英语人>词典>汉英 : 使钙化 的英文翻译,例句
使钙化 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
calcify  ·  calcified  ·  calcifies  ·  calcifying

更多网络例句与使钙化相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dr. Miller has been studying the link between atherosclerosis and nanoparticles which calcify within the arteries.

Dr。 Miller已经研究了动脉粥样硬化和使动脉钙化的纳米粒子之间的关系。

Great Barrier Reef is a lime quality that be secrete by the coralline insect, make clay-cold body calcify, then sink to accumulate through the generation generation.


He type of ossein in group B was mainly type Ⅰ collagen while that in group A type Ⅱ and it exhibited as a process of fiber formation in group C. The reason for why TGF-β〓 can promote ossification induced by BMP is that can promote the differentiation and proliferation of mesenchymal cells to supply more target cells for BMP, promote the differentiation and proliferation of mature osteocytes and chondrocytes, inhibit metalloproteinase to decrease the destruction of bone tissue and promote calcification of bone matrix.


Compared to the patch dealt with glutaraldehyde, the autologous pericardial patch treated by distilled water is living, and calcification is not easily to happen. At the same time, after treated by distilled water, pericardial patch is incrassated mildly, and can be handled easier than fresh pericardium. The early-moderate team results of reconstruction of RVOT using autologous pericardial monocusp patch treated by distilled water are satisfactory.


Results In define induction envioroment, HPMSCS can diferentiate into lipoblast、after 2 weeks, the induced cells are full of lipid droplet;HPMSCS can differentiate into osteoblasts, after 4 weeks, we can see calcified tubercle in the cells, calcium in the calcified tubercle can be dyed black by Von Kossa and ALP dying is positive reaction above 95%.

结果 HPMSCS在培养基中持续培养后,在特定诱导环境下,成功使其向成脂肪细胞转化,培养2周时,可见融合成团的脂滴充满整个细胞;成功使其向成骨细胞转化,培养4周以上可见明显钙化结节,von Kossa染色可将骨结节中沉积的钙染成黑色,碱性磷酸酶染色呈强阳性反应达到95%以上。

Approximately 30,000 years ago, long on stable sand dune plant root, passes through the long time the decency, has formed the limestone, after the plant dies, the sand dune unceasing migration, causes these calcifications the limestone to reveal the surface, has formed the stalagmite which the present sees.


更多网络解释与使钙化相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


请注意, 不管是脚掌, 脚踝, 膝盖, 臀部, 腰部, 或是脊椎骨等等, 只要有"痛"的感觉, 千万别拖延. 若不赶快治寮, 只会使病情恶化, 更可能导致其他后遗症. 如钙化, (CALCIFICATION) 或者是影响其他肌肉的负担而造成伤害.

calcify make malleable:使钙化使有延展性

calcification flexibility钙化柔软 | calcify make malleable使钙化使有延展性 | calibrated unstandardized校准的不标准的


软骨瘤(chondroma) 自软骨膜发生者,称外生性软骨瘤;发生于手足短骨和四肢长骨等骨干的骨髓腔内者称为内生性软骨瘤. 内眼观,前者自骨表面突起,常分叶;后者使骨膨胀,外有薄骨壳. 切面呈淡蓝色或银白色,半透明,可有钙化或囊性变,


calcify 使硬化,钙化 | dulcify 把...弄甜,使愉快,使柔和 | edify 陶冶,启发



osseous tissue:骨组织

骨组织(osseous tissue)由细胞和钙化的细胞外基质组成,其特点是细胞外基质中有大量的骨盐沉积,使骨组织成为人体最坚硬的组织之一. 细胞类型有骨祖细胞、成骨细胞、骨细胞及破骨细胞. 其中骨细胞最多,位于骨组织内部,其余三种细胞均位于骨组织的边缘(图5-4).


佝偻病(Rickets)俗称缺钙,在婴儿期较为常见,是由于维生素D缺乏引起体内钙、磷代谢混乱,而使骨骼钙化不良的一种疾病. 佝偻病发病缓慢,不容易引起器重. 佝偻病使小儿抵抗力降低,

calcifugous:避钙的, 嫌钙的

calcifuge | 避钙植物, 嫌钙植物 | calcifugous | 避钙的, 嫌钙的 | calcify | 变成石灰质, 钙化 使成石灰,使钙化

calcigerous glands:生鈣腺

calcify | 变成石灰质, 钙化 使成石灰,使钙化 | calcigerous glands | 生钙腺 | calcigerous | 生钙的

calibrated unstandardized:校准的不标准的

calcify make malleable使钙化使有延展性 | calibrated unstandardized校准的不标准的 | callous sympathetic无情冷淡的有同情心的