英语人>词典>汉英 : 作家的著作 的英文翻译,例句
作家的著作 的英文翻译、例句


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Not only is the cash prize itself considerable, but it also dramatically increases sales of an author's books.


William Faulkner is one of the most eminent modern writers in the world.


The writings of these authors established a series of concepts (e.g., status/contract; mechanical/organic solidarity; Gemeinschaft/Gesellschaft; charismatic/bureaucratic-rational authority) that sought to describe the changes in social norms and relationships that took place as human societies made the transition from agricultural to industrial production.


His work has also won the Lenore Marshall Prize, a Whiting Writers Award, two National Endowment of the Arts Fellowships, a Guggenheim Fellowship, and the Yale Series of Younger Poets Award, among other distinctions.


His work has been praised for its mastery of prose, and for its teeming gallery of unique personalities, by writers such as George Gissing and G. K. Chesterton, though the same characteristics have prompted others, such as Henry James and Virginia Woolf, to criticize him for sentimentality and implausibility.


We rely on the works of some 7th century hagiographers and the anonymous writer of the Annals of Ulster for information about his life and activities.


54 Is not only much more systematically presented in these older writings, but gives ample evidence of a continuous cabalistic tradition; inasmuch as the mystic literature of the geonic period is only a fragmentary reproduction of the ancient apocalyptic writings, and the saints and sages of the tannaic period take in the former the place occupied by the Biblical protoplasts, patriarchs, and scribes in the latter.


Mr. Zhang donated three sets of his publications to the Library at the "Mr. Zhang Wei's Book Donation Ceremony and New Book Launch" held on 26 March. These include 《中国当代作家系列–张炜卷》, the newly published Endless Wonderings and《我又将逃往何方》which was launched at the ceremony.


His work has been praised for its mastery of prose, and for its teeming gallery of unique personalities, by writers such as George Gissing and G. K. Chesterton, though the same characteristics have prompted others, such as Henry James and Virginia Woolf, to criticize him for sentimentality and implausibility.


I cannot recall a single author of whom I have read everything — even of Ja ne Austen.


更多网络解释与作家的著作相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bookmaker:著作家, 编辑者, 出版者, 以赌赛马为生的人

booklover | 喜爱读书的人 爱好书的人 | bookmaker | 著作家, 编辑者, 出版者, 以赌赛马为生的人 | bookmaking | 著作, 编辑

bookmaking:著作, 编辑

bookmaker | 著作家, 编辑者, 出版者, 以赌赛马为生的人 | bookmaking | 著作, 编辑 | bookman | 饱学之士, 学者, 文人, 出版商, 书商


在七十五年来,由这二十种野"种"又产生了超过三十种的"栽培品种"(Cultivar),即人工培养出来的品种. 各野种之间是由于一般科学家及著名以科学为题材著作的作家对有关进化论的名词及术语的混淆含糊,对所谓证明也分别不清,

John Donne:邓恩

邓恩 (John Donne)和蒲柏(Alexander Pope)等作家的著作中都可以读到. 培根在>(1627年)中写道:"瓷,乃是久埋地下的一种人造混合土,"在>(1627年)中这样说:"在各种泥土中,我们再加入几种不同的混合土,

Grand Master:大师

作者罗伯特.帕克是延续美国侦探小说传统的代表作家,于2002年由美国推理作家协会授予"大师"(Grand Master)荣衔. 他的著作多达五十多本,包括畅销小说>和>等. 他创作的私家侦探史宾瑟系列已成为波士顿文化的代表,



Mosses from an Old Manse:<古屋青苔>

他们两人共同出版了闻名遐迩的著作,如赫尔曼.梅尔维尔的>(Typee:A Peep at Polynesian Life)、爱德加.艾伦.坡的>(The Raven)和纳萨尼尔.霍桑的>(Mosses from an Old Manse),此外,还出版了欧洲作家,

John Donne:邓恩

邓恩 (John Donne)和蒲柏(Alexander Pope)等作家的著作中都可以读到. 培根在<<林中林集>>(1627年)中写道:"瓷,乃是久埋地下的一种人造混合土,"在<<新大西洋国>>(1627年)中这样说:"在各种泥土中,我们再加入几种不同的混合土,


这就像18世纪的一句源于柯尔贝尔的经济学格言"自由放任" (Laissezfaire),在创立方法上即使它不是定论,也是重要的一步. 不错,像麦考莱、梯也尔和当代两位最伟大的作家蒙森和特赖奇克这样最具感染力的人物,把自己伟岸的身影投射于他们的著作之中,


匿名作家所写的关于白种人与黑种人关系问题的著作;(2)<<了解英格兰>>(Look Up the Subject of England),一本宣传英国的小册子;(3)<<总体战>>(Der totale Krieg),鲁登道夫(Ludendorff)关于总体战的名著――现在倒是正合时宜;