英语人>词典>汉英 : 作预备的 的英文翻译,例句
作预备的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与作预备的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As Pastor of Children Ministries, it is defi nitely my honor to have you on the ministry team.

作 为儿童部牧者,我实在为给我们所预备的同工队而感欣慰。

The vision no doubt, was part of a divinely imparted compassion to prepare him for the great ministry.


Crowndown technique was applied in root canal preparation for all cases. The accuracy of the two methods was evaluated and compared with No 30 film of guttapercha point.


This was part of God's plan to prepare him for his future kingship.


What differ with domestic university is, of Washington university these seeing the New Year in the activity does not appear with form of singing and dancing, however another by a definite date comes 3 days of a week short-term groom the project will transfer smoothly for newcome teachers and students China great life prepares.


Fine . I'll start the paperwork for your order right away .


Now I have prepared with all my might for the house of my God the gold for things to be made of gold, and the silver for things of silver, and the bra for things of bra, the iron for things of iron, and wood for things of wood; onyx stones, and stones to be set, glistering stones, and of divers colours, and all maer of precious stones, and marble stones in abundance.

29:2 我为我神的殿已经尽力,预备金子作金器,银子作银器,铜作铜器,铁作铁器,木作木器,还有红玛瑙可镶嵌的宝石,彩石和一切的宝石,并许多汉白玉。

Now I have prepared with all my might for the house of my God the gold for things to be made of gold, and the silver for things of silver, and the brass for things of brass, the iron for things of iron, and wood for things of wood; onyx stones, and stones to be set, glistering stones, and of divers colours, and all manner of precious stones, and marble stones in abundance.

29:2 我为我神的殿已经尽力,预备金子作金器,银子作银器,铜作铜器,铁作铁器,木作木器,还有红玛瑙可镶嵌的宝石,彩石和一切的宝石,并许多汉白玉。

These disciples were to be heralds of the truth, to prepare the way for the coming of their Master.


Still,many fathers would rather put their money on courses that point toward a specific profession--courses that are pre-law


更多网络解释与作预备的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Be ready:预备好

彭蒙惠并以3B,随时预备好(Be Ready)、勇敢(Be Bold)和信心(Believe)鼓励在场毕业生,在踏入人生下一阶段时,记住并活出3B精神. 她鼓励在场毕业生要随时作好准备(Be Ready),因为机会是给预备好的人,一旦机会来了,要有弹性,随时可作快速的应变;

Be ready:作好准备

彭蒙惠并以3B,随时预备好(Be Ready),勇敢(Be Bold)和信心(Believe)鼓励在场毕业生,在踏入人生下一阶段时,记住并活出3B的精神. 彭蒙惠鼓励在场毕业生要随时作好准备 (Be Ready),因为机会是给预备好的人,一旦机会来了,要有弹性,随时可作快速的应变.


这辆坦克的制造始于1915年8月12日,使用从美国进口的"小公牛"(Bullock)履带. 其引擎和传动系统采用了福斯特.戴姆勒拖拉机厂的产品. 该坦克安装有平轧钢板充作装甲,预备安装一门2磅炮(但是从来没有安装过,因为炮塔是假的).

have in reserve:留作预备

in reserve 留下的, 备用的 | have in reserve 留作预备 | keep in reserve 留作预备


作用于血管的vasoactive | 作预备的precursory | 作贼picaroon


precursor /先驱/ | precursory /先驱的/前兆的/作预备的/ | precut /按规格裁切/

preparatory school:(尤指在英国为十三四岁学生升入公学作准备的)私立预备学校

private school私立学校 | preparatory school(尤指在英国为十三四岁学生升入公学作准备的)私立预备学校 | primary school(五岁至十一岁儿童上的)小学


2、应收账款(RECEIVABLE). 一般到期应收未收的发贷单(INVOICE)及票据(BILL),在短期内就可收取现金,均被列入这项,属企业对外债权. 通常企业会为其应收账款拨出一定比例之数目,作为不可预见坏账(BAD DEBTS)作预备. 企业在发展或营运上需要资金,

suitably equipped:合适的预备

settle into 习惯于 | suitably equipped 合适的预备 | be reserved for 留作,专供......之用


作用于血的药物haematic | 作用于血管的vasoactive | 作预备的precursory