英语人>词典>汉英 : 使厌倦 的英文翻译,例句
使厌倦 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
irk  ·  sicken  ·  irked  ·  irking  ·  irks  ·  sickened  ·  sickens

更多网络例句与使厌倦相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I do not know how, her slow footsteps and atheistic eyes makes me tired.


You may be tired with reading,but you should not be tired of it.


This is a brilliant work of black comedy, the tale of Lester Burnham.


If this method is not respectful and professional, it can tend to make the professor captious and tiresome and discourage the expression of views.


In Spain,"the tired out of civil strife, Spain's representative institutions Castilian control of Congress will be handed over to royal tax," in France, because "three meeting the aspirations of their desire to end France's unrest, so that the royal family does not After the consent of the will to win the right to levy taxes, creating tensions that power has passed, that authority has long been preserved."


Robert Ryan brings a sad dignity to his former gunfighter tamed into a meek town marshal, and Lee J. Cobb is introspective and thoughtful as the aging cattleman weary of his life of violence: It took guns to take this land, guns to keep it, and guns to make it grow....


Our results show that the factors arousing students' learning interest are delightfulness,practicality,sense of superiority,enjoyableness and congenialness.The factors resulting in loss of learning interest,on the other hand,are dullness,boredom and helplessness.

结果表明:使高中生产生学习兴趣的因素为愉悦感与功用性、优越感、消遣性、相投性等 4个因素:使高中生失去学习兴趣的因素为无味性、厌倦感、无助感等 3个因素。

You did not buy calamus for Me with money, And you did not fill Me with the fat of your sacrifices.

43:24 你没有用银子为我买菖蒲,也没有用祭牲的脂油使我饱足;倒使我因你的罪服劳,使我因你的罪孽厌倦。

Patients have been cured over the years has proven that:"snore snore quietly," capsule with treating the symptoms, blood pairs of fill, Qi Xie stasis, Tongqiao Xingnao, Qingyan benefit dry, Shugan Qi, lipid-lowering blood pressure, Paul Liver Liver, enhance the effectiveness of functions, enabling the body's "essence, gas, god" full tune up so that the "tired" of the heart and brain, oral cavity and respiratory organs,"refreshed","all in their place,"" responsible for their own,"" harmonization,"return to nature when they are not ill health, and without any toxic side effects (ie: no addiction, no dependency, no pain, no trauma, no adverse reaction).


Not only are they designed in a novel style, these new materials are also post-processed by multifunctional technique, so they are characteristic of the functions of protecting against water, oil and contamination. Apart from being the perfect materials for summer wears, nightgowns and casual wears, they can also be used for curtains, watch bands, insteps, as well as high-grade household fabric.


更多网络解释与使厌倦相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

wearing apparel:衣服; 服装

weariness 疲倦; 消沉; 困乏; 厌倦 (名) | wearing apparel 衣服; 服装 | wearisome 使疲倦的, 厌烦的, 使厌倦的 (形)

And shake the yoke of inauspicious stars from this world-wearied flesh:使这厌倦世俗的肉体 挣脱命运的枷锁

Will I set up my everlasting rest,|我是否可以安心长眠 | And shake the yoke of inauspicious stars from this world-wearied flesh.|使这厌倦世俗的肉体 挣脱命运的枷锁 | Eyes, look your last!|双眼最后望向你


iritis 虹膜炎 | irk 使厌倦 | irksome 讨厌的


sicken /使生病/使作呕/使生厌/生病/想作呕/生厌/ | sickener /催吐物/令人失望或厌倦的事物/ | sickening /使人作呕的/使人**的/

tire of:厌烦、厌倦

tie up束紧......;船靠码头;使......无空闲 | tire of 厌烦、厌倦...... | tire out 使......十分疲劳

tire out:使精疲力尽

tire vt. 使疲倦;使厌倦 | tire out 使精疲力尽 | ease n. 安逸,熟练;vt. 放松


You make me tired. 你烦死我了. | → tiresome 使人厌倦的 | a tiresome person 一个无聊的人

wear down 1:(使)磨损 2,使厌倦

under way 在进行中 | wear down 1,(使)磨损 2,使厌倦 | wear off 1,磨损,2,逐渐减弱,消失

wear out 1:穿破,磨损,用坏2.(使)疲乏,(使)厌倦,(使)耗尽

867.wear off 渐渐减少,逐渐消失 | 868.wear out 1.穿破,磨损,用坏2.(使)疲乏,(使)厌倦,(使)耗尽 | 869.as well 同样,也


使厌倦irk | 使厌倦的wearisome | 使厌腻cloy