英语人>词典>汉英 : 使缄默 的英文翻译,例句
使缄默 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
muzzle  ·  silence  ·  silenced  ·  muzzled  ·  muzzles  ·  muzzling  ·  silences

更多网络例句与使缄默相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In Trent's Last Case (often called "the perfect detective story") you have to accept the premise that a giant of international finance, whose lightest frown makes Wall Street quiver like a chihuahua, will plot his own death so as to hang his secretary, and that the secretary when pinched will maintain an aristocratic silence; the old Etonian in him maybe.


I felt the reasons for your silence , and I feared to seem importunate , by writing .


In this way, these researches break down the barrier of inarticulateness of TK, and enable people to further research from both qualitative and quantitative aspeets.


One would think every child in Tevershall, for the last fifty years, had been an immaculate conception, and every one of our nonconformist females was a shining Joan of Arc.


In this paper, the author tries to illustrate TK in an extensive and systematic way to enable people have an all-round understanding of it.


But there was no look calculated to reassure her; all it seemed to say was,"It is not only your reserve which afflicts me."


Secondly, it helps to construct a teachers'knowledge-sharing system to get closed knowledge apperceived, exchanged, internalized and inherited.


God's silence ripens man's thoughts into speech.


God's silence ripens man's thoughts into speech.


Grace: You need to muzzle your dog.


更多网络解释与使缄默相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

button up one's mouth:[口]保持缄默

bring the water to sb.'s mouth 使某人馋得流口水 | button up one's mouth [口]保持缄默 | button (up) sb.'s mouth 使某人哑口无言

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1、考量现行并购态样及种类日渐趋多,何时需公开揭露时点并不容易掌握,有关并购方式,可能为一对一或一对多之形式,任何资讯之不当揭露都可能使并购案破局,因此外界传闻或查询公司是否正进行并购案件时,宜保持缄默或一律以不予置评(No comment)回答,并经参与公司

to hold one's tongue:不做声;缄默不语

The picture of the ice cream soda made his mouth water.冰激凌汽水的广告使他垂涎欲滴. | 8.to hold one's tongue不做声;缄默不语 | The teacher told Fred to hold his tongue.老师叫弗雷德不要讲话.

They'll try to push drugs:他们将试图下药

The transmissions will resume 这些传播将会继续 | They'll try to push drugs 他们将试图下药 | Keep us all dumbed down and hope that 以使我们保持缄默

resurrect: v.1:使死而复生,复活 2.重新启用,使再度流行

restless: adj.得不到休息的,不平静的,不安宁的 | resurrect: v.1.使死而复生,复活 2.重新启用,使再度流行 | reticent: a.沉默寡言的,缄默的

tacit: a.1:缄默的,不说话的 2.默示的,不言而喻的,不言明的

tacit: a.1.缄默的,不说话的 2.默示的,不言而喻的,不言明的 | tailor: v.(针对特定目的)作修改,使适应特定需要,使适合 | take exception to: v.1.对......反对,对......表示异议 2.生气,不悦

Keep us all dumbed down and hope that:以使我们保持缄默

They'll try to push drugs 他们将试图下药 | Keep us all dumbed down and hope that 以使我们保持缄默 | We will never see the truth around 并且希望我们 永远被蒙蔽于真相之外