英语人>词典>汉英 : 使渗透 的英文翻译,例句
使渗透 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
saturate  ·  diosmose  ·  saturates  ·  saturating

更多网络例句与使渗透相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Firstly found of Salt mineral largely in clastic is one of the significant discovery , The experimentation study shows that permeability can be improved 20-40 percent if salt mineral is dissolved,therefore, Salt mineral is important in affusion exploitation.


AIM:To extract pueraia isoflavone and soyisoflavones with n-butanol by means of inner ebullition from Radix puerariae lobatae.


Adaptive decompressing status monitor based on MC68HC08;2. A new method was put forward for extracting the activity components in the plant by decompressing inner ebullition.


Finally, four kinds of infiltration glass powder with specified color were developed successfully. The color and its stability of infiltration alumina ceramic were tested. The color match between alumina core ceramic and the Vitadur Alpha veneering ceramic were also tested. The physical and mechanical properties of infiltration glass and alumina core ceramic were investigated.


Integrated technology has two parts: 1,"liquid gold" of the infiltration, because the liquid gold of the biological potential, isoelectric point and osmotic pressure is identical with local organizations, through the neurohumoral regulation And micro-circulation mechanism, so that the rapid absorption of fluid infiltration, adequate flow, diffusion, form a network structure.

完整技术有两部分: 1、&液态金丝&的渗透,因为液态金丝的生物电位、等电点及渗透压与局部组织完全相同,通过神经体液调节及微循环机制,使渗透液迅速吸收,适当流动、扩散,形成网状结构。

Combined with core-flood tests for sensitivity evaluation, petrographical analyses were made on more than 200 samples from the reservoir. The results indicate that the higher the PH of the fluids, the severe the formation dam...


Membrane scaling is caused by the deposition of unsoluble salts as feedwater is converted to brine. In this process the ion concentration of calcium, magnesium and so on increases greatly which will lead to that the ion product of sparingly soluble salts exceeds its solubility product, and the unsoluble salts deposite on the surface of RO membrane to form membrane scaling.


By using of differentially drug release technology, various drug release profiles can be obtained by SOTs, and also, the weight of three layers of SOTs can be accommodated separately with unchanged dissolution profiles, thus, optimal formula which is suitable for tri-layer tableting machine can be achieved.


The relative permeability curve types,based on the shape of relative permeability curves of water,include normal,straight,arch,humpback and the transition type between straight and arch type.


As one of the most important osmoregulation actor, firstly,Proline plays a keyrole in the osmotic potential adjustment in plant cells. Secondly, Proline can preventNaCl from damaging the structure of biomacromolecule in cells. Thirdly, the highdissolubility and non-rejection capability of Proline can enlarge the solution volumnof the cell, so the concentration of salt will be diminished in cytoplasm and the saltstress will be relieved. Forthly, the accumulation of Proline could prevent thedehydrolysis from sap cavity in cytoplasm. Fifthly, the synthesis of plant chlorophyllwill be diminished under the salt stress, but the Proline can provide request ofchlorophyll synthesis.


更多网络解释与使渗透相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

accelerate: v.1:使加快,使增速 2.促进(早日)发生,提早完成

intrigue: v.1.耍阴谋强使(获取) 2.激起...的好奇心 3.使困惑,使迷惑 | accelerate: v.1.使加快,使增速 2.促进(早日)发生,提早完成 | permeate: v.1.漫遍,充满 2.渗透(入) 3.影响,感染

immerse vt.1:使浸没 2.使沉浸在,使专心于

saturate vt. 1.浸透,渗透 2.使充满 3.使饱享[联想词] | immerse vt. 1.使浸没 2.使沉浸在,使专心于 | creek n. 1.小湾,小港 2.小河,溪[联想词]

infighter:善短击的拳击手; 暗斗者 (名)

infighter 善短击的拳击手; 暗斗者 (名) | infighting 近击; 乱打; 混战 (名) | infiltrate 使透过, 渗入; 使渗透; 透入, 渗透 (动)


instigation 教唆 | instil 使渗透 | instil 逐渐灌输


osmose vi.渗透 | osmose 使渗透 | osmose 使渗透渗透


osmose 使渗透 | osmose 使渗透渗透 | osmosis 渗透


agricultural use) 指为在与任何动物或种植物的商业生产、贮存或处理有"渗透剂"(penetrant) 指经设计及标明为主要用於使因生、氧化或其他原因而黏合的"润滑剂"(lubricant) 指经设计用以减少可活动零件之间的磨擦、热力、噪音或耗损,


但不包括舵柄、舵扇或作同样用途的组件;"紧急情况"(emergency condition) 指达致正常操作和适居状况所需的任何服务因主电源发生故障而不运作时所处的情况;"渗透率"(permeability) 就任何舱间而言,指假设该舱间按其被拨予的用途使用时,

permeate v.1:漫遍,充满 2.渗透(入) 3.影响,感染

accelerate: v.1.使加快,使增速 2.促进(早日)发生,提早完成 | permeate: v.1.漫遍,充满 2.渗透(入) 3.影响,感染 | dormancy: n.1.休眠,蛰伏 2.潜伏,不活动状态

sift through:细查;渗透;通过

dotty about 为......而疯狂 | sift through 细查;渗透;通过 | put something at risk 使冒风险;使陷入险境