英语人>词典>汉英 : 使有规则 的英文翻译,例句
使有规则 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
regularize  ·  finetunes  ·  regularized  ·  regularizes  ·  regularizing

fine-tune · fine-tuning · fine-tuned
更多网络例句与使有规则相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Therefore,it is very necessary to revise those rules,so they can be applied to the Cyber Space.According to the main characters of Cyber Space,the impacts on the theory of International Civil Jurisdiction caused by the application of network are analyzed in this paper.


This paper research and compare board game has simultaneously two people and three people ,like Chinese checkers, Abalone, and Chinese chess.Generalize little difference from its rules and ways, them increases rules in order to fair. This research attempt to revises and publish the feasible idea an example of Hex. First I simplify the checkerboard to increase the universality, and two opposite sides expand for three opposite to reduce first superiority, and make the checkerboard game fair.Besides, increases a player becomes three player of checkerboard games and increases interest. Also develops the new computer checkerboard game of Hex by the C# Windows programming language, and provides a new playing chess the game platform.

本论文研究及比较同时有双人及三人玩法规则的棋盘游戏─跳棋、大王鲍棋、象棋,归纳发现其规则及玩法差异不大,主要为了公平性加入其他规则;本文将以 Hex棋为例,尝试修改,提出可行的办法,简化棋盘以增加普遍性,两对边扩充为三边,以减少先下者的优势,使棋盘游戏更公平,除双人对弈外,同时也增加下棋人数,成为三人棋盘游戏,增加趣味,并且以C#视窗程式语言开发新Hex棋成为电脑棋盘游戏,提供一个新的对弈的游戏平台。

Granulate metal powder to obtaion regular spherical shapes of granulated powder which has high fluidity.


Whenever loss or damage has resulted from unseaworthiness, the burden of proving the exercise of due diligence shall be on the carrier or other person claiming exemption under this Article


Whenever loss or damage has resulted from unseaworthiness, the burden of proving the exercise of due diligence shall be on the carrier or other person claiming exemption under this Article.


As a user, he or she can only choice rules for reasoning, can't add rules for reasoning If some new rules want be used for reasoning, the software developer must recode the software But it' impossible for users The thought is very fascinating that users can add some new rules for reasoning but the software doesn't need be recoded, not only for users, but also for the software developer This technology can make computers reasoning more powerfully, or reasoning more quickly by some new rules be used, and it can be adjusted for different teaching books, and it can become perfect itself.


It is found that with the increase of flow velocity,the Al-Al2Cu eutectic morphologies changes from regular laminae to unregular laminae,unregular rods up to regular rods and the laminar spacingsλ have a little increase.


A tax amnesty has gone into effect in Russia to encourage non-compliant taxpayers to regularise their tax affairs in an attempt by the government to boost tax revenues and reverse capital flight from the country.


To solve the "collision avoidance lock" for multi-robots, we add a rotating force to the robot on the base of attracting force and repulsing force in traditional APF.


Laser Cladding Rapid Forming is a new developed technology on the basis of laser cladding and rapid forming in the recent years. In LCRF the substrate and the metallic powder fed synchronously are melt by laser beam and the metallurgical combination is formed, then the compact part with regular figures is manufactured layer by layer on the substrate. LCRF has some special advantages, such as high integration, high production efficiency, wide range of processable materials, no pollution to the environment and so on.


更多网络解释与使有规则相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bring about equilibrium:使平衡

zero-sum game零和规则 | bring about equilibrium使平衡 | two-sided futures bet有两方的期货赌博


garmmar 语法;语法规则 | differently 不同地;有区别地 | frustrate 使失望;使沮丧;使厌烦


途:卢平固定罗恩断腿时所使用的咒语 咒语:快快苏醒(Enervate) 用途:使东西变得有生气 咒语:咒立停(Finite Incantatem) 用途:结束其他咒语 魁地奇 简易规则: 没有时间的限制 投进一个鬼飞球可获得10分 裁判可以判一支球队罚球,

Finite incantatem:咒立停

Ferula) 用途:卢平固定罗恩断腿时所使用的咒语 咒语:快快苏醒(Enervate) 用途:使东西变得有生气 咒语:咒立停(Finite Incantatem) 用途:结束其他咒语 魁地奇 简易规则: 没有时间的限制 投进一个鬼飞球可获得10分 裁判可以判一支球队罚球,


"手段"(means)这两个字可以解释成两种意义. 在前面的章节中,我们将手段当作是阅读的规则,也就是使你变成一个更好的阅读者的方法. 但是手段也可以解释为你所阅读的东西. 空有方法却没有可以运用的材料,

to do to you on a regular basis:以有规则的方式来对付你

I'm going to make it my mission in life...|我要使其成为我生活的使命 | to do to you on a regular basis.|以有规则的方式来对付你 | Mmm!|嚒!


普通法为解决这一冲突已建立了如下规则:控方 德品质和是非评价.这一点我们也可以从以下常用来描述品格的词 不可提出被告的不良品格证据,除非这些证据有足够程度的证明价 汇感受到:诚实(honest),欺诈(dishonest),温和(peaceful),有暴力值,使采纳它成为正当,

prudential supervision:审慎监管

对基金管理公司的审慎监管(prudential supervision)由母国监管机关负责. 该监管机关应制定审慎监管规则,以使基金管理公司长期遵守. 主要内容有:现在的趋势是各国监管机关对信息披露的要求越来越高,所披露的信息也越来越多. 信息披露材料中的专业术语和专业语言,


规则:玩家声明要进行何种改造,然后投机智(Wits)+掩饰(Subterfuge)(难度等于目标当前的意志值). 取得成功能使受害者平静一段时间以便血族通过语言进行记忆改造,只要血族不对受害者有任何攻击性动作就行. 下表显示成功数对篡改记忆效果的影响.


源于人们对"渊源"(Sources)的不同理解,国际法学界对于国际法渊源的含义,有各种不同的解释. 基于国际法渊源的作用主要在于使法律规则得到认定并使法律规则与其他规则包括"应有法"规则区别开来,进而尊重、遵守和适用国际法,