英语人>词典>汉英 : 使自由化 的英文翻译,例句
使自由化 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与使自由化相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Meanwhile, United Kingdom is one of the earliest countries starting the process of telecommunication liberalization. Since 1980s, using the way of market mechanism to privatize state-owned telecommunication enterprises, and making the related legal adjustment to fit the technological and industrial afflux, United Kingdom has become one of the most successful countries achieving telecommunication liberalization and efficient spectrum management.


They must be about how liberalized finance can be made to support the global economy rather than destabilize it.


We have joined the World Trade Organization The establishment of an import relief system that abide by WTO agreement is the right and duty of any WTO contracting party. This course is aimed at studying the International Trade Policy changed which affected industrial competition Strategy Also, we compare the safeguards law and practice of USA, EU, Australia, Canada, Mainland China, Korea, Japan, Vietnan, Newzealand, phillippine, Indonesia as well as the rule of WTO safeguards agreement, so as to understand the "safety valve" and industry adjustment roles under safeguards system of each country in the free trade environment. Eventually, we will reduce trade flow an applicable and suitable import relief system, which cause distortion and maintains a fair trade circumstance.


The negotiations are designed to reduce trade barriers and liberalize trade among world markets.


The GATT's principal objective is to liberalize international trade and place it on a secure basis.


Either of the two assumptions suffices to predict that trade liberalization will induce producers to make a dash for larger-scale and more efficient plants.


Although Washington did fight for capital liberalization (and misguidedly continues to do so in bilateral trade negotiations), other countries can resist if it goes against their interests (as both Singapore and Chile did successfully). There was also tremendous variation among the countries that suffered crises, which Bhagwati's simplistic account overlooks.


The basic problem is that the rural economy is still structured around subsistence agriculture, often incapable of dealing with market forces


With the development of the times, the musical has improved successively because of its high liberalization.


But even more damaging to the U.S. ability to liberalize trade is the fact that, given the widespread fear of freer trade in the population, it is almost insane to present Congress with a string of piffling FTAs and ask representatives to go to bat for trade liberalization again and again.


更多网络解释与使自由化相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

trade bloc:贸易集团

但是不可否认,在欧盟(Eu)和北美自由贸易区(NAFTA)内部市场自由化使其成员获益的同时,封闭的贸易集团(trade bloc)实际上使得非成员受到歧视性待遇. 西欧和北美是东亚两个最重要的出口市场和资金来源,

the European Community:欧洲共同体

的确,到八十年代末,世界上主要的权势和影响来源,如梵蒂冈、欧洲共同体(the European Community)美国和苏联都在积极地促进自由化和民主化. 罗马(Rome)使天主教国家的威权政权失去了合法性;布鲁塞尔(Brussels)为南欧和东欧的民主化提供了动力;

free trade agreement:自由贸易协定

目前,自由贸易协定(Free Trade Agreement)在全世界范围内蓬勃发展. FTAs将和世界贸易组织(WTO)一道,推动世界贸易走向完全自由化,并将对全球经济和政治进程产生深远影响. 关税是国际贸易进行中发生的一种特殊交易成本. RTAs和FTAs会使这种交易成本大幅降低,


它只是致力于逐步贸易自由化,使成员方进行开放、公平、无扭曲的竞争;(6)随着整体贸易自由化的发展,部门优先自由化已成为世贸组织加速贸易自由化的重要手段. 如1997年初形成"信息技术协议"(ITA)就说明了这一点.


"不管制"是相对于"管制"(regulation)而言的,是一种"放任政策"(laissez-faire policy),指取消政府对航空运输在经济上的管制,主要是实行进入市场和制定运价自由化,使其完全由市场机制来调节.


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