英语人>词典>汉英 : 使层化 的英文翻译,例句
使层化 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The third approach is about the concept of an ITO direct Ohmic contact structure on GaP window layer. The direct Ohmic contact structure is performed by the deposition of an AuBe diffused thin layer and the following activation process on the surface of a Mg-doped GaP window layer. The presence of this thin AuBe diffused layer yields the Be dominant metallic surface layer and significantly reduces the barrier height between the ITO and p-GaP layer. Via the modification of contact structure, not only the brightness was significantly increased but the reliability was comparable to the conventional LED without this structure.


Another approach in enhancing the light extraction efficiency of AlGaInP LED was accomplished using a surface roughening process. In this process, the Au(170 nm)/AuBe(260 nm)/Au(170 nm) ohmic contact layers were first deposited on the GaP window layer. After the alloy annealing process (480°C for 10 min), the Be atoms will diffuse into the GaP top layer and form non-uniform clusters. The LED samples were then immersed into a mixture 3H3PO4:1H2O2:1H2O solution for 6 min, resulting in a rough GaP surface. The luminous intensity of the AlGaInP LED can increase from 42 to 50 mcd, that is, an 18% enhancement can be achieved via the present non-photolithography surface roughening process.Keywords: LED, AlGaInP, Cu substrate, Reflector, Surface roughening

在实验的第二部份是开发磷化镓窗口层之粗化制程,我们是藉由正面金/铍欧姆接触电极之熔合制程,使铍扩散至磷化镓层,同时利用铍渗入磷化镓造成之特殊组成,可形成不均匀之蚀刻阻挡,而在磷化镓表面形成粗化,我们发现480℃、10分钟的熔合制程,加上浸泡磷化镓蚀刻溶液6分钟,可将四元发光二极体之发光亮度由42 mcd 提升到50 mcd,经由此无光罩粗化制程可将亮度提升18%,明显提升磷化铝铟镓发光二极体之外部量子效率。

A mass of salt which is injected as a diapir (a dome in which the overlying rocks have been ruptured by the squeezing-out of plastic core material) into overlying sedimentary rocks, thereby piercing and deforming them.


With the guidance of object-oriented idea and the theory of flexible software, report is described as a three-layer model that consists of the origin-data layer, the data-processing layer and the format layer. The format of report is separated from its data, which makes the data variable, the format fictile and the processing of data modularized. The problem of fixed report template and data is solved. Users can adjust reports format and content easily at any moment. The data of report are dynamic and can be refreshed when needed.


The results showed that the TiN andN films are polycrystalline phase. The properties and structure of TiN films are mainly determined by the N2 mass flow rate, and as the N2 mass flow rate increases, the structure of the TiN films transforms to f.c.c. type leading to better the properties of films. The presence of negative bias voltage can optimize the grain of TiN films, lower the defect proportion and denser the films, which improves the hardness of films. The TiN films conform to the free carrier absorption mechanism and there are many of free electrons with lower N content in TiN films. With the increase of N content, the quantity of free electrons and reflectivity of films decrease, and the plasma frequence shifts to the lower energy, which leads to the regular change of colors of films from silver, yellowy, golden to yellow-red, meanwhile the lightness of films decreases. The goldenN film consists of TiN and ZrN phase, but belongs to a sigle f.c.c. structure with (111) preferred orientation. The Zr-doping dosen't change the position of the valance band, conduction band and forbidden band ofN film, but leads to the presence of new energy levels, which is the reason thatN film remains golden. The transparent hard films with good corrosion resistance and high hardness have been prepared and the further reseachs showed that the grain size of those films is by far smaller than the wave length and the width of forbidden band of those films is very broad, is the reasons that those films are transparent.

研究表明:氮化钛和N 薄膜为多晶态,氮流量决定了氮化钛薄膜的结构和性能,增加氮流量能使氮化钛薄膜的结构向面心立方结构转变,从而得到性能良好的氮化钛薄膜;施加负偏压能优化氮化钛晶粒和减少薄膜中的缺陷,使膜层变得更致密,从而提高薄膜硬度;氮化钛主要遵循自由载流子光吸收,氮含量较少时薄膜中的自由电子数目较多,随着氮含量的增加,薄膜中的自由电子数目不断减少,反射率逐渐降低,等离子体频率向低能端移动,从而使薄膜颜色出现规律变化,由金属色银白色到淡黄、金黄再到红黄,并且薄膜亮度呈下降趋势;金黄色的N 薄膜中存在TiN 和ZrN 的分离相,但其为单一的面心立方结构并具有(111)面择优取向;相对于TiN 薄膜,Zr 掺杂后,并没有使薄膜的导带、价带和禁带发生变化,只是在TiN 禁带内增加了新能级,这也正是掺杂Zr 后,薄膜仍

Based on above studies, some main conclusions were obtained as follows : 1 the diatoms forming mats in low latitude west pacific is"shade flora"diatom Ethmodiscus rex Hendey; 2 the sites found diatom mats are zone distributed, the direction is NW-SE and most distribute in the deep water area with flat seafloor, between 17°N~20°N and the water depth 4837-6150 m below Carbonate Compensation Depth (CCD 3) AMS 14C dates show that the sediments rich in diatom mats occurred during 16.0 ~ 28.6 ka B.P., which means the bloom mainly occurred in last glacial maximum, while there are not diatom mats deposits in other layers; 4 A total of 101 diatom taxa belonging to 40 genera had been identified from the 155 samples in the two cores WPD 03 and WPD 12, and the relative percentage of Thalassionema frauenfeldii are the highest, Thalassionema nitzschioides、Azpeitia nodulifera、Hemidiscus cuneiformis、Nitzschia marina take the second place.

14C年期间,即&勃发&发生于末次冰期最盛期;4在WPD 03和WPD 12两个岩芯共155个样品中共鉴定硅藻40属101种,且Thalassionema frauenfeldii的相对百分含量最高,Thalassionema nitzschioides、Azpeitia nodulifera、Nitzschia marina、Hemidiscus cuneiformis等次之,这五种硅藻占整个硅藻物种相对百分含量的85%左右,说明在该海域表层水体硅藻席沉积过程中,这五种硅藻最容易与成席硅藻在同时期的环境中生存,形成勃发;5MIS3期的晚期,该区域表层海水盐度降低,这有助于该区水体的成层化,从而使&树荫种&硅藻开始勃发,导致&秋季倾泻&;6末次冰期由于南极中层水北扩,南大洋中层水将富含硅酸盐的海水带入了研究区,即南大洋的&硅溢漏&作用,使该区域硅藻得以勃发,同时,铁输入的增多,可能也是造成硅藻勃发的主要原因之一。

The method includes the steps of forming a peelable resin layer on a silicon substrate, forming the wiring substrate on the peelable resin layer, mounting semiconductor chips on the wiring substrate, forming semiconductor devices by sealing the plurality of semiconductor chips by a sealing resin, individualizing the semiconductor devices by dicing the semiconductor devices from the sealing resin side but leaving the silicon substrate, peeling each of the individualized semiconductor devices from the silicon substrate between the silicon substrate and the peelable resin layer, and exposing terminals on the wiring substrate by forming openings through the peelable resin layer or by removing the peelable resin layer.


the bureaucracy of the library mostly represented in the form of special administration management and common administration management, which operated by bridle-wise professional and runs uninterrupted following fixed regulations, to satisfy the public requirement of information.


As our experiments were concerned, the after growth of InGaP, GaAs was grown at a lower temperature than that for InGaP. This made the P atoms on the InGaP surface hard to desorb and greatly reduce the thickness of InGaAsP intermixing layer.


During the first stage of the thermodegradation in nitrogen, the thermal stability of EVA /clay nanocomposites decreases din to the decomposition of octadecyl ammonium and a catalytic effect of acidic sits on the clay lavers deriving from the decomposition.


更多网络解释与使层化相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在裸铜表面产生一层致密的钝化层(Passivation)以阻绝高温下液态树脂中胺类(Amine)对铜面的影响. 目的在增加气化层之抗酸性,并剪短绒毛高度至恰当水准以使树脂易於填充并能减少粉红圈( pink ring ) 的发生.

Dicaprylyl Ether:增加使用触感,使肌肤光滑

Dibutylhydroxytoluene 羟基甲苯二丁酯 是酸化防止剂 | Dicaprylyl Ether 增加使用触感,使肌肤光滑 | Dichloroacetic Acid 二氯醋酸 刺激麦拉宁色素由角质层剥落


fluidization drier 沸腾(层)干燥器 | fluidize 流态化;使悬浮在(高速)气流中(运输) | fluidize flour 用气流输送面粉




要提高LED的效率,就要设法使电子与电洞在很小的区域内重新结合(recombine)并发出光子,以减少无谓的耗散. MIT的装置中包含一层厚度仅几奈米的发光层,夹在上下两层有机薄膜之间;发光层中均匀分布的量子点是直径约3奈米的硒化镉(CdSe)奈米微晶.


stratum单数形式 | stratify使层化 | strip脱衣v


"tropical switch ","热带用开关(带有脚架以防潮)" | "tropicalization ","使设备适应热带气候条件,热带气候化,热带气候处理" | "tropopause ","对流层顶,对流层上限,休止层"


uniformization 均匀化 | uniformize 使均匀;均质化 | unilayer 单(分子)层


此次开发成功的低介电率膜使用一氮化硼(Borazon)化合物的改良材料. 一氮化硼由硼(B)和氮(N)组成,采用类似苯环的结构(图2). 并未置换硼中结合的氢(H),而是置换了某些化合物. 将该硼类化合物作为层间绝缘膜使用时,

