from colchis.he felt quite certain that his nephew would never come back alive from the hopeless task.pelias' prediction was quite right.jason died a poor death in the kingdom of colchis.


Charles de Hangest, nephew of the too well-known Georges d'Amboise, Archbishop of Rouen, surrendered the bishopric in 1525 to his own nephew John, becoming his vicar-general.

戴高乐Hangest ,侄子也众所周知的乔治德城堡,鲁昂大主教,交出主教在1525年以他自己的侄子约翰,成为他的副主教,一般。

Back to home, i ask my little nephew how he can face down so fierce a dog.the little nephew said jauntily:"when the dog bark to your "wang wang wang", in fact it is saying one, you return it to two, at this time because dog can't return to your three, very ashamed, don't call."


One middle-class Tehrani, a regular and non-violent marcher, frets for his teenage nephew, who has taken to demonstrating alongside a band of muscular toughs from south Tehran's poor districts.


Pelias was quite scared to see such a stranger because he had been warned by a prophet to be careful of a man wearing only one shoe.he was not surprised when jason told him who he was and what his business was about.the artful pelias welcomed hisnephew with false pride and joy ;he promised to give up the kingdom to one who had proved himself worthy of it.and heurged the youth to bring the golden fleece back from colchis.he felt quite certain that his nephew would never come back alivefrom the hopeless task.


He asserts that the promisee by refraining from the use of liquor and tobacco was not harmed but benefited; that that which he did was best for him to do independently of his uncle's promise, and insists that it follows that unless the promisor was benefited, the contract was without consideration.


The famous five Sakya teachers, the Jetsuns, are members of the Khon lineage. Sonam Tsemo was Sachen Kunga Nyingpo's son, and Sakya Pandita was Sonam Tsemo's nephew, and Chogyal Phagpa was the son of Sakya Pandita's brother.


更多网络解释与侄子相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Brother's son; nephew:侄子

侄媳妇Brother's son's wife; nephew's wife | 侄子Brother's son; nephew | 祖父/爷爷Father's father; Paternal grandfather

Sir Gareth:加雷思:圆桌骑士之一,亚瑟王的侄子

4. Sir Geraint 杰兰特:亚瑟王传奇里的一个圆桌骑士,伊妮德的丈夫... | 5. Sir Gareth 加雷思:圆桌骑士之一,亚瑟王的侄子. | 6. Sir Galahad 格拉海德:在亚瑟王传说中,他是圆桌骑士中最纯洁的一位且独自一人找到了圣...


英语中的裙带关系(nepotism)一词源于拉丁语, 是"侄子"(nephew)或"孙子"(grandson)的意思. 如果按字面来解释,索尔兹伯里侯爵利用裙带关系最直接的受益者恰好是他的侄子阿瑟-詹姆斯-鲍尔夫伯爵莫属.

Courage, nephew:勇敢点 侄子

Let's get this over with.|我们快点把这事结了吧 | Courage, nephew.|勇敢点 侄子 | I'm going to be running Bass industries,|我将会执掌Bass产业

Your nephew:你侄子

My nephew looked up the neighbourhood on the computer.|我侄子在电脑里查了一下邻居的资料. | Your nephew?|你侄子? | He said the condo was in a bad neighbourhood.|她说你的屋子有个坏邻居.

nephew mine:我的侄子

do you have him or n|你到底有没有带他回来? | nephew mine?|我的侄子? | On est arriv|咱们到家了

Morning,nephew:早啊 侄子

Let me.|让我说 | Morning,nephew.|早啊 侄子 | What is this leech doing stuck to my hotel?|这吸血鬼干吗赖在我酒店里不走?

nephew, niece:侄子/外甥, 侄女/外甥女

uncle, aunt 伯/叔/舅/姨父,伯/婶/舅/姨母 | nephew, niece 侄子/外甥, 侄女/外甥女 | emperor, empress 皇帝, 皇后/女皇

Son in law:侄子,外甥

stepdaughter, stepchild 继女,过继的女儿 | son-in-law 侄子,外甥 | daughter-in-law 侄女,外甥女


neto 誊清的稿子 | nevo 侄子,外甥 | ni 我们