英语人>词典>汉英 : 使枯萎 的英文翻译,例句
使枯萎 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
blast  ·  sear  ·  seared  ·  blasts  ·  sears

更多网络例句与使枯萎相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The first, Botrytis, is the key to the success of many of the world's most famous sweet wines.


Crown rot causes the entire plant to collapse and die in a short period of time.


The third Global Biodiversity Outlook (GBO-3) reports that some ecosystems will soon probably reach tipping point, including mass coral reef die off and rapid forest dieback, which make them far less useful for humanity.


Isolates from watermelon-growing areas were classified into 3 races like race 0, race 1 and race 2 which were 8 (17.4), 30 (65.2), and 8 (17.4%), respectively. Pathogenecity of race 0 isolates are weakest which only make Sugar Baby susceptible; isolates of race 1 are intermediately pathogenetic, they make Sugar Baby and Charleston susceptible Gray but Calhoun Gray resistant; isolates belonging to race 2 possess the strongest pathogenecity, which make 3 hosts susceptible. Isolates of race 0 mainly distribute over the central and southern Hebei province, whereas race 2 cover the middle and north of Hebei, isolates of race 1 exist in the whole watermelon-growing areas in Hebei province.

根据鉴别寄主对供试菌系的抗感反应,将46个西瓜枯萎病菌系划分为0号、1号和2号3个不同的生理小种,分别包括8,30和8个菌系,占供试菌系的17.4%、65.2%和17.4%;0号生理小种菌系致病性最弱,仅使品种Sugar Baby感病,以冀中和冀南居多;1号生理小种菌系致病力中等,使鉴别寄主Sugar Baby和Charleston Gray感病,而使Calhoun Gray抗病,分布在整个河北省西瓜种植区;2号生理小种的菌系致病力最强,使3个鉴别寄主均能感病,主要分布在冀中和冀北。

The US President, Bill Clinton, apologized for medical experiments which his government carried out on black American men in the 1930s; the British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, apologized for Britain's failure to help victims of the Irish potato famine, which killed over a million people last century;and French Catholic Bishops apologized for the role of their predecessors during World War II.


Yesterday I went outside With my momma's mason jar Caught a lovely Butterfly When I woke up today And looked in on my fairy pet She had withered all away No more sighing in her breast I'm sorry for what I did I did what my body told me to I didn't mean to do you harm But everytime I pin down what I think I want it slips away - the ghost slips away I smell you on my hand for days I can't wash away your scent if I'm a dog then you're a bitch I guess you're as real as me maybe I can live with that maybe I need fantasy a life of chasing Butterfly I told you I would return When the robin makes his nest but I ain't never comin' back I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry


Cause to wither or parch from exposure to heat.


The frost has blighted my pota to es.


This study indicated that nincomycins could inhibit the hyphase of Rhizoctonia solani kahn and Physalospora piricola.


Just as the calm voice in his ear had finally convinced him that nothing would be simpler than to stand and speak—he was reaching for the sacks to help himself up—Pryrates' black eyes swept for a scant moment across the dark crack through which Simon peered, and the glancing touch killed any thought of rising as a sudden frost shrivels a rose blossom.


更多网络解释与使枯萎相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


relief 缓解 | bleary 模糊的 | blight 使枯萎

bubonic plague:淋巴腺鼠疫

例如:1347-1351年间,淋巴腺鼠疫(Bubonic Plague)曾杀死了七千五百万人;1971年,旋风在东巴基斯坦曾夺去了至少二十万人的生命,并使一百万人无家可归;1908年意大利南部大地震,活埋了八万五千人;1846年爱尔兰全国的马铃薯(薯仔)由于染上枯萎病而失收,


sear#使枯萎;烧灼;使麻木 | censure#责难 | brag#夸张

hearten, embolden, nerve:使壮胆

衰弱,枯萎flagging, wizened, withered, wilt | 使壮胆hearten, embolden, nerve | 1. 节制的 Abstemious - abstinent, continent, temperate, sober;


blight 使枯萎 | misfortune 不幸、灾祸 | disaster 灾难

withdrew withdraw:的过去式

withdrawn withdraw的过去分词;adj. 隐退的,离群的 | withdrew withdraw的过去式 | wither vi.枯萎 vt.使衰弱

wither up:枯萎

wither away 枯萎 | wither up 枯萎 | wither 使凋谢

flagging, wizened, withered, wilt:衰弱,枯萎

挑剔carping, caviling, nitpicking, fastidious, finicky | 衰弱,枯萎flagging, wizened, withered, wilt | 使壮胆hearten, embolden, nerve


"百草枯(Paraquat)是一种被广泛用于农、林、园艺以及非农业(如:路边、水沟)的化学除草剂. 全球有120多个国家的50多种作物使用百草枯控制杂草,它高效、广谱的特性深受使用者的喜爱. 由于它具有能使植物绿色部分迅速枯萎的能力,