英语人>词典>汉英 : 使磁化 的英文翻译,例句
使磁化 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The magnetization intensity and direction of AlNiCo PM can be controlled by pulses of d-axis stator current vector.


On the basic of completed the wave control, we studied the accelerated arithmetic. The speed of measurement has widely improved by using the accelerated arithmetic.


The cyclic alternating magnetic field realizes cyclic and dynamic magnetization of the magnetic sample. After the cyclic laser narrow pulse train reacts with the magnetic sample, polarization of transparent lights or reflected lights of the pulse train will change to measure magnetization variation of the magnetic sample.


Dry clime made depauperization and progradation of the lake, forming a great deal of thick particles sedimentation.


Far infrared magnetized: There are far infrared magnets in the tin, which may produce a strong magnetic field. All this will form a magnetic line of force, which makes all the water molecules under the magnetic force. The water molecules will be in a group form, and become more active. It will be easier for human body to absorb so as to speed up blood circulation.


Experimentally studies the effect of magnetization on the lowest non- freezing temperature of water using the high-effective multi-functional magnetizer,and finds that the freezing point of magnetization water declines about 1 ℃,which is helpful for enhancing the energy storage efficiency of supercooled water,increasing the economic benefit of a cold storage system and saving energy.


Polyoxier utilizes paramagnetism of oxygen to adopt high gradient intense magnetic field to gather the oxygen of air; helimagnetizer adopts high gradient intense magnetic field to magnetize sewage and the capacity of water dissolving oxygen is increased after magnetization.


Magnetizing current (i1) flows in the "magnetizing inductance" and causes core reset after primary switch turns off.


Due to the fact that water molecule acquired energy from magnetic field and the molecule rotated faster after magnetization process, the growth speed of Escherichia-coli cultivated with magnetized water is faster than that cultivated by unmagnetized tri-distilled, which proved that magnetized water possesses stronger penetrability and solvency.


According to character of the magnetic data and susceptibility observation values, the thesis analyzes and deals with them by some reasonable methods, for instance the wavelet eliminating noise, the stepwise separated operator separating regional and local magnetic field, the foreboded statistics method distilling susceptibility background value.


更多网络解释与使磁化相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


这种MOS FET的电导率(Conductance)会随着源极和漏极的磁化相对取向(同向或反向)发生变化,可通过磁化技术使这两个方向的电导率保持非易失性. 也就是说,该产品作为具有非易失性内存功能的MOS FET运行. 由于沿用现行的MOS FET结构,

magnetic field strength:磁场强度

当此二物理量不在同一方向时,这个比值为一张量;反之,则是一简单的数.材在外加磁场(magnetic field)下产生磁化,欲使其磁化强度(intensity of magnetization)降为零所需施加之反向磁场强度(magnetic field strength).在粒径大於超顺磁之临界尺寸前,

gyromagnetic ratio:磁旋比

此频率与外部磁场的强度和所谓磁旋比(gyromagnetic ratio)成比例,后者是元素或其同位素的特征. 拉莫尔频率在射频的一定范围内(对于不同的同位素,在1T的外部磁场中为2~50MHz),使磁化进动方向垂直于外部磁场的EM辐射脉冲称为90oRF激励脉冲(图9-11).

irreversible magnetic susceptibility:不可逆磁化率

Manhattanize 使曼哈顿化,使(城市等)高楼密集 | irreversible magnetic susceptibility 不可逆磁化率 | shock worker 突击手


magnetize 磁化 | magnetize 使磁化 | magnetized 已磁化的


sphenetite 钛辉榍石岩 | Manhattanize 使曼哈顿化,使(城市等)高楼密集 | irreversible magnetic susceptibility 不可逆磁化率


unmagnetized 未磁化的 | unmake 使恢复原状 | unman 使怯懦


unmagnetized /未磁化的/ | unmake /使恢复原状/撤回/破坏/毁灭/改变/ | unman /使失去男子气质/使怯懦/使气馁/


magnetize 使磁化 | magnetized 已磁化的 | magnetized 已磁化的已起磁的已励磁的

pelletize:使成颗粒状 使成团, 把...制成丸

isothermal remanent magnetization 等温剩余磁化 | pelletize 使成颗粒状 使成团, 把...制成丸 | VBScript Visual Basic 描述语言