英语人>词典>汉英 : 使畏缩 的英文翻译,例句
使畏缩 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Do crawly insects make you cringe or dead bodies make you blanch?


It's their unintended consequences that make me cringe.


Once we bear this motto in mind, no difficulty can daunt us.


Anyway, she was perfect, with a sort of tremulous earnestness that reminded me of myself at that age.


There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.


How delightful it was to get such splendid opportunities of hinting that if his life had been sanctified by an object, he might indeed have striven to be something better than an idle flaneur upon the smooth pathways that have no particular goal; that, blessed by the ties which would have given a solemn purpose to every hour of his existence, he might indeed have fought the battle earnestly and unflinchingly.


I wanted to tell him off but he had such a hangdog air I just could not do it .


I wanted to tell him off , but he had such a hangdog air I just couldn't do it.


It makes me feel like a man again, because I feel a great passion; and the multifariousness, in which study and modern education entangle us, and the skepticism which necessarily makes us find fault with all subjective and objective impressions, all of these are entirely designed to make us all small and weak and whining.


It makes me feel like a man again, because I feel a great passion; and multifariousness, in which study and modern education entangle us, and the skepticism which necesssarily makes us find fault with all subjective and objectve impression, all of these are entirely designed to make us all small and weak and whining.


更多网络解释与使畏缩相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

balk at:畏缩

balistraria 十字形弓箭口 | balk at 畏缩 | balk one's plans 使某人计划受挫

blench v.1:变苍白 2.畏缩

clip n.v.1.夹子;夹住 2.(pl.)剪刀;修剪 | blench v.1.变苍白 2.畏缩 | clench v.1.握紧;使牢固 2.确定(证据、交易) n.卡钳,卡钉;握紧

daunt verb:使胆怯, 使畏缩

dart noun. 飞镖; 急驰; 投射 | daunt verb. 使胆怯, 使畏缩 | dawdle verb. 闲荡, 虚度

daunt hearten:使胆怯鼓舞

daunt hearten使胆怯鼓舞 | daunting meek令人畏缩的温和的 | dauntless cowardice大胆胆怯


acceleration: n. 快速驾车 | daunting: 使人畏缩的 | inspection: n. 检查,视察

dawdle verb:闲荡, 虚度

daunt verb. 使胆怯, 使畏缩 | dawdle verb. 闲荡, 虚度 | deactivate verb. 使无效

roil:搅混 使烦恼或不安;使生气

recoil 畏缩, 后退 | roil 搅混 使烦恼或不安;使生气 | cavil 吹毛求疵或琐屑的指责

shrink back from:退缩,畏缩

1261shrinen. 圣地,神龛,庙; v. 将...置于神龛内 | 1262shrink back from退缩,畏缩 | 1263shut sth down(使)停工,歇业,关闭

shut sth. down:(使)停工,歇业,关闭

1262shrink back from退缩,畏缩 | 1263shut sth down(使)停工,歇业,关闭 | 1264shy away from(由于厌恶、害怕、缺乏信心等)躲开,回避,退缩

sth daunts sb/sb is daunted by sth:某事使某人畏缩

39969 no difficulty can daunt us 任何困难都不能使我们畏缩 | 39970 sth daunts sb/sb is daunted by sth 某事使某人畏缩 | 39972 daunt your progress 影响了你的进步