英语人>词典>汉英 : 作祟 的英文翻译,例句
作祟 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
haunt  ·  haunts

更多网络例句与作祟相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Visitors to the tower of experience is not without "haunted" results in the castle, some of the channel, people often feel puzzling of insect, and still can hear a sound, nie ru balderdash what had seen the shadow of nt if...


The same warped sense of priorities will continue to bedevil us this December in Copenhagen.


Their diagnoses for a particular illness might include: punishment by spiritual beings (particularly gods of pestilence), being haunted by the souls of deceased persons (particularly the so-called malicious ghosts), offending demons or breaking taboos, bewitchment, and the soul being frightened.


Except for political evil consequence, it also fixed a fence in academic. People only noticed class relations but ignored more general cultural relation when they knew social relations. In fact, it is a foolish mind of let the plough stand to catch a mouse.


Perhaps it's the Celt in me.


When he was bored, a hood would come down over his eyes and his nervous system would start churning.


Therefore it was well said, Invidia festos dies non agit: for it is ever working upon some or other.


For of other affections, there is occasion given, but now and then; and therefore it was well said, Invidia festos dies non agit: for it is ever working upon some or other.


The formation causes are mainly the influence of teacher's professional characteristics, the limitation of the conditions of social and economic development in the poverty-stricken areas, the evil influence of the psychology of "Writers often disparager on another", and the deviation or error of cognition.


He said the witches was pestering him awful these nights, and making him see all kinds of strange things, and hear all kinds of strange words and noises, and he didn't believe he was ever witched so long before in his life.


更多网络解释与作祟相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Benet Ramsey:贝尼特拉姆齐

Tellem' how you feel girls! 告诉我你的感受,女孩!(法国) | Benet Ramsey贝尼特拉姆齐 | We'll haunt like liberace 我们将像柏瑞斯一样作祟

Haunted Cadaver:作祟剖尸

153 R 蔑笑恶魔 Grinning Demon | 154 C 作祟剖尸 Haunted Cadaver | 155 R 心理战术 Head Games


万圣节起源于爱尔兰的塞尔特人,这天他们要在牧师(clergyman)的主持下祭拜太阳神和死神. 他们虔诚地相信,这天先人的魂灵将重返人间,便成群结队到郊外点燃柴堆,求助火光驱散鬼魂,门前挂南瓜灯也用以驱鬼,让孩子们装扮成鬼相,是希望鬼魂能把他们当成自己人而不再作祟于他们.

Alfred Dreyfus:德雷福斯

我们来看三个例子:至于左拉,在为法国军官犹太人阿尔弗莱德.德雷福斯(Alfred Dreyfus)因为反犹主义作祟被控叛国辩护时,人们很容易相信他在诽谤造谣,因为他只不过质疑证人的动机并没有提供任何的新的证据.

expectant attention:预期注意

实际上,目击者之所以宣称看到湖怪,很大程度上是一种"预期注意"(expectant attention)心理在作祟,由于此前总听人说湖中有怪物,所以一看到湖中有风吹草动便以为真的有怪物出现,但其实并不存在.


在美语口语中也指"细菌"(germ)或"病毒"(virus). the travel bug 字面上的意思是"旅遊病毒",实则指对旅行突如其來的一股狂熱,许多人出遊后都会对旅程念念不忘,而且想去更多的地方玩,这就是travel bug在心里作祟的关系.

Paul Haggis:导演: 保罗海吉斯

看"冲击效应"(Crash)之后, 不得不佩服导演保罗海吉斯(Paul Haggis) 将多重文化在美国社会并存却不相融的议题处理相当微妙. 你会看到刻板印象在隐隐作祟, 同时又看到人性的光辉, 构成了人间悲喜剧. 我不用说太多, 奥斯卡的呼声就是最佳保证.

hauntingly:萦绕于心头地; 难以忘怀地 (副)

haunt 常到, 萦绕于, 出没于; 出没, 作祟 (动) | hauntingly 萦绕于心头地; 难以忘怀地 (副) | hausfrau 主妇 (名)

Chalk it up to adrenaline or revenge:大概是因为冲动过头 或者报复心理作祟吧

( s No!|不! | Chalk it up to adrenaline or revenge|大概是因为冲动过头 或者报复心理作祟吧 | but Hastings was already going down.|但这次哈斯廷斯是真死了

None of your business. Pheromones:不关你的事. 费洛蒙作祟

Noyb ? What kind of name is that ?|诺伯? 这算哪门子的名字? | None of your business. Pheromones.|不关你的事. 费洛蒙作祟. | Oh-ho. None of your... I got it. Noyb.|哦-呵. 不关我的... 我知道了. 诺伯.