英语人>词典>汉英 : 作旋律 的英文翻译,例句
作旋律 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
melodize  ·  melodized  ·  melodizes  ·  melodizing

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This thesis tries to analyze 'Carmen' by reviewing the characteristics of its musical score and the imagination of the character. The score in 'Carmen' applied the strong march and the local folk dance rhythm, sequence of beautiful melodies appeared time and again. Within the whole opera, Bizet illustrated the minute psychological changes of the character and the motifs by excellently using the elegant rhythmic expressions in a variety of styles; and he also used a different ploy to imply the development of tragedy.


3" And "Pictures Etudes,""Corelli Variations on a Theme." The third part of the "Paganini Rhapsody theme of creative background and style features were analyzed and discussed, In particular, is the melody of the song features, and sound features, the intensity of change, Musical Structure of the four aspects of a more in-depth analysis


The Han Dynasty relief cracking useol ocular figure to behave musical melody affect. Every pair of these appearances which composed integral figure is a perfect pair. Appear compact and etherealize. It's example paint which use painterly form to behave music.


What she sang was a little bit difference with what Hai Xi Xi sang yesterday, the undulate of melody was little, end sound was close to tetrachord and hexachord.


It no wonder that Brahms, who loved the waltz and wrote many beautiful ones himself, autographed Mrs. Strauss's fan by writing the opening melody of The Blue Danube, followed by the comment, Unfortunately not by Johannes Brahms.


The album is often referred to as "anti commercial" because of its non melodic - even disharmonic - nature.


The 1913 Lullaby on an ancient Irish Tune is altogether edgier, with a sinuous winding melody and lilting polytonal exchanges.


Ballsy licks and surprising melodies come packed with real talent as the band's songwriting catches a relatable, kinetic chord.


Transcription, and analyzes Wangs inheritance, reproduction and development of Chinese ethical folk music. She also makes transverse comparisons between the musical forms of piano works by composers of both China and abroad, and illustrates that Wang uses for inference but not copies the western musical forms, that he attaches importance but not stickles to the framework of traditional Chinese music, and also that he demonstrates a characteristic of not sticking to one pattern. She makes contrastive comparisons as well of the melodies and harmonies of piano works by composers of both China and abroad, and indicates that in inquiries into the folk style of counterpoint, Wang is flexible and creative in harmonies by inheriting the character of a clear melody and the method of multi-voice in Chinese traditional music and also by absorbing the character of emphasizing the layers of texture in western piano music.


Through it all, the music affirms Powter's love for classic pop songwriting, complete with unforgettable melodies and anthemic choruses.

通过这一切,专辑展现出了 Powter 对于经典流行曲目的热爱,所有曲目都有着令人听之难忘的旋律和赞美诗般的词作。

更多网络解释与作旋律相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


mouvement de l'archet(法)弓的运行,也作弓法(bowing)的同义词. musette(法)(原意:布袋)缪赛特笛曲. 原为17、18世纪法国一种风笛型民间乐器名称,随后用作模仿此类风笛音响的小曲曲名,2/4、3/4或6/8拍子,中速,旋律下方有持续低音衬托,

Gregorian Chant:葛丽果圣歌

在近代以前的西洋音乐也有旋律型,例如,葛丽果圣歌(Gregorian Chant)作好定旋律及吟游诗人所唱的部分曲子,十九世纪德国作曲家华格纳(Richard Wagner)的歌剧里,所使用的主导动机(leitmotiv),也有类似的构想,不过如以整个来观察,

Piano Concerto:(钢琴协奏曲)

顺便提一下今天Houston Symphony的点心小菜儿,舒曼(Schumann)的钢琴协奏曲(piano concerto), 是Schumann为自己的新娘而作的. Schumann也着实厉害,开始一强音开场,然后马上换到极为舒缓优美的旋律,我立马就感觉自己被溶化了.

Dynamic Programming:動態規畫

音高不准,多个音,少个音的不匹配(mismatch)现象将相当普遍、因此近似比对(approximate match)是相当重要的检索需求.过去的研究大多利用动态规画(dynamic programming)技术来作音乐旋律的比对.动态规划的比对可显示两字串之间的「编辑距离」(ed


法国作曲家,他的创作可根据他1871年创办的"民族音乐协会"划分为三个时期. 他的作品追求的是旋律美与旋律的线条感,是一位多产作曲家. 这首协奏曲作于1896年,有>(Egyptian)的标题,典型的埃及风味在第二乐章有明显的表现.

gaffe : tactless:社交出丑 : 无机智的

525. contrived : design 作做的 : 设计 | 526. gaffe : tactless 社交出丑 : 无机智的 | 527. melody : song 悦耳之旋律 : 歌曲


两个月后,8月16日她的最新单曲"伤心人"(Heartbreaker)就率先在网上推出了. 在音乐会上,玛丽亚.凯莉演唱了"我的全部"(My All),并与帕瓦罗蒂合唱了名曲"英雄"(Hero). 为了将就帕瓦罗蒂"低不下来"的嗓音,玛丽亚.凯莉对这首乐曲的旋律与节奏作了很大的改动,


43:主调音乐 (homophony)复调音乐及单调音乐的对称. 多声部音乐的一种. 以一个声部作旋律(曲调)进行,其余声部居于和声衬托的地位. 44:主导动机 (Leitmotiv)瓦格纳的歌剧写作手法之一. 指以一个乐曲动机代表剧中的某一角色、情景、观念或事物.


作宣传的人drumbeater | 作旋律melodize | 作血液检查blood-test


法国作曲家,他的创作可根据他1871年创办的"民族音乐协会"划分为三个时期. 他的作品追求的是旋律美与旋律的线条感,是一位多产作曲家. 这首协奏曲作于1896年,有<<埃及>>(Egyptian)的标题,典型的埃及风味在第二乐章有明显的表现.