英语人>词典>汉英 : 使流产 的英文翻译,例句
使流产 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
abort  ·  aborts

更多网络例句与使流产相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Delaying postconditioning (6 cycles) or 2 minutes of acidosis for 1 minute aborted protection.


However, it remains unclear how reliable cleistogamy is for gene flow mitigation: a Co-Extra research project on rapeseed investigating the matter has published preliminary results which cast doubt on the attainment of a high degree of reliability.


In this paper, we systematically analyze the reason or factor effecting the leakage current, and adopt guard ring to reduce PIN-detector leakage current. The result indicated that the leakage current have been reduced 0.5 1 order by guard ring.


Hypophysectomy before implantation terminates pregnancy and after the 44th day of gestation causes abortion in the goat.


Concerns over privacy and security could derail plans to turn phones into electronic wallets or universal key chains, for example.


But the presence of Manus in the village causes the mission to be scrubbed.


The research work can make us acquire the further recognition of molecular mechanism about blastocyte implantation and parturition and provide the theoretical basis for some leading-edge problems, such as organ transplantation, homeoclone or heteroclone. In the meantime, the result might be used as possible targets of medicine development for the cure of some reproductive diseases, such as sterility, abortion and fetal malformation.


Estrogen can cause fetal congenital heart defects, large vascular malformation, hydrocephalus, cerebral meningocele, visceral malformations, hydrocephalus, meningeal, bulging, visceral malformations, feminization of male fetus, penile deformity , cervical abnormalities, but also easy to cause miscarriage, stillbirth and ectopic pregnancy.


They are waiting to take us into the severed garden Do you know how pale and wanton thrillful comes death on a strange hour unannounced, unplanned for like a scaring over-friendly guest you've brought to bed Death makes angels of us all and gives us wings where we had shoulders smooth as raven's claws No more money, no more fancy dress This other kingdom seems by far the best until it's other jaw reveals incest and loose obedience to a vegetable law.


Clone technology can enable mankind's more understanding to miscarrying and having, treat the method of the habitual abortion by development, remove the agony of those women who can't become mother.


更多网络解释与使流产相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


abort 使顿挫,使流产,流产,小产,发育不全 | aborticide 堕胎,堕胎药,杀胎(儿)药 | abortion 流产,堕胎,小产,顿挫

amblotic:使流产的, 堕胎的

amblosis | 流产 | amblotic | 使流产的, 堕胎的 | amblyacousia | 听觉迟钝 弱听

amblyacousia:听觉迟钝 弱听

amblotic | 使流产的, 堕胎的 | amblyacousia | 听觉迟钝 弱听 | amblychromasia | 弱染性

ecaudate:无尾的 (形)

eburnation 象牙质变性 (名) | ecaudate 无尾的 (形) | ecbolic 催生的; 使流产的 (形)


ecbolic 堕胎剂 | ecbolic 使流产的 | ecbolic 催生的


ecaudatetailless 无尾的 | ecbolic 堕胎剂 | ecbolic 使流产

if the wrong password is givin ,the program aborts:如果键入错误密码,程序即会中止

使婴儿流产 to abort the baby | 如果键入错误密码,程序即会中止 if the wrong password is givin ,the program aborts | 她决定做人工流产 she decided to have an abortion