英语人>词典>汉英 : 使变化 的英文翻译,例句
使变化 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
diversify  ·  diversifies  ·  diversifying

更多网络例句与使变化相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This will change to the abatement gives a softer feel, the sounds ears will be more comfortable.


The gauge is formed by a bourdon tube pressure gauge and a adjustable resistance transmitter. When the pressure is changing, the tube end deformed, and the pointer is toshow the pressure value through the driving system, at the same time, the brush is slippingon the resistance to transmit the pressure values to resistant values, which is transmited tothe secondary gauge to show the relative pressure value.


The gauge is formed by a bourdon tube pressure gauge a adjustable resistance transmitter. When the pressure is changing, the tube end deformed, the pointer is toshow the pressure value through the driving system, at the same time, the brush is slippingon the resistance to transmit the pressure values to resistant values, which is transmited tothe secondary gauge to show the relative pressure value.


Jet lag jet 会使人们想到jet plane,lag是指"延迟的时间",在技术上称为"时滞"或"滞后".jet lag =jet fatigue=jet syndrome anthur j.snidir在the rhythm of life对jet syndrome的解释是:symptoms of biorhythm upset,known popularly as the jet syndrome,are experienced by jet airplane travellers who fly through several time zones in 12 hours or less.the local time between their place of departure and their destination may differ by 5,6,or even as much as 10hours.

jet lag是随着喷气式飞机的问世,乘喷气式客机旅行的人越来越多的情况而出现的。jet lag不是什么喷气时滞,而是人们在乘坐喷气式飞机旅行时由于时差的关系而引起不适应目的地昼夜变化的一种疲劳和烦躁的现象。

To keep sb/sth alive, or safe from harm or danger 使继续存活;保护;保全 VN ~ sb/sth The society was set up to preserve endangered species from extinction.

成立这个协会是为了保护濒危物种不致灭绝。 reserve有主动去防止,去保存,去储备的意思 conserve有抵御外界损害力量的意思,环形抵御,全方位因为构词成分是con- preserve也是被动的保有某种状态,侧重于状态的无变化

There will be an obvious important effect of global climatic change in future on cropping systems in China The heat resource will be increased to a certain extent in all regions of China, and the north borderline of two crops per annual or three crops per annual will move northwardly, the cropping range, output and quality of crops will be changed However, there will be a uncertainty of changes of cropping systems due to the adverse impact of moisture changes of climate in the future


The change of condenser steam flow field causes the changes of its heat transfer coefficient and the vapor lock,with the analysis on the change of the tube bundle arrangement with the alteration of the steam flow field,proposed the change scope of the correction factor of the arrangement of condenser tube bundle with the alteration of the condenser steam flow field.


The results showed that the TiN andN films are polycrystalline phase. The properties and structure of TiN films are mainly determined by the N2 mass flow rate, and as the N2 mass flow rate increases, the structure of the TiN films transforms to f.c.c. type leading to better the properties of films. The presence of negative bias voltage can optimize the grain of TiN films, lower the defect proportion and denser the films, which improves the hardness of films. The TiN films conform to the free carrier absorption mechanism and there are many of free electrons with lower N content in TiN films. With the increase of N content, the quantity of free electrons and reflectivity of films decrease, and the plasma frequence shifts to the lower energy, which leads to the regular change of colors of films from silver, yellowy, golden to yellow-red, meanwhile the lightness of films decreases. The goldenN film consists of TiN and ZrN phase, but belongs to a sigle f.c.c. structure with (111) preferred orientation. The Zr-doping dosen't change the position of the valance band, conduction band and forbidden band ofN film, but leads to the presence of new energy levels, which is the reason thatN film remains golden. The transparent hard films with good corrosion resistance and high hardness have been prepared and the further reseachs showed that the grain size of those films is by far smaller than the wave length and the width of forbidden band of those films is very broad, is the reasons that those films are transparent.

研究表明:氮化钛和N 薄膜为多晶态,氮流量决定了氮化钛薄膜的结构和性能,增加氮流量能使氮化钛薄膜的结构向面心立方结构转变,从而得到性能良好的氮化钛薄膜;施加负偏压能优化氮化钛晶粒和减少薄膜中的缺陷,使膜层变得更致密,从而提高薄膜硬度;氮化钛主要遵循自由载流子光吸收,氮含量较少时薄膜中的自由电子数目较多,随着氮含量的增加,薄膜中的自由电子数目不断减少,反射率逐渐降低,等离子体频率向低能端移动,从而使薄膜颜色出现规律变化,由金属色银白色到淡黄、金黄再到红黄,并且薄膜亮度呈下降趋势;金黄色的N 薄膜中存在TiN 和ZrN 的分离相,但其为单一的面心立方结构并具有(111)面择优取向;相对于TiN 薄膜,Zr 掺杂后,并没有使薄膜的导带、价带和禁带发生变化,只是在TiN 禁带内增加了新能级,这也正是掺杂Zr 后,薄膜仍

The rules of fluid rate with different technical parameters: the increase of electromagnetic force causes the increases of the fluid rates at S/L interface and free surface, the decrease of skin depth, the increase of electric current density which will make the fluid at free surface flowing faster, while it doesnt affect the fluid rate at S/L interface. When the height of melt increases, the both of fluid rates will increase too. The increase of the width-thickness ratio augments the fluid rates along the wider edges at S/L interface evidently, while the rates along the narrow edges will have little change, and the rate at free surface has little change too. The increase of overheat degree minishes the range of mush zone, while the fluid rates at S/L interface and free surface will increase evidently.


It studies the variations of deformation modulus, P wave velocity and acoustic emission in the process of rock fracture by cycle loading. Further, it is considered that the occurrence of earthquake outside Lijiang seismic area made the forced process changed, therefore, the Lijiang M7 earthquake came later, the impending precursory anomalies became unclear or complicated, and the magnitude decreased.

用循环加载研究岩石破裂孕育过程中变形模量、纵波速度和声发射的变化特征,进而探讨认为丽江地区外部地震的发生使受力过程发生了变化,从而使丽江7 级地震延迟发生,也使临近地震的前兆异常不明显或更复杂,并使丽江地震震级减小。

更多网络解释与使变化相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Convert To:变化,变换,转换

71、control over 控制,支配 | 72、convert to 变化,变换,转换 | 73、convice of 使确信,使信服

diverse varied:不同的, 变化多的

diligent--hardworking勤勉的, 用功的 | diverse--varied不同的, 变化多的 | disorder--confusion扰乱, 使失调, 使紊乱


diverse 各色各样,种类不同的 | diversify 使多样化,使变化 | divert 转入,转向,自娱,消遣

make a difference to:使...产生变化

make a difference between 区别对待 | make a difference to 使-----产生变化 | make an exception of 把-----作为例外

make a difference to:使......发生变化"或"给......带来变化

26. sensitivity to:对......的敏感性. | 27. make a difference to:"使......发生变化"或"给......带来变化". | 28. alleviate:减轻.

Mutate None:无变化,即关闭所有的变化

Mutate All:全部变化,使所有的参数随机变化. | Mutate None:无变化,即关闭所有的变化. | Bump Map:撞击图.

Mutate All:全部变化,使所有的参数随机变化

Genesis Editor映射:用来创建奇妙的、以球形为基础的形状,如星星、雪花等. | Mutate All:全部变化,使所有的参数随机变化. | Mutate None:无变化,即关闭所有的变化.


transmit 传播,传达 | transmute 使变化 | transparent 透明,明晰的

alchemize:使变质, 使变化

alchemistically | 炼金术地, 炼金术士地 | alchemize | 使变质, 使变化 | alchemy | 炼金术, 魔力

inflected:有屈折变化的; 词尾有变化的 (形)

inflect 弯曲; 改变; 使屈曲; 发生弯曲变化 (动) | inflected 有屈折变化的; 词尾有变化的 (形) | inflection 屈曲, 音调变化, 变调 (名)