英语人>词典>汉英 : 使...神圣 的英文翻译,例句
使...神圣 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hallow  ·  hallowing  ·  hallows

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We therefore declare, with the approval of this sacred council and on the advice of prudent men who are fully aware of the circumstances of time and place, that crusaders are to make themselves ready so that all who have arranged to go by sea shall assemble in the kingdom of Sicily on 1 June after next : some as necessary and fitting at Brindisi and others at Messina and places neighbouring it on either side, where we too have arranged to be in person at that time, God willing, so that with our advice and help the christian army may be in good order to set out with divine and apostolic blessing.


Both sorts of faith, they held, are meritorious works, though the quality of merit attaching to the first is merely congruent (rendering divine reward fit, though not obligatory), and only the second gains condign merit (making divine reward due as a matter of justice).


The Book of Wisdom, emphatically Hellenist in character, presents to us Divine wisdom as flowing on from generation to generation and making holy souls and prophets (vii, 27, in the Greek).

这本书的智慧,强调hellenist在性格,呈现给我们的神圣智慧的流动对一代一代传下去,使神圣的灵魂和先知(第七章, 27条,在希腊语)。

He finally sent to Rome Stephen, Bishop of Dora, the first bishop of the patriarchate, who has given us a moving description of the way in which the saint led him to the holy place of Calvary and there charged him, saying: Thou shalt give an account to the God who was crucified for us in this holy place, in His glorious and awful advent, when He shall come to judge the living and the dead, if thou delay and allow His Faith to be endangered, since, as thou knowest, I am myself let, by reason of the invasion of the Saracens which is come upon us for our sins.


The causes of superstition are: pleasing and sensual rites and ceremonies; excess of outward and pharisaical holiness; over-great reverence of traditions, which cannot but load the Church; the stratagems of prelates for their own ambition and lucre; favouring too much of good intentions, which opens the gate to conceits and novelties; taking an aim at divine matters by human, which cannot but breed mixture of imaginations; and lastly, barbarous times, especially joined with calamities and disasters.


It is a theory which, though nursed into importance by political passions, derived all its sap from the speculations of lawyers. True it certainly is that the famous Englishmen, for whom it had first had attraction, valued it chiefly for its political serviceableness, but, as I shall presently attempt to explain, they would never have arrived at it, if politicians had not long conducted their controversies in legal phraseology.


In other words, supralapsarianism suggests that God's decree of election logically preceded His decree to permit Adam's fall, so that their damnation is first of all an act of divine sovereignty, and only secondarily an act of divine justice.

或者换句话说, supralapsarianism表明上帝的法令的选举逻辑上先於他的法令,准许亚当的降临,使他们damnation首先是一种行为的神圣主权,而只有为辅行为的神圣正义。

For ordinary southerners it is talismanic, even sacred; having cost 2m dead, it cannot be dishonoured.


So 'mongst the rest they placed the arts divine.


For the honour, praise and glory of the most holy Trinity, Father and Son and holy Spirit, and to obtain on earth, for people of good will, the peace that was divinely promised in God's church, this holy synod, called the sacred general council of Constance, duly assembled here in the holy Spirit for the purpose of bringing union and reform to the said church in its head and members, discerns declares, defines and ordains as follows.

对于荣誉,赞美和荣耀的最圣洁的三位一体,父亲和儿子和圣灵,并获得地球上,为人民的良好意愿,和平,这是神圣的承诺,在上帝的教会,这个神圣的主教,被称为神圣一般安理会的人Constance ,妥为聚集在这里,在圣灵为目的,使联盟和改革向教会表示,在其头部及成员, discerns宣布,界定并ordains如下。

更多网络解释与使...神圣相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It made Anacreon's song divine:美酒曾使阿纳克里昂的诗歌神圣

We will not think of themes like these!我们不去考虑这类话题 | it made Anacreon's song divine 美酒曾使阿纳克里昂的诗歌神圣 | He served -- but served Polycrates 他只侍奉过帕里克瑞逊斯一个暴君皇帝

consecrate v.1:使神圣 2.奉献

connive v.纵容, 默许 | consecrate v.1.使神圣 2.奉献 | conservatory n.音乐学院

consecrated:神圣的, 被视为神圣的

consecrate | 用作祭祀, 献给, 使神圣 被献给神的, 神圣的 | consecrated | 神圣的, 被视为神圣的 | consecration | 供献, 奉献, 献祭仪式




使神秘化Mystify | 使神圣sanctification | 使神圣化的consecratory


salutary有益的 | sanctify使神圣,敬神 | sanc神圣


sacrosanct 神圣不可侵犯的 | saint 圣徒;基督教徒 | sanctify 使神圣,奉献给神,使成为神圣之物

hallow make or treat as holy:使神圣

halcyon 平静的,愉快的 | hallow make or treat as holy 使神圣 | hallowed 神圣的


unhallow 污渎 | unhallowed 未使神圣的 | unhallowed 污渎的

To be willing to march into hell for a heavenly cause:愿意昂首阔步迈入地狱只为一个神圣使 命

To fight for the right without question or pause... | To be willing to march into hell for a heavenly cause! 愿意昂首阔步迈入地狱只为一个神圣使 命! | And I know if I'll only be true to this glorious qu...