英语人>词典>汉英 : 使显著 的英文翻译,例句
使显著 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
highlight  ·  relieve  ·  signalize  ·  singularize  ·  relieves  ·  signalized  ·  signalizes  ·  signalizing  ·  singularized  ·  singularizes  ·  singularizing

更多网络例句与使显著相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Aldrin at concentrations higher than 40 μg/L decreased life expectancy at birth of F1 generation of the cladoceran, that at 20 μg/L and 80-640 μg/L decreased net reproduction rate, that at 320 and 640 μg/L shortened generation time, and that at all the concentrations decreased intrinsic rate of population increase. Aldrin at 160-640 μg/L shortened life expectancy at birth and generation time of F2 generation of the cladoceran, that at 160 and 640 μg/L decreased net reproduction rate, but that at all the concentrations except for 40 and 320 μg/L increased intrinsic rate of population increase.


Field experiment showed that coating agent with uniconazole (No2 uniconazole seed-coating agent) could significantly defend cucumber seedlings agaist damping-off, inhibit vertical growth and strengthen in thickness of young seedlings. It could blossom early, significantly increase fruit numbers per plant and yields of early stage and total yield. After coating cauliflower seeds by No2 uniconazole seed-coating agent, the uniconazole coating did not affect emergence rate, reduced damping-off disease incidence, increased stem diameter and fresh weight of seedling underground parts.


Treated with 5~80mg/L SA, destroyer of nectarine flowers were faint, electrolyte exosmosis rate and the content of MDA decreased obviously. Treatments with 5~25mg/L SA resulted the activity of SOD increased, but 45~80mg/L SA made it decreased obviously.

经5~80mg/L SA处理的桃花,雌蕊形态恶变减轻,电解质外渗率和MDA含量显著下降;5~25mg/L SA处理使SOD活性显著升高,但45~80mg/L SA处理使SOD活性显著下降;25mg/L SA处理使POD活性升高,其它处理使POD活性下降。

The results showed that:(1) The characteristic frequency of IC neurons of house mouse was increased with increasing recording depth, and the masker intensity used was positive relevant to the IC neurons\' minimum threshold. When the minimum threshold was high, the masker intensity needed was loud, vice versa.(2) According to the masking rate at MT+10dB of IC neurons to frequency modulation and tone burst, the IC neurons were classified as three types: type I neurons ( 72/113, 63.7%), in which the masking effect of TB was better than frequency modulation ;type II neurons (32/113, 28.3%), in which the masking effects of the two maskers were same; type III neurons( 9/113, 8.0%), in which the masking effect of FM was better than TB.(3) Type I neurons, the minimum threshold of which was low, but the Q_(10) and DR values of which were large; in type III neurons, the minimum threshold was high, the Q_(10) and DR values were narrow; in type III neurons, the MT Q_(10) and DR values were in between.(4) Both FM and TB could make the MT of type I neurons shift upward distinctively, but the effect of TB was more significant than FM.(5) The Q_(10) values of type I neurons became narrower under the influence of TB, were unaffected under the influence of FM.

结果显示:(1)小鼠下丘神经元的特征频率随着记录深度的增加而增高,掩蔽声强度与神经元的最小阈值呈正相关,即对高最小阈值的神经元进行掩蔽时需要的掩蔽声强度高,对低最小阈值神经元进行掩蔽需要的掩蔽声强度低:(2)根据调频声(frequency modulation, FM)和短纯音(tone burst, TB)对下丘神经元阈上10dB处反应的掩蔽,将小鼠IC神经元分为三类:Ⅰ类神经元(72/113,63.7%),短纯音的掩蔽效果比调频声更好;Ⅱ类神经元(32/113,28.3%),两者对神经元声反应的掩蔽率相同;Ⅲ类神经元(9/113,8.0%),调频声的掩蔽效果更好;(3)Ⅰ类神经元的最小阈值低、Q_(10)值和动态范围大,Ⅲ类神经元最小阈值高、Q_(10)值和动态范围小,Ⅱ类神经元的最小阈值、Q_(10)值和动态范围介于Ⅰ和Ⅲ类神经元之间;(4)短纯音和调频声都可以使Ⅰ类神经元声反应的最小阈值明显上移,但短纯音使神经元最小阈值的上移更显著:(5)短纯音使Ⅰ类神经元的Q_(10)值变小,调频声使神经元的Q_(10)值增大不显著,短纯音与调频声对神经元Q_(10)的影响差别显著;(6)短纯音与调频声都使神经元的动态范围减小,并且作用显著,但短纯音的效果更显著:(7)短纯音与调频声都使神经元反应的潜伏期延长,效果显著,但TB的延长作用更为显著;(8)随着探测声强度的升高,短纯音和调频声对Ⅰ类神经元声反应的掩蔽率都降低,但在各个探测声强度短纯音的掩蔽率都比调频声高。

Results: Porphyrin nitrogen mustard (5 μg/ml ) decreased the D value of human liver cancer cell line SMMC7721. The activity of LDH was increased after laser irradiation. The3H-TdR of human liver cancer cells was decreased with or without laser.


F. pumila had the strongest capacity to adhere to walls, and it formed a quite good covering landscape by means of a large quantity of adventitious roots. Furthermore, it was tolerant to shade, and the effects of shading on its growth and landscape covering were very small. P. heterophylla had the rapidest growth and covering speed, and it adhered to walls by adhesive discs, but was defoliated in winter or after a long period of shading. The other three vines climbed walls using adventitious roots, and their adhering capacities were all relatively poor. However, E. fortunei still formed a relatively good covering due to its rapid growth and emerald leaf colour. After shading for four months, leaves of F, pumila, C. grandiflora, and P. serpens became thin, and accordingly their leaf weight per unit area significantly decreased. Shading also reduced chlorophyll contents of C. grandiflora and E. fortunei but enhanced those of F. pumila and P. serpens, It did not influence leaf thickness, leaf weight or chlorophyll content of P. heterophylla. Whether shaded or not, the relationship between Pn and PAR for each species could be expressed as y=alnx+b, and furthermore there was a significant (P.01) correlation between them. Pn and LCP values for all five lianas also significant (P.01) correlated. Shading reduced LCP values of P. heterophylla, C. grandiflora and E. fortunei but increased LSP of F. pumila.


Effects on reproductive performance: The normal delivery of group B,C and D were 80%、93.33%、93.33%,respectively,were improved by a certain extent comparing with the control group; The mean birth weight of calves were not significantly different between the trial and control groups.But numerical datas shown that supplementing Zn-Met in dietary had the tendency to increase the birth weight of calves; Supplementing Zn-Met in dietary can make dairy cows express empathema earlier,and significantly(P.05).Among the trial groups,the advanced extent of the group C was comparatively large(5.8d);The oestrous cycles were all in normal range and not significantly different; The levels of serum PRL of group B,C and D were significantly(P.05) 1.46 ng/ml、3.08 ng/ml、3.45 ng/ml higher than the group A.


The results showed that elevated CO2 increased the R/S ratio and the dry mass of both coarse and fine roots, indicating that the seedlings under elevated CO2 allocated more biomass to their belowground part. Compared with control, elevated CO2 increased the contents of reducing sugar, sucrose, and total soluble sugar in coarse roots significantly, but had less effect on those in fine roots. Elevated CO2 increased the contents of starch and total non-structural carbohydrate both in coarse roots and in fine roots. Under elevated CO2, the carbon content in coarse and fine roots had an unsignificant increasing trend, while the nitrogen content decreased significantly, which resulted in an increase of C/N ratio.


The results showed that elevated CO2 increased the R/S ratio and the dry mass of both coarse and fine roots, indicating that the seedlings under elevated CO2 allocated more biomass to their below- ground part. Compared with control, elevated CO2 increased the contents of reducing sugar, sucrose, and total soluble sugar in coarse roots significantly, but had less effect on those in fine roots. Elevated CO2 increased the contents of starch and total non-structural carbohydrate both in coarse roots and in fine roots. Under elevated CO2, the carbon content in coarse and fine roots had an unsignificant increasing trend, while the nitrogen content decreased signifi- cantly, which resulted in an increase of C/N ratio.


The values of D10 and D for the total bacteria in boiled dumplings under chill state were 2.04 kGy and 4.00 kGy, the value of D10 and D for E. coli were 1.25 kGy and 2.00 kGy. TBAS were increased significantly and excessed the trade standard by 5 kGy γ-irradiation. However, the TBAS would be decreased with addition of antioxidants. Lipid peroxide,volatile basic nitrogen,"a" value of color and "b" value of color showed a tendency of increase, and moisture content and Aw showed a tendency of decrease, which did not achieve a significant level(p.05) by 1 to 5 kGy doses of γ-irradiation. Total acidity, amino acid nitrogen and free fatty acid showed no significant differences between treated and control samples. Sensory evaluation values were decreased and were all well within the acceptable level by 1 to 5 kGy doses of γ- irradiation.

辐照能有效降低鲜熟水饺细菌总数和大肠菌群数量,鲜熟水饺中细菌总数和大肠菌群的 D10值分别为 2.04 kGy 和 1.25kGy,D 值分别为 4.00 kGy 和 2.00kGy;0~5kGy 辐照鲜熟水饺 TBA 值随辐照剂量增加而增加,5kGy 辐照已使之超过国家行业标准限量要求;辐照鲜熟水饺过氧化值、挥发性盐基氮、色差 a 值、色差 b值存在随辐照剂量增加而增加的趋势、水分含量存在下降趋势,但变化未达到显著水平(p.05);对酸度、氨基酸态氮、水分活度、游离脂肪酸含量等其他理化指标没有显著影响;较高剂量辐照使产品感官质量降低,却都在可接受范围内; 4kGy 辐照使维生素 B1下降 31.94%,对维生素 E、蛋白、脂肪、氨基酸、不饱和脂肪酸含量无显著影响。

更多网络解释与使显著相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


highlight /突出/加亮区/精彩场面/加亮/使显著/以强光照射/ | highlighted /突出显示/ | highlighting /醒目性/

measurably:显著地; 觉察得出地

prey 被捕食的动物 | measurably 显著地; 觉察得出地 | standardize 使按照标准

notedly:显著地 (副)

noted 著名的 (形) | notedly 显著地 (副) | notepaper 信纸, 笔记用纸, 使笺 (名)


这种情况重复出现,就会使两个群体都小心翼翼地回避边界,结果反而使边界更加显著(salience),导致两个群体事实上处于隔离状态. 李榴的班主任为避免冲突,要求班上的农民工子女不要同上海同学交往,就属于这种情况. 从我对学校的个案研究来看,

doe-in-hest scent:可发出母鹿的气味的药水,在发情期使用效果显著

tree stand 用于供猎手藏身树上的道具,适与接近鹿 | doe-in-hest scent可发出母鹿的气味的药水,在发情期使用效果显著 | buck urine scent发出雄鹿尿味的药水,可使老鹿发狂

Her bright red scarf set her apart from the other girls:她那鲜红的围巾使她在姑娘中显得特别引入注目

set apart使突出,使显著,区别 | Her bright red scarf set her apart from the other girls.她那鲜红的围巾使她在姑娘中显得特别引入注目. | set aside留出,储藏,不顾, 取消, 驳回

significance level:显著水平

以此为基础,若某一假设机率分布会使22时,则表示此一假设之理论分布,在显著水平(significance level) 下,为不可否定的假设,其中为自由度. 若假设分布之参数未知,需由观测值推定时,本法仍能使,但要将自由度的数目减去未知参数之数目. 6.2 K-S 检定(Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test)

Statistically significant:统计显著

.统计显著(statistically significant) 统计显著意味着数据的统计结果不是由随机变异导致的. .被试(subject) 参加科学实验的人. .理论(theory) 对用于解释已知事实或事件的一般原则的系统描述. 理论描述了一系列事件之间的关系,使人们可以预测事件的未来趋势.

bring to the fore:使处于显要地位 使起积级作用

bring to the boil | 使沸腾, 烧滚 使处于危急关头, 使事情难于处理 | bring to the fore | 使处于显要地位 使起积级作用 | bring to the forefront | 放在显著地位, 使成为活动中心

noteworthily:值得注意地; 显著地 (副)

notepaper 信纸, 笔记用纸, 使笺 (名) | noteworthily 值得注意地; 显著地 (副) | noteworthiness 值得注意; 显著 (名)