英语人>词典>汉英 : 使变白的 的英文翻译,例句
使变白的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与使变白的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In fact, to get Wurmser, it sufficed to blanch the hair of Wellington.


My company unique cloth grass renovation process, so that is shaded, yellowing grass cloth once six brightness increase, and no damage to the grass cloth.


The results showed that most of the microbes could be inactivated for the ultra high pressure treatment, the accumulation of total volatile basic nitrogen was restrained, and the change of pH value was delayed. The shelf life of white shrimp was prolonged with the enhancement of high pressure. High pressure treatment could make fresh shrimp with boiled flavor in some degree. Trements of 400 Mpa and 600 MPa aggravated blackening. However, melanotic reaction was not observed during the whole storage of shrimp treated by 700 MPa. High pressure could change the metabolizing of ATP and its metabolites, but did not impact the metabolic pathway of AMP decomposition.

结果表明:超高压处理可以有效地杀灭南美白对虾中绝大多数微生物,抑制贮藏过程中挥发性盐基氮的积累,延缓pH值的变化,从而延长南美白对虾的货架期,且处理压力越高延长效果越显著;超高压处理会给鲜虾带来不同程度上的煮熟虾的风味;400 MPa和600 MPa处理使虾在冷藏过程的黑变提前,而700 MPa处理可以完全抑制南美白对虾黑变现象的发生;超高压能够改变腺苷三磷酸及其代谢产物的代谢情况,但不影响腺苷酸的代谢途径。

And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black.


Do not swear by your head, for you cannot make a single hair white or black.


And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black.


Do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black.


The results show, Sodium hexametaphosphate is the best disperse, purified and decolored reagent, which can disperse attapulgite into nano-class crystal by absorption, electrochemistry and chemical treatment, separate other mineral impurity effectively, react with main colored ion into phosphate deposition achieving decolor aim.


Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou cat not make one hair white or black.

5:36 又不可指着你的头起誓,因为你不能使一根头发变黑变白了。

I'm also using a tooth whitening kit to whiten my teeth because I think a brighter smile will make a better impression on people and will give me more self-confidence.


更多网络解释与使变白的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


研究者发现在压力影响下,中央神经系统中的血脑障壁(blood-brain barrier,BBB)处的细胞间隙通透性会变大,以利葡萄糖大量运输至肌肉与脑部. 但当压力时间过久,可能会产生过多的白蛋白(Albumin)聚集在掌管脑部控管离子浓度星细胞(astrocyte)处,使钾离子无法通透而异常升高.

benzoyl peroxide:过氧化二苯甲酰

例如:用高压电产生过氧化氮(NO2)或氯气(Cl2)使面粉变白;或加入过氧化二苯甲酰(Benzoyl Peroxide)化学药品漂白. 为了加重面粉在制造面包时的烘焙效果,让面筋不至软化、面团不至太黏手、面包体积增大及组织松软,技师常把改良剂(Flour Improvers)加入面粉同用,

burning glass:取火镜

当一切准备就绪时,我就用一面取火镜(burning glass)引燃磷. 燃烧极为迅速,伴有耀眼的光芒和大量的热;由于实验过程继续进行,大量白片贴在球形瓶的内表面,最后使球形瓶变得极不透光. 这些白片最后变得如此之多,以致虽然不断补充本已维持了燃烧的新鲜氧气,

diffuse reflection:漫射

由于水份,骨胶原的增加,粗糙肌肤变得平滑细致,漫射(Diffuse Reflection)大大减低,使大部分光线能朝同一方向反射,肌肤显得白晳剔透. 咨询:010-62023186

Karin Herzog:凯伦赫容

别的几个我没有用过,但凯伦赫容(Karin Herzog)的含氧霜我是用过的(2%),号称能将氧气带进肌肤里,但我整整用完一瓶后的感觉是,一点用也没有,当时买它,是冲着它的宣传,能变白,能使毛孔粗大的皮肤变细,但我用了以后,脸变得很黄,完全一个黄脸婆,


whitehanded /不劳动的/诚实的/ | whitehead /白头鸟/ | whiten /使白/变白/漂白/


(36)变白(whitening)漆膜经受水、汽油等液体浸泡后,由于产发生蜂窝状的溶胀而使表面呈现乳白色的现象. 轻微的变白会随液体挥发而消失;严重的变白,即使液体挥发后漆膜也不能恢复原状. (37)溶胀;膨胀;泡胀(swelling)漆膜经受液体浸泡后,


是较早的副马属(Parahippus)的后裔. 已知它与副马属之间的完整演化系列. 齿形基本上与现代马一样,牙齿变得较高,出现了牙齿的白垩质,使其能吃草. 骨骼的其他改进也是明显的. 体积增加,因此几乎与现代矮马一样大. 头骨更拉长成为很像现代马的样子.


damourite /变白云母/细鳞白云母/ | damozel /闺女/少女/ | damp-dry /使半干/半干的/