英语人>词典>汉英 : 使著名 的英文翻译,例句
使著名 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
signalize  ·  signalized  ·  signalizes  ·  signalizing

更多网络例句与使著名相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Her young life was spent in concert halls across Europe and North America, but Autumn grew bored of formal education before her teenage years set in. She attended the well-respected Colburn School of Performing Arts by her 10th birthday and there, she befriended famed violinist Nigel Kennedy.

她的童年是在欧洲和北美的音乐厅的演出中度过的,频繁的演出和辗转使她对正规教育产生了逆反心理,于是在她10岁时决定放弃学业进入著名的Colburn School of Performing Arts学习自己喜爱的音乐,在那里,她结识了著名小提琴家Nigel Kennedy并和他成了好友。

He had sold the last of his furniture, then all duplicates of his bedding,his clothing and his blankets, then his herbariums and prints; but he still retained his most precious books, many of which were of the greatest rarity, among others, Les Quadrins Historiques de la Bible, edition of 1560; La Concordance des Bibles, by Pierre de Besse; Les Marguerites de la Marguerite, of Jean de La Haye, with a dedication to the Queen of Navarre; the book de la Charge et Dignite de l'Ambassadeur, by the Sieur de Villiers Hotman; a Florilegium Rabbinicum of 1644; a Tibullus of 1567, with this magnificent inscription: Venetiis,in aedibus Manutianis; and lastly, a Diogenes Laertius, printed at Lyons in 1644, which contained the famous variant of the manuscript 411, thirteenth century, of the Vatican, and those of the two manuscripts of Venice, 393 and 394, consulted with such fruitful results by Henri Estienne, and all the passages in Doric dialect which are only found in the celebrated manuscript of the twelfth century belonging to the Naples Library.


He had sold the last of his furniture, then all duplicates of his bedding,his clothing his blankets, then his herbariums prints; 8ttt8.com he still retained his most precious books, many of which were of the greatest rarity, among others, Les Quadrins Historiques de la Bible, edition of 1560; La Concordance des Bibles, by Pierre de Besse; Les Marguerites de la Marguerite, of Jean de La Haye, with a dedication to the Queen of Navarre; the book de la Charge et Dignite de l'Ambassadeur, by the Sieur de Villiers Hotman; a Florilegium Rabbinicum of 1644; a Tibullus of 1567, with this magnificent inscription: Venetiis,in aedibus Manutianis; lastly, a Diogenes Laertius, printed at Lyons in 1644, which contained the famous variant of the manuscript 411, thirteenth century, of the Vatican, those of the two manuscripts of Venice, 393 394, consulted with such fruitful results by Henri Estienne, all the passages in Doric dialect which are ssbbww.com found in the celebrated manuscript of the twelfth century belonging to the Naples Library.

他把最后的几件木器也卖了,随后,凡属多余的铺盖、衣服、毛毯等物,以及植物标本和木刻图版,也全卖了;但是 dddTt 他还有些极珍贵的藏书,其中有些极为稀有的版本,如一五六○年出版的《历史上的圣经四行诗》,皮埃尔·德·贝斯写的《圣经编年史》,让·德·拉埃写的《漂亮的玛格丽特》,书中印有献给纳瓦尔王后的题词,贵人维里埃-荷特曼写的《使臣的职守和尊严》,一本一六四四年的《拉宾尼诗话》,一本一五六七年迪布尔的作品,上面印有这一卓越的题铭:"威尼斯,于曼奴香府",还有一本一六四四年里昂印的第欧根尼·拉尔修①的作品,在这版本里,有十三世纪梵蒂冈第四一一号手抄本的著名异文以及威尼斯第三九三号和三九四号两种手抄本的著名异文,这些都是经亨利·埃斯蒂安②校阅并取得巨大成绩的,书中并有多利安方言的所有8 tt t8.com 章节,这是只有那不勒斯图书馆十二世纪的驰名手抄本里才有的。

In Trent's Last Case (often called "the perfect detective story") you have to accept the premise that a giant of international finance, whose lightest frown makes Wall Street quiver like a chihuahua, will plot his own death so as to hang his secretary, and that the secretary when pinched will maintain an aristocratic silence; the old Etonian in him maybe.


In 1880, those twenty mills ground grain for the nearly 400 distilleries that made the famous jenever of Schiedam, where more gin was produced than in any other city in the world.


He had sold the last of his furniture, then all duplicates of his bedding,his clothing and his blankets, then his herbariums and prints; but he still retained his most precious books, many of which were of the greatest rarity, among others, Les Quadrins Historiques de la Bible, edition of 1560; La Concordance des Bibles, by Pierre de Besse; Les Marguerites de la Marguerite, of Jean de La Haye, with a dedication to the Queen of Navarre; the book de la Charge et Dignite de l'Ambassadeur, by the Sieur de Villiers Hotman; a Florilegium Rabbinicum of 1644; a Tibullus of 1567, with this magnificent inscription: Venetiis,in aedibus Manutianis; and lastly, a Diogenes Laertius, printed at Lyons in 1644, which contained the famous variant of the manuscript 411, thirteenth century, of the Vatican, and those of the two manuscripts of Venice, 393 and 394, consulted with such fruitful results by Henri Estienne, and all the passages in Doric dialect which are only found in the celebrated manuscript of the twelfth century belonging to the Naples Library.


He had sold the last of his furniture, then all duplicates of his bedding,his clothing his blankets, then his herbariums prints; 8ttt8.com he still retained his most precious books, many of which were of the greatest rarity, among others, Les Quadrins Historiques de la Bible, edition of 1560; La Concordance des Bibles, by Pierre de Besse; Les Marguerites de la Marguerite, of Jean de La Haye, with a dedication to the Queen of Navarre; the book de la Charge et Dignite de l'Ambassadeur, by the Sieur de Villiers Hotman; a Florilegium Rabbinicum of 1644; a Tibullus of 1567, with this magnificent inscription: Venetiis,in aedibus Manutianis; lastly, a Diogenes Laertius, printed at Lyons in 1644, which contained the famous variant of the manuscript 411, thirteenth century, of the Vatican, those of the two manuscripts of Venice, 393 394, consulted with such fruitful results by Henri Estienne, all the passages in Doric dialect which are ssbbww.com found in the celebrated manuscript of the twelfth century belonging to the Naples Library.

他把最后的几件木器也卖了,随后,凡属多余的铺盖、衣服、毛毯等物,以及植物标本和木刻图版,也全卖了;但是 dddTt 他还有些极珍贵的藏书,其中有些极为稀有的版本,如一五六○年出版的《历史上的圣经四行诗》,皮埃尔·德·贝斯写的《圣经编年史》,让·德·拉埃写的《漂亮的玛格丽特》,书中印有献给纳瓦尔王后的题词,贵人维里埃-荷特曼写的《使臣的职守和尊严》,一本一六四四年的《拉宾尼诗话》,一本一五六七年迪布尔的作品,上面印有这一卓越的题铭:&威尼斯,于曼奴香府&,还有一本一六四四年里昂印的第欧根尼·拉尔修①的作品,在这版本里,有十三世纪梵蒂冈第四一一号手抄本的著名异文以及威尼斯第三九三号和三九四号两种手抄本的著名异文,这些都是经亨利·埃斯蒂安②校阅并取得巨大成绩的,书中并有多利安方言的所有8 tt t8.com 章节,这是只有那不勒斯图书馆十二世纪的驰名手抄本里才有的。

She is small-minded, disposition thinkheadeds to be not changed, like wag one's tongue, at every turn the woman of shout abuse, often make famous philosopher Socrates (BC 469-- before 399 years) embarrassment can'ts bear.


That other window does all the impressive work that makes the property grid so famous.


Ladies and gentlemen, now we are at the famous Four Corners. In the old days, four well-known brands ( Kong Fengchun Rouge Shop, Mi Dachang Tobacco Shop, Tianxiangzhai Tea Candy Shop, Wanlong Ham Shop) occupied the four corners where Hefang Street and Zhongshan Road cross each other. They were also adjacent to Zhang Yunsheng Hat Shop, Wen Longsheng Tea Shop, Fang Yuhe Southern Goods Shop and other famous shops. Therefore, another name "Four Corners" had become popular during the old Hangzhou citizens.


更多网络解释与使著名相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Drug addiction:毒瘾

世界卫生组织顾问、美国著名药理学家戴维.奥苏贝尔(David Ausubel)在他的>(Drug Addiction)一书中指出:"长期使用大麻,使人产生一种强烈地重复使用它的愿望,一旦停药,就会令人焦虑、不安、烦躁,甚至出现抑郁状态,并有可能导致自杀行为.


您可以去阿冈昆(Algonquin)把其光彩壮丽尽收眼底,阿冈昆是安省最古老、最著名的自然环境公园. 其数千个美丽的湖泊河流、高耸的悬崖、湖滨以及种类繁多的野生动植物,会使您流连忘返,这是宿营、划船、钓鱼、步行跋涉和蹬车游览的理想地点.


10. glamorise 使有魔力,使光荣 | 11. condone宽恕,容忍 | 12. historic 历史上著名的,有历史性的

embed t:使插入,使嵌入

eligible a.有资格的 | embed t.使插入,使嵌入 | eminent adj.著名的;卓越的

endow t:资助,赋予,授予

eminent adj.著名的;卓越的 | endow t.资助,赋予,授予 | entail t.使必需,使承担


signalization 信号作用 | signalize 使显眼 | signalize 使著名

eminent - undistinguished:杰出的 - 不著名的

222. emancipate - shackle 使解放 - 束缚 | 224. eminent - undistinguished 杰出的 - 不著名的 | 225. emulous - 好模仿的,好胜的


表现在他所创立的商品上,传播他在世界顶级时尚界所一贯倡导的理念"不一样的生活艺术". 著名的Celtic(彻尔斯)系列精品,就是源自古代欧洲彻尔斯族人的艺术,使钢索绳纹成为夏利豪的著名品牌形象. 十二月 坦桑石 锆石(Zircon) 绿松石

declination axis:赤纬轴

这便叫做"赤纬轴"(declination axis). 它上面有一鞘刚好安在极轴的前端,两者合成一个T字形. 使望远镜在这两根轴上转动,我们可以使它指着任何我们要看的方向. 值得一提的是,中国汉代著名科学家张衡发明的浑天仪早就采用了类似的结构.

Reading makes a full man:读书使人充实

弗朗西斯.培根曾在他那著名的<<论读书>>一文中指出:读书使人充实(reading makes a full man),中国也有二句古谚:一为:"书读百遍,其义自现". 二为:"熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟. "培根强调的是"读书"(阅读)与人生,而后二者强调的是"阅读"与"理解"、与&quot