英语人>词典>汉英 : 使变小 的英文翻译,例句
使变小 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
micrify  ·  minify  ·  minified  ·  minifies  ·  minifying

更多网络例句与使变小相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It has been deduced that the search direction remains the same but that the step length decreases in optimizing the improved cost function with the conjugate gradient algorithm from the gradient of the cost function that the FIR filter apporaches the contrary point spread function more, and that the estimated image is closer to the original one.


The results showed that:(1) The characteristic frequency of IC neurons of house mouse was increased with increasing recording depth, and the masker intensity used was positive relevant to the IC neurons\' minimum threshold. When the minimum threshold was high, the masker intensity needed was loud, vice versa.(2) According to the masking rate at MT+10dB of IC neurons to frequency modulation and tone burst, the IC neurons were classified as three types: type I neurons ( 72/113, 63.7%), in which the masking effect of TB was better than frequency modulation ;type II neurons (32/113, 28.3%), in which the masking effects of the two maskers were same; type III neurons( 9/113, 8.0%), in which the masking effect of FM was better than TB.(3) Type I neurons, the minimum threshold of which was low, but the Q_(10) and DR values of which were large; in type III neurons, the minimum threshold was high, the Q_(10) and DR values were narrow; in type III neurons, the MT Q_(10) and DR values were in between.(4) Both FM and TB could make the MT of type I neurons shift upward distinctively, but the effect of TB was more significant than FM.(5) The Q_(10) values of type I neurons became narrower under the influence of TB, were unaffected under the influence of FM.

结果显示:(1)小鼠下丘神经元的特征频率随着记录深度的增加而增高,掩蔽声强度与神经元的最小阈值呈正相关,即对高最小阈值的神经元进行掩蔽时需要的掩蔽声强度高,对低最小阈值神经元进行掩蔽需要的掩蔽声强度低:(2)根据调频声(frequency modulation, FM)和短纯音(tone burst, TB)对下丘神经元阈上10dB处反应的掩蔽,将小鼠IC神经元分为三类:Ⅰ类神经元(72/113,63.7%),短纯音的掩蔽效果比调频声更好;Ⅱ类神经元(32/113,28.3%),两者对神经元声反应的掩蔽率相同;Ⅲ类神经元(9/113,8.0%),调频声的掩蔽效果更好;(3)Ⅰ类神经元的最小阈值低、Q_(10)值和动态范围大,Ⅲ类神经元最小阈值高、Q_(10)值和动态范围小,Ⅱ类神经元的最小阈值、Q_(10)值和动态范围介于Ⅰ和Ⅲ类神经元之间;(4)短纯音和调频声都可以使Ⅰ类神经元声反应的最小阈值明显上移,但短纯音使神经元最小阈值的上移更显著:(5)短纯音使Ⅰ类神经元的Q_(10)值变小,调频声使神经元的Q_(10)值增大不显著,短纯音与调频声对神经元Q_(10)的影响差别显著;(6)短纯音与调频声都使神经元的动态范围减小,并且作用显著,但短纯音的效果更显著:(7)短纯音与调频声都使神经元反应的潜伏期延长,效果显著,但TB的延长作用更为显著;(8)随着探测声强度的升高,短纯音和调频声对Ⅰ类神经元声反应的掩蔽率都降低,但在各个探测声强度短纯音的掩蔽率都比调频声高。

Carroll's fairy tale "Ailisi Roams Wonder world To record", narrated girl Ailisi follows one to put on formal clothes' pinkeye rabbit roaming fairyland story, has run into many strange people and the matter, is first falls down from a rabbit hole, drinks can make one changes the small liquid medicines, also ate has been able to cause the human becomes the very big biscuit, did not stop changes between the giant and the pocket-sized person changes, about the stature size, was Ailisi continuously the very puzzled matter, was also she meets frequently in the fairyland, behind also had rabbit gentleman in family's liquid medicines and the small dessert,Right side the larva aculeata colonel's left side increased changes the small mushroom, Lisi said that she did not know who she was, one kind of height could not maintain 10 minutes, therefore who her indefinite oneself were.


When treat-ing the spectra, transition, scattering problems, we must use the semi-microscopicapproach. The main new conclusions in this thesis are following:We found the different shrinking effect in ∧ hypernuclei and 〓 hypernuclei, the shrink-ing effect in ∧ hypernuclei are confirmed in a recent experiment;We also found a new approach to treat the configuration mixing of ∧∧ hypernuclei and〓 hypernuclei and that the conversion process may change the spectra and widths of〓 hypernuclei;For the first time, we investigate the neutron star matter without the ∑ hyperon butwith the new meson 〓(975) and φ(1020), we found the contribution of 〓 and φ canmake the equation of state of neutron star soften, and the maximum mass of neutronstar reduces;we extract a set of optimum parameters of the optical potential for the scattering of 〓with nucleus, we found that the 〓 nucleus optical potential need a bigger imaginarypart.


The experimental results show that the mean particle size of griseofulvin precipitated by RESS is smaller than 1, 0μm, narrow distribution and 95% fine particles is smaller than 1. 0μm. Increase of the pre-expansion pressure, the extraction temperature, the expansion chamber temperature, the spraying distance, the concentration of cosolvent and decrease of the nozzle diameter resulted in decrease of the particle size under the operating condition studied. Enhancement of the pre-expansion temperature resulted in increase of the particles size. The SEM of GF shows that the shape of original is atactic and a wide size distribution, but the microparticles obtained by RESS is reverse. Similar melting points and XRD patterns were observed for the original material and the precipitates obtained by RESS.


Through comparing palladium film to absorb hydric around output carries the change of voltage, reached the different parameter of palladium film is affected to what the system outputs, the stretch model of palladium film measures decrescent to make the amplitude that outputs voltage increases, defer time grows; density decrescent to make output the amplitude decrescent of voltage, defer time shortens somewhat.


The results showed that rice straw growth and fascicular alteration interacted when water was deficient. It not only affected the transportation of nutritious substance from rhizine and leaf to kernel, but also led to the decrease of agronomic characters and yield. 4 ecotypes of rice vascular bund...


To make little of;''.


Bellows Gate Valves However, in large differential pressure operating conditions, evaporation pressure has eased, the evaporator load requirements of the fluid volume decreased, but the actual situation the contrary, in the suction superheat unchanged, due to evaporation pressure has eased, the evaporator outlet pressure be reduced accordingly, pressure changes above and below the diaphragm, causing the main valve opening increases for increased fluid; but in a small pressure operating conditions, evaporation pressure rise, evaporator load demand for fluid volume increased, but the reality is that in the suction gas superheat unchanged, due to evaporation pressure rise, a corresponding increase in the evaporator outlet pressure, pressure difference above and below the diaphragm smaller, so that the main valve opening decreased for the reduction of liquid volume; in variable load is all about.


However, in large differential pressure operating conditions, evaporation pressure has eased, the evaporator load requirements of the fluid volume decreased, but the actual situation the contrary, in the suction superheat unchanged, due to evaporation pressure has eased, the evaporator outlet pressure be reduced accordingly, pressure changes above and below the diaphragm, causing the main valve opening increases for increased fluid; but in a small pressure operating conditions, evaporation pressure rise, evaporator load demand for fluid volume increased, but the reality is that in the suction gas superheat unchanged, due to evaporation pressure rise, a corresponding increase in the evaporator outlet pressure, pressure difference above and below the diaphragm smaller, so that the main valve opening decreased for the reduction of liquid volume; in variable load is all about.


更多网络解释与使变小相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

acquaint with:使...了解

实质的,实际上的 virtual | 使...了解 acquaint ... with... | 使变小 lessen

Card Captor Sakura:魔卡少女樱又译库洛魔法使、百变小樱MAGIC咭

* Captain Tsubasa 足球小将又译天使之翼 | * Card Captor Sakura 魔卡少女樱又译库洛魔法使、百变小樱MAGIC咭 | * Case Closed - 见Detective Conan

C Card Captor Sakura:魔卡少女樱[百变小樱][库洛魔法使] 剧场版

C Card Captor Sakura 魔卡少女樱[百变小樱][庫洛魔法使] TV | C Card Captor Sakura 魔卡少女樱[百变小樱][庫洛魔法使] 剧场版 | C Chi's Sweet Home 起司猫

C Card Captor Sakura:魔卡少女樱[百变小樱][库洛魔法使]

B Byousoku 5 Centimeter 秒速5厘米 | C Card Captor Sakura 魔卡少女樱[百变小樱][庫洛魔法使] TV | C Card Captor Sakura 魔卡少女樱[百变小樱][庫洛魔法使] 剧场版


minimum 最小 | diminish 降低、缩小、(使)变小 | minor 次要的


lesser更少的(地);更小的(地) | lessen使小;变小;减少 | lesson教训, 训诫, 惩戒

Rearrange R:可否将原物变小?浓缩?或省略某些部分?使其变得更完备、更精致

培养创意思维的策略-SCAMPER | Rearrange R 可否将原物变小?浓缩?或省略某些部分?使其变得更完备、更精致? | Eliminate E 可有其他非传统的用途?

attrite:磨损的, 削弱的 磨损以便使.变小

attrit | 消耗,削弱 (军事上)消耗敌人的行动消耗战 | attrite | 磨损的, 削弱的 磨损以便使.变小 | attrited | 磨损的, 磨坏的


militate 产生作用或影响 | minify 使变小,使缩小,削减 | minim 液量单位,一滴,微量


松质(substantiaspongiosa)主要分布于长骨两端和短骨内,呈海绵状,由大量相互交错排列的骨小梁(trabeculae)构成. 骨小梁是按骨的压力曲线和张力曲线排列的. 运动可使骨小梁增粗,长期不活动可使其变细. 颅盖的密质形成较厚的外板和内板,