英语人>词典>汉英 : 使虚弱 的英文翻译,例句
使虚弱 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
weaken  ·  weakened  ·  weakens

更多网络例句与使虚弱相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Kennedy ever after concealed the truth about his Addison's disease; if voters had known that Kennedy suffered from a debilitating illness, his future political career, and his election as President, would have been impossible.


These factors combine to make the posterior annulus a weak area, predisposing it to degenerative change and trauma.




Of pressure ulcers entails a substantial morbidity of the critically ill and debilitated patients Eachempati et al.


Rarely use venery but for health or offspring, never to dulness, weakness, or the injury of your own or another's peace or reputation.


The frailness of the child from the birth made her susceptible to every prevailing illness.


Restaurant Earth goldfish plant frog snake bones noise grams of the tongue during th eday and the moon around the back of an elephant stail guides can travel search words weight drill kicked like dogs to kill the death of afailure to understand the return of the.remember Ibelieve is called the bright strange fear unusual weakness The soft,crazy young diligent carefully dangerous or even as early as easily and without the police station did not receive aphone drive to live in the vicinity of three people wearing police uniforms go adifferent route to the left turn into the traffic lights to stop the speech to stop the rapid escape was surprised to see the final Smoke blankets the attention of the fire arm leg members to visit those prizes weather sports female athletes semester the results of memory performance flight Internet program to collect household chores injured dumping burns red shouting snow ski rescue organizations plan carefully Lost courageous performances alone sad slow fast super rude and then the high-difficulty over the fire in the.rather than


To bring to a humbler, weaker, difficult, or forced state or condition; especially


It makes me feel like a man again, because I feel a great passion; and the multifariousness, in which study and modern education entangle us, and the skepticism which necessarily makes us find fault with all subjective and objective impressions, all of these are entirely designed to make us all small and weak and whining.


It makes me feel like a man again, because I feel a great passion; and multifariousness, in which study and modern education entangle us, and the skepticism which necesssarily makes us find fault with all subjective and objectve impression, all of these are entirely designed to make us all small and weak and whining.


更多网络解释与使虚弱相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ambulation:移动, 步行

compact bone 密质骨,骨密质 | ambulation 移动;步行 | debilitating 使虚弱


embryos 晶胚 | debilitate 使虚弱 | diabetes 糖尿病

debilitate:使衰弱 使虚弱

dwindle 缩小 | debilitate 使衰弱, 使虚弱 | irresolute 犹豫不决的


debilitate 使衰弱 | debilitated 虚弱 | debility 衰弱

debilitated - fortified:使虚弱 - 加强

160. deactivate - potentiate 使无效 - 使成为可能 | 161. debilitated - fortified 使虚弱 - 加强 | 162. debunk - 揭发


ambulation 移动;步行 | debilitating 使虚弱的 | comorbid共存性疾病

feckless: responsible:不负责任的:负责任的

fatuous: astute 愚笨的:机敏的 infatuate 使迷恋而做了蠢事 | 235.feckless: responsible 不负责任的:负责任的 | 236.feeble: hale 虚弱的:强健的

deactivate potentiate:使无效 - 使成为可能

159. dauntless - easily discouraged 大胆的 - 胆小的 | 160. deactivate - potentiate 使无效 - 使成为可能 | 161. debilitated - fortified 使虚弱 - 加强

wear on:(时间)慢慢过去 (以同样方式)继续下去 使恼火, 使烦躁不安 戴在...上

wear off 磨损[灭]; 损耗; 逐渐消失 | wear on (时间)慢慢过去 (以同样方式)继续下去 使恼火, 使烦躁不安 戴在...上 | wear out穿破[旧], 逐渐耗尽; 使疲惫不堪; 使虚弱, 使衰老

take it out in:接受...作为抵偿

take it or leave it要么接受, 要么拉倒; 要不要 随你的便 | take it out in接受...作为抵偿 | take it out of sb.使 某人虚弱, 使某人精疲力竭