英语人>词典>汉英 : 使狂喜 的英文翻译,例句
使狂喜 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
enrapture  ·  rapture  ·  enravish  ·  enraptured  ·  enraptures  ·  enrapturing  ·  raptures  ·  rapturing

更多网络例句与使狂喜相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Nevertheless, to Siberian shamans Fly Agaric represents the focal point of their mysteries and the means to the experience of divine ecstasy, a trance-like state that enables them to fly into the world of their gods, battle with demons and obtain fantastic visions - just as it always has.


The starred delights will enrapture my soul to insanity.


There is eloquence in the tongueless wind, and a melody in the flowing brooks and the rustling of the reeds beside them, which by their inconceivable relation to something within the soul, awaken the spirits to a dance of breathless rapture, and bring tears of mysterious tenderness to the eyes, like the enthusiasm of patriotic success, or the voice of one beloved singing to you alone.


In fact Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is so gentle that some people think nothing is happening. But that "nothing" is the key. When we stop trying to do something, stop trying to control ourselves, perfect ourselves, fix ourselves, when we stop, we can enter the primordial stillness and silence of the body′s deep wisdom. In that dynamic stillness, the fixed patterns of sickness, trauma, distress, alienation and suffering can be released and the body/heart/mind can reorient itself toward the powerful health and natural bliss of our deepest self.


The ancient Greeks and later Mediterranean peoples have understood that a few days of Dionysiac carnival might help preserve rationalism during the rest of the year.


People like her are in enraptured by war and its illusion of glory.


The spectacle had had everyone so enraptured it would have been the perfect time to have attempted her escape.


Dmitri Shostakovich wrote of Richter: Richter is an extraordinary phenomenon. The enormity of his talent staggers and enraptures.


How in her grievous reveries had she gnashed her teeth,and torn her hair,when she saw his strart of rapturous delight as he opened the door of the lady!


If there is a lesson it is that it is irrational not to recognize the irrational, and impoverishing and dangerous as well.


更多网络解释与使狂喜相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


ecrustaceous /无壳质的/ | ecstasize /使心醉神迷/心醉神迷/入迷/ | ecstatic /狂喜的人/狂喜的/

ecstatic persevered:狂喜的自制的

eclipse make distinctive使黯然失色使与众不同 | ecstatic persevered狂喜的自制的 | ecumenical diocesan世界范围的狭隘的


enlist 服役,从军 | enrage 激怒,使暴怒 | enrapture 使狂喜


enrage 激怒,使暴怒 | enrapture 使狂喜 | enrich 使丰富,充实,装饰


enrage#激怒 | enrapture#使狂喜;使出神 | entail#惹起;使负担


enormous 巨大的,庞大的 | enrapture 使狂喜,使高兴 | ensconce 安置,安坐

ravish vi.1:强夺,掠夺 2.(感情上)战胜,使狂喜 3.强暴,强奸

rapacious a.贪婪的,强夺的,掠夺的 | ravin n.捕食, 掠夺, 猎食, 掠夺物 | ravish vi.1.强夺,掠夺 2.(感情上)战胜,使狂喜 3.强暴,强奸

triumph: n.1:胜利,得胜 2.非凡的成功,杰出的成就 3.喜悦,狂喜

intimidate: v.恫吓,恐吓,威胁 | triumph: n.1.胜利,得胜 2.非凡的成功,杰出的成就 3.喜悦,狂喜 | distress: v.1.使痛苦,使悲伤,折磨,使忧虑 2.使筋疲力尽,使紧张,使疼痛


enrank 排成行列 | enrapt 狂喜的 | enrapture 使狂喜


rato 家鼠 | ravi 使陶醉,使狂喜 | razi 剃,刮