英语人>词典>汉英 : 使跳动 的英文翻译,例句
使跳动 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pulse  ·  pulses

更多网络例句与使跳动相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Metal ring in order to not beat in the vertical direction, the control cylinder bearing metal ring between the two sliding bearings.


He had felt his pulse quicken a trifle at the business manager's brusqueness, and upon him he kept an alert eye, for it was in that gentleman's trousers pocket that he divined the TRANSCONTINENTAL'S ready cash was reposing.


AVR digital LED drivers, the LED display beating cycle.


How to do this is: the series-water roll clamping in grinder, head of the bed with a fixed Center, bed end, respectively, with huoluo thimble, despite a string of water both ends of the roll Center always ends up in l, with a dial check and correction of water roll radial runout of excircle and the tiaodong of error control in 0.02mm, to achieve accuracy requirements.


A small dynamo with a secondary winding that produces a high voltage enabling a spark to jump between the poles of a spark plug in a gasoline engine.


Wire jump preventer: applicable for wire jump preventing during winding. the niddle ceramic roller is made by precis......


Wire jump preventer: applicable for wire jump preventing during winding. the niddle ceramic roller is made by precise polishing and matched with high-speed bearing so that jum


Wire jump preventer guards against jumper wire when being used for coiling , that room china wheels among them are made from super-accurate polishing , are qualified for to have high-speed bearing, makes coiling move up and down within very minor range, stability having kept coiling time tension.


That slow lump of torpidity he calls his heart can beat, I suppose, once in a quarter of a century: but it seems that nothing but a blue-eyed wax-doll can set it going.


Make your streamer come alive by altering the speed of its "swim", twitching the streamer a few feet upstream then letting it drift back down, or by pulsing the fly by bobbing the rod tip.


更多网络解释与使跳动相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ground Bounce:接地跳动

以决定是否使该转态输出信号还原为该内部信号,并提供给一第二芯片使用;利用该信号跳动防止装置,可以低成本且具弹性的方式,达成防止该第一芯片产生电源跳动(power bounce)或接地跳动(ground bounce)的问题.

coil spring:圈狀彈簧

圈状弹簧(Coil Spring) 圈状弹簧为独立式悬吊装置使用最多之弹簧,以弹簧钢卷成螺旋状. 扭杆弹簧(Torsion-Bar Spring) 扭杆一端固定在车架上,另一端使用臂与车轮连接,车轮上下跳动时使扭杆扭转,以扭转弹力来吸收震动,构造简单占位置小,




palliate#减轻 | palpitate#跳动;颤抖 | parch#使焦干

cardiac tamponade:心包填塞

其次为电气烧灼导管管径较粗,在心脏跳动的情况下,引起心脏穿孔,造成心包膜腔出血,心包填塞(Cardiac tamponade)使病患血压下降,需及时引流心包腔内的积血,或以开刀打开心包膜来挽救病患生命.


Stackpole运用高温烧结技术,使零件的最小密度达到7.0克/立方厘米,极限抗拉强度(UTS)达1138兆帕,屈服强度(YS)达1034兆帕,表面硬度达35HRC. 该零件复杂的堞形几何结构需要用新型的模具来精确地控制其长度、直径、密度、重量、跳动及零件密度的均匀分布.

sodium thiopental:硫喷妥钠

查出来的结果是氯化钾(potassium chloride),可使心脏停止跳动,配合麻醉用的硫喷妥钠(sodium thiopental)以及让肌肉放松的泮库溴铵 ...很好奇,今天特地查了一下百度,看看注射死刑到底是用的哪种致死药物.